Minutes of Meeting |
Draft Minutes of BoD Meeting No. 7 of the Rotary Club of Pune South, conducted on 27th January 2023 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana, Pune
Leave of Absence: PP Rtn. Virendra Shah, PP Rtn. Sudhir Waghmare
Guest Invitees: Rtn. Subhash Karandikar
1. MOM of last meeting were put up for approval, proposed by PP Rtn. Abhijit Joag, seconded by PN Rtn. Dr. Mandar Ambike and approved by the board.
2. President’s updates:
• DGs office has appealed to all clubs to download the Rotary3131 mobile app and ensure 100% compliance form the clubs. President has asked IT Officer PP Rtn. Sudarshan Natu to appeal to members for the same during the weekly meeting and assist the members if they face any technical issues.
• PP Rtn. Santosh Marathe has been elected as DGND RY 2025-26. The board congratulated him on his election and wished him all the best for this year as District Governor.
• DG office has appealed to the club to send regular writeups for Governors Monthly Newsletter (GML).
• The President informed the board that the proposed International RYLA for which our club was a co-host has been postponed.
• 110 baby warmers have been distributed by the district under Project Mamta.
• President appealed to the members to donate generously to the Rotary Foundation.
3. Director-Admin updates:
• The work of all committees under Admin avenue is being conducted well.
4. Treasurer updates:
• Club Dues from 11 members is pending. As dues of PP Rtn. Rajendra Yelnoorkar are pending for the first half also and he has expressed his inability to pay the dues, it was decided unanimously to strike off his name from the club records. An appeal will be made to the other members to pay their dues immediately.
5. Director- Foundation updates:
• Global Grant for Submerged Dam Gundalwadi is pending as RISAO has asked that the earlier GG account of the project be first closed before further disbursement can be made for the extended funding. A meeting is planned to be organized of the team and the consultants COEP for a certificate of completion of the earlier phase.
• Project reports for Sajjangad Seva Sanstha of CSR funding for 15kW Solar Lighting and Solid Waste Management have been prepared and meeting with various companies are being organized for CSR funding.
• The proposal for funding of the solar lighting for old age home has been put on hold due to limited social impact that the project will have.
• The process for getting FCRA is being carried out.
6. Director- Service Projects updates:
• PP Rtn. Vinod Agrawal, on behalf of Director Rtn. Madhuri Kirpekar informed that “Sundar Gharkul” competition will be held in February. A total of 150 participants are expected and total expenses for the project are estimated at Rs. 1 Lacs including cash prizes.
7. Director-membership updates:
• A proposal has been received for four new members. The profile of these members has been circulated to the BoD. The approval of these members was proposed by Rtn. Niranjan Thangaonkar, Seconded by PN Rtn. Dr. Mandar Ambike and passed by the board.
• Induction of the new members is planned during AG visit on 13 Feb. Pre- Induction Training of the members will be carried by out by the Membership Committee.
8. Director-Public Image updates:
• Aeronautics show is scheduled on 29th Jan. Posters and Entry Passes have been distributed in various schools by our club members as well has digital publicity material has been circulated and as such a good turnout is expected.
• Skill Development Expo will be held on 18th and 19th February and preparation work is being carried out in full swing.
9. Director-Youth Services updates:
• Work of Interact and Eco Clubs is being carried out regularly.
• School RYLA was held successfully at Ramchandra Rathi Highschool on 24th January with good student tourn out.
• Rotaract Clubs are expected to pay USD5 as RI dues but this is pending. They have asked our club for financial support but they have been explicitly told that running expenses and dues will not be funded by the parent club.
• Celebration of 50 years of Rotaract Club of Pune South is being held due to non-availability of funds.
• Rtn. Raghavendra Ponkshe, expressed his view that institutional Rotaract Club should be formed as it would be an ongoing club due to regular inflow of members from the student batches every year.
10. Director-Medical Services updates:
• Hemalkasa project was completed successfully and handover of the equipment donated by our club was done on 6th January. 25 members of the club visited the Lok Biradari Prakalp for this project.
• PP Rtn. Sudhir Waghmare contributed generously to this project. He has also contributed to Project Mamta of District 3131 by way of providing baby warmers at very concessional rates. A vote of thanks for the same was proposed by PP Rtn. Dr. Kiran Purohit, seconded by PP Rtn. Dr. Rajendra Gosavi and approved by the board.
11. Discussion on Satellite Literature Club as per meeting agenda:
The President updated the board on the meeting held with Satellite Club members and informed the board that the Satellite Club has expressed that they would like to continue as a Satellite Club.
Rtn. Vinod Agrawal and Rtn. Raghavendra Ponskhe asked about the legal obligations of the parent club towards the Satellite club. The President informed the board that as per the MoU with the Satellite Club, the obligation of the parent club was to support the Satellite Club only upto 3 years and they can even form an independent club before 3 years if the Satellite club members decide so.
The board members expressed that the option given to Satellite club to form a separate club or merge with the parent club be the only options given to them. Looking at the actions of the Satellite club as noted in the MoM of the said meeting and considering that they have been performing well independently, a resolution was put forth that as the Satellite club has already paid the necessary dues upto June 2023, they be allowed to function in the form of a Satellite Club till the end of RY 2022-23 i.e. 30 June 2023 and from 1st July 2023 they should form an independent club. The resolution was put forth by PP Rtn. Abhijit Joag and seconded by PN Rtn. Dr. Mandar Ambike. The resolution was passed unanimously by the board.
It was decided that the decision of the board be conveyed to the Satellite club to give them enough time to prepare for forming their independent club.
12. Other points discussed with permission of the Chair:
• PP Rtn. Sudarshan Natu, as a Trustee, informed the board on behalf of the RCPS Trust that a proposal has been received from the office of the Charity Commissioner to provide Computer and Printer. The estimated cost is Rs. Forty Thousand.
• Members expressed their concern that functioning and activities of the Trust is largely unknown to the BoD as well as members of the club and as such this should be made known by the Trustees on a regular basis.
Members also asked for a review of the Constitution of the Club as well as appointment of Trustees.. As a first step BoD have asked PP Rtn. Sudarshan Natu to provide the BoD with a copy of the Trust Constitution. The same will be studied by the BoD and a reviw is planned in the next BoD meeting.
• Hon. Secretary Rtn. Abhijit Deshpande informed the BoD that the amendments made to the club constitution and approved in the AGM held on 26th December 2022 be incorporation into the Club Constitution document. PP Rtn. Sudarshan Natu volunteered to take up this task and asked that a copy of the said amendments be sent to him by email for the same.
As no other business was proposed, the President thanked the BoD and adjourned the meeting.
Rtn. Abhijit Deshpande
Hon. Secretary, RY 2022-23 |