Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 09 Feb 2023
Meeting Time 21:00:00
Location online
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic regular weekly meeting
Meeting Agenda BOD meeting for projects approva
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 6
Minutes of Meeting regular weekly meeting

Meeting Date 09 Feb 2023
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location IPP. Vinay Patil's office.Pune 411030
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Planning for AG and DG visit
Meeting Agenda Planning and discussion about preparation of DG visit
Chief Guest Nitin Jadhav
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting As per agenda ,discussion regd.AG meeting and DG meeting

Meeting Date 09 Feb 2023
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Panvel Gymkhana
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD
Meeting Agenda Project Discussion
Chief Guest None
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 2
Minutes of Meeting Meeting commenced at 20:40 hrs. President welcomed all BOD members. President briefed about josh program attended by her and RTN Harmesh Tanna. RTN Harmesh Tanna Briefed on the details and finances of Chogada Night Event. He also briefed about the expenses related to Cricket matches held, and said that we were short on funds and sponsorers had not paid. Projects on E-waste, Vocational talks, talk on Graphology to be planned.

Meeting Date 09 Feb 2023
Meeting Time 21:30:00
Location Panvel Gymkhana
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Project Discussion
Meeting Agenda Project Discussion
Chief Guest None
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 3
Minutes of Meeting Meeting Called to Order at 8:45 hrs and National Anthem, Welcome Address by the President. President welcomed all members. President briefed about josh program attended by her and RTN Harmesh Tanna. RTN Harmesh Tanna Briefed on the details and finances of Chogada Night Event. He also briefed about the expenses related to Cricket matches held, and said that we were short on funds and sonsorers had not paid. Projects on E-waste, Vocational talks, talk on Graphology to be planned. Meeting adjourned at 2015 hrs.

Meeting Date 09 Feb 2023
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location Poona Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic R&D and Innovation in India
Meeting Agenda To enlighten the members the importance of R&D and how innovation in India can impact the industries.
Chief Guest Mr Janak Nabar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 54
Minutes of Meeting As per the Rotalink

Meeting Date 09 Feb 2023
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Sevasadan Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Marine Art
Meeting Agenda Meeting called to Order. Kindly rise for National Anthem Invite Shri Mohan Khare to come on the dias Invite Ann Ujwala Kelkar to introduce Shri Mohan Khare Request Shri Mohan Khare to start the program Actual program Invite Rtn. Girish Brahme to thank the guest and give gift Girish Brahme to brief about District Training Assembly. Over to Secretary for Secretarial Announcements President to takeover the meeting Declare the meeting adjourned
Chief Guest Shri Mohan Khare
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 26
Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to Order. Kindly rise for National Anthem Invite Shri Mohan Khare to come on the dias Invite Ann Ujwala Kelkar to introduce Shri Mohan Khare Request Shri Mohan Khare to start the program Actual program Invite Rtn. Girish Brahme to thank the guest and give gift Girish Brahme to brief about District Training Assembly. Over to Secretary for Secretarial Announcements President to takeover the meeting Declare the meeting adjourned