Rotary 3131 - Public Image Avenue Details

23-07-2023 - 23-07-2023

The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar has acknowledged the achievements of individuals in their respective vocational fields by presenting them with vocational awards. This recognition is a tribute to their dedication and hard work towards their careers. The club aims to encourage and motivate people to strive towards excellence in their chosen professions. The recipients of these vocational awards have demonstrated outstanding performance and contributed significantly towards their respective industries, making them worthy of recognition by the Rotary Club. Rotary Vocational awards are given to individuals who excel in their chosen vocation and are committed to serving their community. These awards recognize outstanding performance, creativity, and leadership skills in various fields such as education, healthcare, business, and technology. Recipients of these awards are chosen by local Rotary clubs and are granted financial assistance to further their education or professional goals. The Rotary Vocational awards aim to promote excellence in the workforce and encourage individuals to make a positive impact in their communities through their profession. #Rotaryclubofpanvelmahanagar #rotary3131 #rotaryindia #rotaryinternational #peace #rotaryaroundtheworld #rotary #rotarian #Manjoophadke#vocationalawards Link -

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 23-07-2023
End Date 23-07-2023
Cost 100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Category Digital medium-FB/Insta/Youtube/