The Rotary Club of Pune Synergy recently bestowed the prestigious Nation Builder award upon the dedicated educators of DADA Gujar School. This well-deserved recognition celebrated the unwavering commitment of 23 teachers from both the English and Marathi medium primary and secondary sections. The teachers' remarkable efforts in nurturing young minds and shaping the future were acknowledged with this honor. The award not only acknowledges their remarkable contributions but also highlights the crucial role teachers play in nation-building. This initiative by the Rotary Club underscores the importance of education and the profound impact of educators in shaping a brighter tomorrow.
Start Date | 15-08-2023 |
End Date | 15-08-2023 |
Cost | 4250 |
Rotary Volunteer Hours | 0 |
Partner Clubs | |
Non Rotary Partners | |
Category | Physical displays (Hoardings/Bilboards) |