Conceived about four years ago by Rtn Pravin Nadkarni, the Green PC Project saw the Pilot Phase being executed on Saturday, 16 December 2023. The Govt. of India promulgated the National Education Policy 2020, which stipulated compulsory Computer Education in schools. Many schools, especially in rural and tribal areas either do not have computers, or do not have assured power supply for running their computers. That’s when Pravin started thinking about the Green PC, something that would help the schools where they had a power problem, to run the computers on Solar Power. A normal PC consumes about 150 W of power to mainly run its CP, and cannot be run on solar power generated by a single solar panel. Thus he came up with the idea of reducing the power consumption, and created this green PC, which replaces the CPU, and consumes only 10 W of power, which can easily be generated by a single solar panel. Rtn Pravin and his son Tanai Nadkarni, developed this green PC, which can be seen in the hands of Tanai, and is fitted at the back of the Monitor as shown in the second photo. Five of these Green PCs with Keyboard and Mouse for each, were given to Ashram School, Wadki, on Saturday, 16 December. This school does not have any electricity since their power connection has been cut off by MSEDCL due to some dispute. Rtn. Giri Sakhrani, Rtn. PP Ravi Kapoor, R’Ann Monica Nadkarni, R’Ann Dipti Chitnis and yours truly were present at the occasion, when Tanai Nadkarni and I re-Inaugurated their Computer Lab. The Children and the teachers were thrilled to see the computers working, and started using them right away.
Start Date | 16-12-2023 |
End Date | 16-12-2023 |
Cost | 450000 |
Rotary Volunteer Hours | 150 |
Partner Clubs | |
Non Rotary Partners | |
Category | Digital medium-FB/Insta/Youtube/, Green Friday, Other websites - RI club showcase/Individual websites, Others, Physical displays (Hoardings/Bilboards), Publication/Print media, Rotary Promtion Events |