Club Meeting Details
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 18:30:00 |
Location | At Damle Hall, off Law college Road , Pune |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Presentation Car Rally and RCPW Bhutan Trip |
Meeting Agenda | As per table plan |
Chief Guest | No |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 30 |
Minutes of Meeting | As per Table plan |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 07:00:00 |
Location | SNDT Hall |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | A musical evening for RCPL members |
Meeting Agenda | A musical event of old and new hindi songs is being held for RCPL members |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 32 |
Minutes of Meeting | A fun filled romantic and peppy hindi songs evening for our members. Rahul Pendharkar and his team just brought fun and music to life.. Members were singing and dancing to tunes and in end everybody got on the floor ....One of the best assimilations meet of the club. |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 00:00:00 |
Location | TBT Bavdhan |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Interactive session with our celebrated director *Rahul Panshikar *! |
Meeting Agenda | Regular Club meet |
Chief Guest | Prez Smeeta Shitole |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 34 |
Minutes of Meeting | t was great experience viewing the short film by Rahul. We knew that Rahul was our charter member, but on this occasion, we enjoyed chatting with him and knew more about him and some facts of film making as well. It was a very good session of our RCP BAVDHAN club and I thank Teju n team to organise this. We should have more and more such speakers n programs on varied subjects |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 20:30:00 |
Location | Sanjay Khade's House A 404 Park Dew Sector 20. Plot no 73 Kharghar |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Regular subject |
Meeting Agenda | Agenda: * Meeting Call to Order * National Anthem * Discussion on DGND Election * Membership Fees * Any other subject with president's • Votes of thanks * Four way test |
Chief Guest | president |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 13 |
Minutes of Meeting | open Discussion on DGND Electon |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 18:30:00 |
Location | RCPC Office Yogi Park Koregaon Park |
Meeting Type | BOD |
Meeting Topic | RCPC BoD Meeting January 2023 |
Meeting Agenda | |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 10 |
Minutes of Meeting | Discussions 1. President Uday Dharmadikari welcomed the Board Members, briefed them about the key developments on projects and set forth the objectives of the meeting. 2. The Board meeting minutes held on 10th November 2022 were approved. 3. Leave of absence for the BoD meeting was approved 4. Approval of Resignation To delete the name of resigned members from on/before 31 st December 2022. The same was approved by the board. 5. Club and Trust Audit Report RY 2021-22 was approved for AGM. 6. Board also reviewed the accounts that the Club & Trust holds with various banks and requested Hon. Treasure to close accounts that are not required. Vimal also updated the board on the status of Club Subscription RY 2022-23, Financial Summary RY 2022-23 & Summary of Commitment for Fund-Raising RY 2022-23 7. Board discussed the status of various medical and non-medical projects, updates of which were given by the respective directors and/or the President. Rtn. Madhavi Vaze also informed the board that her team was in the process of forming 3 Rotaract Clubs. 8. Respective Directors also updated the board on the Global Grant Projects & CSR Projects and their status. 9. President Uday Dharmadikari & Rtn. Brig. Raja informed about the Boxing Championship 10. President Uday Dharmadikari briefed about the new initiative of Rtn. Jignesh Patel i.e. Health & Wellness on wheels, a vaccination drive through crowd funding with credible partner Give India for verification of documents |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 20:00:00 |
Location | Yashwantrao Chavan Auditorium, Kothrud |
Meeting Type | Club Assembly |
Meeting Topic | Fund Raising |
Meeting Agenda | Fund raising |
Chief Guest | Radha Mangeshkar, Prashant Naseri, Ashish Deshmukh, Krisha Pandit |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 400 |
Minutes of Meeting | अविष्कार - एक संगीत नजराना... शुक्रवार 13 जनवरी की शाम रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे सहवास के लिये कुछ खास थी। सहवास ट्रस्ट निधि संकलन के लिये टीम सहवास की संकल्पना को कॉर्ड ऑफ क्रिएशन के निर्देशक समीर चिटनिस ने सजाया और निर्माण किया: अविष्कार - एक नजराना। जिसे रोटरी सहवास ने यशवंत राव चव्हाण नाट्यगृह मे शानदार तरीके से पेश किया। रोटरी इंटरनेशनल के 7 फोकस एरियाज- जल, शिक्षा, पर्यावरण, स्वास्थ, रोग निदान, समुदाय विकास, अंतराष्ट्रीय शांति आदि को रोटरी सहवास ने जिस तरह से अपने कार्यक्रमो, योजनाओ मे कार्यांवयित किया उसे अत्यंत आकर्षक, रंगारंग रूप मे प्रस्तुत किया। मध्यांतर के पूर्व बॉलीवुड के नये पुराने गीतों को रोटरी के कार्यो के साथ पिरोने का एक प्रशंसनीय प्रयास सहवास ने किया। खाने मे जितनी जरूरत नमक की रहती है उतना ही रोटरी सहवास को इस सांगीतिक संध्या मे रखा गया उस वजह से खाना असरदार और लज्जतदार रहा.. इस मुश्किल काम को अंजाम देने के लिये निर्देशक समीर चिटणीस और निवेदक अमित बधाई के हकदार है। डॉ राधा मंगेशकर और प्रशांत नासेरी जैसे अनुभवी कलाकार, क्रिशा पंडित और आशीष देशमुख जैसे जोशीले, सुरीले गायक, आरजे अमित काकडे का सहज निवेदन, चिंतन मोढा का इंटेलिजेंट वाद्यवृन्द, रंगों, छटाओ, दृश्यों से भरा नयनरम्य LED परदा, रसिक दर्शको से खचा खच् भरा ऑडिटोरियम एक आने वाले हंगामे - धमाके भरी साँझ की आहट थी। प्रशांत नासेरी ने मै आया हूँ... गीत से एनिर्जेटिक एंट्री ली। क्रिशा ने दम मारो दम से दमदार गायकी और आशा भोसले और उषा उथुप की स्टेज की अदायगी हुबहु पेश की। राधा ने आ जाने जा... और होठों पे ऐसी बात गाकर 1967-68 की यादे ताजा की। सभी वादको ने जमकर तालियां इन गानों मे बटोरी। नैना ठग लेंगे और ओ रे पिया.. जैसे सूफी गायकी पर आधारित कठिन गीतों को युवा आशीष देशमुख ने पूर्ण न्याय दिया। एक अच्छी संभावनाएं उनमे नजर आती है। मन क्यों बहका और कजरा मोहब्बत वाला की जुगलबंदी राधा और क्रिशा दोनों ने जीती.। प्रशांत ने क्रिशा के साथ दुनिया मे लोगो को धोका कभी हो जाता है और आशीष के साथ प्यार हमे किस मोड पे ले आया गाकर अपनी तालीम और तजुर्बा दोनों को ही साबित किया। राधा के साथ गाये युगल गीतों *गाता रहे... और सावन का महिना मे एक नोस्टलजिया था। एक चतुर नार प्रशांत का मास्टर स्ट्रोक हमेशा रहा है। उन्होंने अबकी बार भी निराश नही किया। समीर चिटणीस जो अविष्कार के जनक भी रहे अपनी बेटी क्रिशा के साथ आजा आजा मै हूं प्यार तेरा, राधा के साथ ओ हसीना जुल्फो वाली और देखिये साहेबा... मे मंजे हुए गायक के रूप मे नजर आये। उन्होंने गाया भी, बजवाया भी और दर्शको को नचवाया भी। क्रिशा ने गाया तैनू समझावा की और आशीष देशमुख ने गाया दिल दिया गल्ला... मेरे हिसाब से इस अनोखे सांगीतिक अविष्कार कार्यक्रम के सर्वोत्तम बिंदु रहे। दोनों ही युवा गायको ने इन्हे बेहद सुंदर और सुरीला गाया और ये साबित किया की ये जरूरी नही की जो नया है वो बुरा या बेसुरा भी हो। युवा क्रिशा मे हुनर भी है और हरकत भी और उसे पेश करने का खूबसूरत अंदाज भी। कुछ ऐसे ही है आशीष देशमुख भी। अनेक शुभकामनाये। ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगो... लता दीदी का 1962 मे चीन युद्ध के बाद गाया गीत आज भी अगर कानों मे पडे तो कदम रुक जाते है, श्रद्धा और सम्मान मे। अगर इसे रूबरू सुनने का मौका मिले तो ये गीत आज भी आँखे भिगो देता है। जब राधा मंगेशकर और क्रिशा पंडित ने इस सात मिनिट के गीत को सुनाया तो सारा ऑडिटोरियम स्तब्ध, शांत और शहीदों की स्मृति मे खड़ा था। रात 8.30 बजे शुरू हुआ ' अविष्कार ' देर रात 1 बजे खतम हुआ। जब दर्शक बाहर निकले तब उनकी आँखे नम थी। सूत्र संचालन की जिम्मेदारी मुंबई के आर जे अमित काकडे ने बखूबी संभाली। रोटरी के 7 सूत्र, इस दिशा मे सहवास ने किये हुए कार्य और इन्हे संगीत के सात सुरों के साथ गूंथने की भारी जिम्मेदारी अमित ने पेशेवर सहजता से निभाई। निधि संकलन के कार्यक्रम मे निधि और व्यक्ति दोनों का ही संकलन महत्वपूर्ण है। रोटरी सहवास आभारी है उन सभी प्रायोजको, डोनर्स और शुभचिंतको का जिन्होंने आर्थिक रूप से हमारी मदद की। करीब करीब हॉऊसफुल सभागृह के लिये रसिक दर्शको का रोटरी सहवास शुक्रगुजार है। टाटा मोटर्स के वरिष्ठ अधिकारी श्रीयुत सतीश बोरवणकर और प्रसन्न कुमार चौबे, बडवे इंजीनियरिंग की ED सुप्रिया बडवे, वन नेटवर्क सॉल्यूशन्स के रो. समीर कुलकर्णी, PDG रो. दीपक शिकारपुर, IDG रो. पंकज शाह, शारंगधर फार्मेसी के डॉ अभ्यंकर, रविंद्र फ़र्नीचर के वर्धमान पुंगलिया, जोहेर चुनावाला आदि सभी के हम आभारी है जिन्होंने हमारे कार्यक्रम की शोभा बढ़ाई । रोटरी सहवास ने इस संपूर्ण इवेंट का मैनेजमेंट अपने दम पर किया। सभी सहवासी बधाई के पात्र है। सहवासी इवेंट मैनेजर रहे रो. मिलिंद पंडित, संयोजक रो.सी एल कुलकर्णी, समन्वयक रो. सुधीर वैद्य, सहवास संहिता लेखक रो. प्रकाश अवचट, डिस्ट्रिक्ट पब्लिक इमेज डायरेक्टर रो. जिग्नेश पंड्या, रो. शुभांगी मुळे, हमारे निवेदक रो. हेमंत गोडबोले इन सभी के हम विशेष आभारी है। विशेष उल्लेख करना चाहुंगा हमारे रो. विवेक जोशी और रो. अतुल जोशी का जिन्होंने फ्रंट वारियर की तरह कार्यक्रम की तकनीकी जिम्मेदारी कुशलता से निभाई। टिकिट खिड़की की पेचीदा जिम्मेदारी रो निवेदिता मुळे और अजीत जोशी ने सहज निभाई। स्वागत और स्टेज व्यवस्था पूजा कुलकर्णी और रो. प्रतिभा जगदाले की टीम बधाई पात्र है। इस अवसर पर हमारे चार्टर प्रेसिडेंट रो. शेखर टाकळकर ने अपने 75 वे जन्म दिवस पर रोटरी फाउंडेशन को रू.पच्चीस हजार का निधिदान किया। उन्हे साधुवाद। अविष्कार रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे सहवास की निधि संकलन और रोटरी की पब्लिक इमेज बढ़ाने के लिए की गयी एक पहल थी। जिसमे वो निश्चित रूप से कामयाब रहे। आंकड़े बोलते है। ये ना सोचे इसमें अपनी हार है के जीत है उसे अपना लो जो भी जीवन की रीत है ये जिद छोड़ो, यू ना तोड़ो हर पल एक दर्पण है....ये जीवन है... Rtn. Ajay Mutatkar President 2022-23 Rotary Club of Pune Sahawas |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 07:00:00 |
Location | Pebble Beach Hall - Tower C |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | As per Agenda |
Meeting Agenda | Meeting Agenda is as below: 1. Fellowship/ HI Tea/ ASSIMILATION ( Sponsorer Rtn. Raju Potdar ) - All members - 7.00 pm to 7.25 pm 2. Settle Down in the hall - All members - 7.25 pm to 7.30 pm 3. Meeting called to order - President - 7.30 pm to 7.31 pm 4. National Anthem - All members - 7.31 pm to 7.33 pm 5. Secretarial Announcement - Secretary - 7.33 pm to 7.35 pm 6. Fellowship Announcement - President - 7.35 pm to 7.40 pm 7. Updates by President/Secretary - 7.40 pm to 7.55 pm 8. Introduction of Speaker - President - 7.55 pm to 7.57 pm 9. Speaker Speaks: subject TRF( The Rotary Foundation) - Rtn Nitin - 7.57 pm to 8.22 pm - Rtn Prakash 10. Questions And Answers - All members - 8.22 pm to 8.57 pm 11. Vote of Thanks - Rtn Vivek - 8.27 pm to 8.29 pm 12. Meeting Adjourned - President - 8.29 pm to 8.30 pm |
Chief Guest | AG Rtn Prakash Jethwa / District Foundation Director Rtn Nitin Dhamale |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | |
Minutes of Meeting |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 19:30:00 |
Location | Sr. College Hall , 6th floor,building known as Karnataka High school, Kothrud Pune |
Meeting Type | Club Assembly |
Meeting Topic | AGM |
Meeting Agenda | 1. presentation of last year auditor trust accounts 2. presentation and approval of last year club accounts |
Chief Guest | none |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 20 |
Minutes of Meeting | Meeting conducted as per agenda. Nomination committee elected. |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 20:30:00 |
Location | Panvel Gymkhana |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Rotary information. BOD declaration 23-24 |
Meeting Agenda | Rotary information |
Chief Guest | Rtn. shivajirao |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 11 |
Minutes of Meeting | Trainer Shivajirao gave basic training information on Rotary. Anns shared video of Anns trip to Pavas in Kokan. President elect Yogita declared BOD for 2223-24 |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 09:01:00 |
Location | more hotel |
Meeting Type | |
Meeting Topic | RMB Meeting planning |
Meeting Agenda | Planning of RMB Meeting at hotel Govind peth |
Chief Guest | no guest |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 10 |
Minutes of Meeting | planning for meeting conducted for joint meeting with nashik road club .the guest for meeting was navnath yeole MD yeole amrutulya .In weekly meeting we planned next meeting of RMB |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 20:00:00 |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | cultural programme |
Meeting Agenda | Rotary club of panvel central had with anns meeting on Friday , 13 /01/23 in suruchi Banquet hall in panvel . In this meeting cultural programme named " One Festival - Different names " was performed by Rotarians , Anns and Annets . About 75 Rotary family members were present which includes Rotarians , Ann's , annets . |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 0 |
Minutes of Meeting | . |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 19:00:00 |
Meeting Type | BOD |
Meeting Topic | 7TH BOD |
Meeting Agenda | Approve last BOD minutes and review of club activities. |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 11 |
Minutes of Meeting | Approved last BOD minutes and review of club activites. |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 07:00:00 |
Location | Punyaee Hall |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Know your Roterian |
Meeting Agenda | to know your new member |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 37 |
Minutes of Meeting | interview taken by all rts and anns of Pallavi Patil Pushkar Patil and Rajendra Deshpande and Anjali Deshapane |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 19:00:00 |
Location | Rtn Vivek Kulkarni's Residence |
Meeting Type | BOD |
Meeting Topic | BOD Meeting 7 |
Meeting Agenda | Meeting called to order and welcome. President Rtn.Namita • To approve Minutes of Last Meeting Secretary Rtn Atul • Review of Activities of the club President Rtn. Namita • Service Projects : - Rtn Vivek Kulkarni. Review of projects planned and done in December/January. Inform about projects to be undertaken during February . • Club Administation - Rtn Vaishali Lupane Review of program planned and done in December/January. Inform about club programs for the month of February • Youth Service : - Rtn Vidya Patil Review of program planned and done in December/January. Inform about the Youth sevice activities planned for the month of February • Membership Development : - Rtn Sameer Prabhune Plan for any members for the remaining year. • Public Image Director: - Rtn Ganesh Hadake Review of program planned and done in December/January. Inform about the Public sevice activities for the month of February • The Rotary Foundation: -Rtn Meeenatai Ghaisasi Present Status of donation to the foundation. Plan till June 23. • Vocational Director : - Rtn Rupali Bajaj Review of program planned and done in December/January.Inform about the Vocational sevice activities for the month of February. To finalize the SERA/VERA awardees be given in the month of February. Following names were discussed Mr Rohan Kale – Stepwell Mrs Vaishali Deshpande – work with special little children Mr Dilip Shelwant – Blind men Cricket team Work. Ms Sheetal Mahajan – Sky diving • Treasurer : - Rtn Uday Thattee. Status of account of club. Status of account of trust. Expenses incurred till now. • I.T : - Rtn Asmita /Rtn Pushkaraj Status of projects uploaded on relevant platforms. • Director Special Projects : -Rtn Nitin Naik • Review of program planned and done in December/January.Inform about the Special sevice activities for the month of February • Director Finanace : -Rtn Abhay Bhise Raise Funds for the planned projects. Increase the corpus of the club. • To plan to complete the Goals set by our club on website. • To discuss and decide about the voting for candidate for D.G 25-26 • Counsellor Remark . – Rtn Ajit Kulkarni • Trainers Remark - Rtn Ram Kutwal • Any other point with the permission of chair. • Vote of Thanks - Rtn Milind Kulkarni. |
Chief Guest | NA |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 9 |
Minutes of Meeting | • The meeting started at 8.00 pm. President Rtn. Namita Naik welcomed all the members of the Board for the seventh BOD meeting. of the year She shared the various activities and programme carried out in the month of December. • President appreciated the efforts of Rtn Ganesh for the New Year Calendar , by which the club could raise funds as well do a good public image .She thanked all the members who sponsored the calendar • She appreciated the sponsorship given by Rtn Anant for the Drawing paper for, Rtn Anjali for teaching the kids how to draw beautiful paintings, Rtn Sushama for the fellowship at the metro ride programme. Also the efforts of Rtn Vidya were appreciated. • Secretary Rtn. Atul gave the status of attendance and other activities In December • The Minutes of the last BOD were read and confirmed . Proposed by Rtn Vaishali Seconded by Rtn Milind. • Views of major activities and programmes to be conducted were shared by different directors. • Service Projects: Director Rtn Vivek Kulkarni Director Rtn Vivek was gave the summary of projects planned for the month of December. He is planning a spirometry and Health check up camps with Sahaydri and Bharti Hospitals for Police department. The police stations will be finalized. Planned from 21- to 26 January, 10 stalls in mall for reducing the social divide of Adivasi. Organ Donation drive The projects planned for January were discussed as above. • Club Administration: Director Rtn Vaishali Lupane Director Rtn Vaishali Lupane updated about the programme carried out in the month of December. In Every Meeting Rotary Information was given. 2 December - Welcome of Car Rally joint meeting with District. 3 December – Nomination Committee Elections - on line 10 December – Election Results. 17 December – Holiday on account of 2 programme of club members 24 December – Christmas Party 31 December – Business Meeting. Following programme in January 7 th January – programme by Rtn Ram of Life of Arjun 14 th January- Makarsankranti and Kavita vachan . 21 st January – Holiday on account of District Conference. 28 th January –Picnic and Business meeting. . • Youth Services: Director Rtn Vidya Patil Rtn Viday gave the synopsis of the metro ride for C.Ranganathan school. She appreciated the efforts and help given by all the members. Also it was discussed that the old projector that we have should be given to Sunrise Interact club. Rtn Pushkar will repair the projector • Membership Committee: Director Rtn Sameer Prabhune Director Rtn Sameer Prabhune said that the ae r planning to add one member. • Public Image Committee: Director Rtn Ganesh Hadake. Director Rtn Ganesh Hadke appreciated the efforts of all for the calendar project. . Coverage about the projects has appeared in many newspapers. • The Rotary Foundation: Director Rtn Meenatai Ghasasi Director Rtn Meenatai was absent. • Director Vocational Service : Rtn Rupali Bajaj. Director Rupali was absent. It was discussed that the SERA/VERA be given in the month of 4 th /5th February. Following names were discussed and finalised. Mr Rohan Kale – Stepwell - Mr Ranjit Natu Mr Dilip Shelwant – Blind men Cricket team Work. Ms Sheetal Mahajan – Sky diving Mrs Prajakta Kolapkar • Director Special Projects : Rtn Nitin Naik Rtn Nitin said that projects for next six months are consideration. we are focusing on raising funds and making project that will have a impact on society. He said that Rtn Vivek is working on the Dialysis machine project. We require donors for giving Fowler beds • Finance Committee : Director Rtn Abhay Bhise Director Rtn Abhay Bhise was Absent • Treasurer: Rtn Uday Thatte. Treasurer Rtn Uday informed as under The Balance in Club account is at Rs 1.77 lakh The Balance in Trust account is Rs 8.82 lakh • IT: Director : Rtn Asmita/ Rtn Pushkaraj Both were absent All data has been uploaded on the RI Website • Club Counsellor :Rtn Ajit Kulkarni. Rtn Ajit – was absent • Club Trainer :Rtn Ram Kutwal Rtn Ram was absent • Other Points : Rtn Kirtis NOC draft was shown to all and will be given to her. It was decided that to whom to vote for the DG 25-26 candidate. . The meeting ended at 9 pm with vote of thanks to the host and all members for attending the meeting by P.E Rtn Milind Kulkarni |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 18:00:00 |
Location | Manisha Office |
Meeting Type | BOD |
Meeting Topic | 7th Board Meeting |
Meeting Agenda | 1. To Call the Meeting to order 2. To Read and Confirm Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Board of Directors Held in 9th December 2022 at 6 PM 3. Points arising out of Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th Decembar 2022 4. To Review Attendance for December 2022 5. To Consider Leave Notes / Resignations / New Proposals 6. To Receive Reports from Avenue Directors 7. Hon. Treasurer’s Report 8. To Read the contents of GML 9. Any Other Point with the Permission of Chair 10. To confirm the date of the next BoD –February 2023 11. To close the meeting |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 11 |
Minutes of Meeting | MINUTES OF THE SEVENTH REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROTARY CLUB OF POONA HELD AT MANISHA, 27 A , MOLEDINA ROAD, PUNE 411001 AT 6 PM SHARP PRESENT – President Maithili, Secretary Sanjay , P. Elect N.P.S Bakshi, IPP Col.Bharat, Dir W/P PDG Vivek, Treasurer Zarir, Directors : Community – Aarti, Youth- Vaijayanti, International- Col. Kohli, Vocational- Adv. Manohar and Sgt. At Arms- Jaideep. Leave of Absence- Vice President Gen. Amar, Jt Secy –Paramjit Pabby. Minutes : 1. Meeting was called to order at 6 pm sharp 2. Minutes of the previous , sixth meeting of the BoD held at Manisha Terraces on Friday, 9th December 2022 were read and confirmed. Proposed by –PDG Vivek, Seconded by Director-Youth Vaijayanti. 3. Points arising out of BoD meeting held on 9th December 2022- Nil 4. Review of Attendance in December- Attendance was reviewed and was noted as excellent 5. Leave Notes were considered- P.Elect N P S Bakshi was granted leave for one month from 15th January 2023 onwards upto 14th February. Resignations- NIL. New Proposals- one woman member and six men have been proposed to membership of the club as under : a) Priya Singh- proposer- Maithili Manakwad b) Santosh Tonse c) Sharad hrivastav d) Sachin Shah e) Shiraz Johnson f) Ashish shevade g) Sainath Shetty (b to g all six proposed by Vivek Aranha). It was decided that notice to club for raising objections if any shall be given on Monday, 16th January 2023., as all the proposals were circulated among members of the Board and approved. Rotary Information shall be given to candidates in the week beginning 16th January 2023 and induction shall take place on 6th February 2023, if no objections are received by 26th January 2023. 6. In the absence of Vice President, the President informed that a vocational trip to Artillery Centre Deolali on 25th January 2023 was under planning. A proposal to participate in a joint meeting on 24th February (world Understanding month) was approved . The meeting on Monday, 23rd January shall be organised on Zoom- speaker is Sangram Patil from Kolhapur. On Monday 13th February the meeting shall have Mr Konkar to speak on “Brahm Vidya”. AG visit has been confirmed on 8th February 2023 at Manisha office. All records will be kept for inspection and all Board Members and Chairpersons are encouraged to attend. Fund Raising- PDG appealed to hold one more event to raise funds and suggested the name of Rtn Jaideep Parekh to steer this project under chairmanship of any senior member to be nominated by the board. This was agreed to by Rtn Jaideep and he requested that all members should in seriousness try to try to get sponsors for the event . He promised to send PPT to all Directors and officers . His plan is to hold the event on 8.3.23 on the eve of Holi. 7. Report by Director Community – Rtn Aarti has planned a visit to Bhor on 17/1/23 for Light a Home project. This was approved in the December meeting of BoD. It was decided that Rs10000 shall be funded from the sun shine box which has Rs60,900 balance. Health Check at Madhavashram shall be funded by donor Rtn Praful Shah, Rs 15000 already given. On 15th January 23, District project of Baby Warmers will be held. RcPoona has contributed Rs10,000 for ten warmers at subsidised rate. A proposal to give school bags to 35 children was approved. Proposal to give kits under Mother and Child project to babies at Kamala Nehru Hospital , 50 babies cost Rs7500 was approved. Director- Youth : Rtn Vaijayanti : Savak Masani Trophy competition was indefinitely postponed. Quiz Competition at YMCA will be held on 20th January 2023 as scheduled. International Service Director- Col Kohli gave the report of International RYLA in which our club will be a Synergy Partner. He was working on making the club a 100% PHF club this year. Vocation Service Director – Adv Manohar Jagdale : On 16th January 23, Vovation Service Award will be conferred on Dr Sanjay Vhora at Ruby Hall’s “ Tehami Grant Institute of Child Care” off Mangaldas Road, Pune. Vocation Training Project of making useful articles from Bamboohas begun for 15 beneficiaries, cost approved in December meeting. 8. Treasurer Report : As decided in December meeting of BoD, 10% of donation shall be reserved for administrative expense. This has been enforced by Treasurer from January 2023. Further, the Board unanimously resolved to approve a transfer of Rs3 lakhs from “subscription account” to “RI Dues account” to be reverted within three months of the transfer. This will enable to pay the semi annual RI dues in this week. 9. Any Other Point : a) It was unanimously resolved that Rotary Club of Poona shall vote for DGN candidateas approved in the meeting after studying CV of three candidates. Rtn Santosh Marathe of Rc Poona West shall be given club’s three votes. President Maithili was delegated the power to do so. b) Letter from PP Dipak Thacker to the Board regarding suggested change in bye laws relating to discount on a particular class of members . This was discussed and as the matter was controversial, President Maithili appointed a committee consisting of incoming two leaders P.Elect N P S Bakshi, Vice President, 2023-24, Rohit Mittra, PDG Vivek Aranha , Secretary Sanjay Kher and IPP Col Bharat Haladi. The meeting will be chaired by Secretary -Sanjay Kher and shall hold meetings until a unanimous decision is arrived at. The proposal will be submitted to general body in the form of amendment to by laws. No time limit was prescribed for the amendment. 10. A point was raised by IPP Bharat that his mobile number has been stored by all the banks as contact and he receives updates from banks for transactions. It was resolved that the contact number of Vice President Gen. Amar Krishna be given to banks as he will be in the board for three years. A letter to be prepared for banks and given to executive secretary for carrying out the resolution. 11. No other point was discussed. The NEXT MEETING of the BoD (8th meet)was scheduled for Friday , 10th February 2023 at 6 PM sharp in Manisha Office. Signed- Sanjay Kher (Secretary) |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 20:00:00 |
Location | Poona Club |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Kite Making Competition |
Meeting Agenda | KITE MAKING COMPETITON 13 Jan 2023 8pm onwards Poona Club Rules 1. Competition time 45 mins (0845pm-0930pm) 2. Team of maximum 3 people 3. Paper, glue, stick & scissors will be provided 4. Extra decorations to be brought by members 5. Winners will be chosen for the following (a proper kite is mandatory) - Most colourful kite - Most decorated kite - Fastest completed kite 6. BoD/Judges decision will be final re the winners 7. There is NO cost or entry fee for the competition Team BoD RY 2022-23 |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 26 |
Minutes of Meeting | Members enjoyed KITE MAKING COMPETITON |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 19:30:00 |
Location | Sarita Vidyalay, Mitra Mandal Chowk, Pune |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Sankranti Celebration |
Meeting Agenda | On the ensuing Sankranti on 14.01.2023, the club proposed to celebrate sankranti with the Anns and members and all the Anns gave each other sankranti gifts "van". |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 26 |
Minutes of Meeting | On the ensuing Sankranti on 14.01.2023, the club celebrated sankranti with the Anns and members and all the Anns gave each other sankranti gifts "van". In this meeting, proposed three members were also present to enjoy the club environment. |
Meeting Date | 13 Jan 2023 |
Meeting Time | 12:30:00 |
Location | cfc |
Meeting Type | BOD |
Meeting Topic | meeting |
Meeting Agenda | |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 5 |
Minutes of Meeting | cfc |