Rotary 3131 - Public Image Avenue Details

02-01-2025 - 02-01-2025

RCP Sahawas had organised a Super Sixer Program by famous commentator and Cricket analyst Mr. Sunandan lele in synergy with 16 other clubs at Yashwantrao Chavan Natyagruh on "Cricketne Mala Kay Shikawale" in presence of 850 spectators. Secondly , RCP Sahawas donated Advanced Artificial Modular Limbs to 137 amputees a unique mega project where in not only 2 CSR partners but also 47 Individuals contributed by generous Individual Social Responsibility ( ISR )

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 02-01-2025
End Date 02-01-2025
Cost 100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Category Electronic medium- radio/theatre advertisement/ cable tv