Rotary Club of Pune Camp hosted a mesmerizing R.D. Burman Musical Show, blending timeless melodies with a noble cause. The event was organized to raise funds for Rotary’s global initiative, End Polio Now, reaffirming Rotary’s commitment to eradicating polio worldwide. The evening saw enthusiastic participation from music lovers and Rotarians, creating an atmosphere of nostalgia and generosity. Contributions from the event will directly support polio vaccination campaigns, ensuring a healthier future for children globally. This initiative beautifully showcased how art and service can unite to create lasting impact. Rtn Swati Yadav donated $100 and Rtn Ashok Lele donated $32 for this noble cause
Start Date | 25-11-2024 |
End Date | 25-11-2024 |
Cost | 12000 |
Rotary Volunteer Hours | 5 |
Partner Clubs | |
Non Rotary Partners | |
Category | Digital medium-FB/Insta/Youtube/ |