Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 22 Apr 2023
Meeting Time 20:00:00
Location Electronic Industrial Estate Hall, Satara Road, Pune-37
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Sasubai Khaas Sunbai Zakaas
Meeting Agenda 7.30 - 8.00 pm Fellowship 8.00 - 8.02 pm Meeting Called to Order 8.02 - 8.05 pm National anthem 8.05 - 8.10 pm Welcome of Everyone 8.10 - 8.12 pm Secretary Announcement 8.12 - 8.15 pm Rotary Information 8.15 - 8.17 pm Introduction of speaker 8.15 - 8.55 pm Program 8.55 - 8.57 pm Vote of Thanks 9.00 pm Meeting Adjournment
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 27
Minutes of Meeting Meeting started with review of last week by President Namita & Secretarial announcements by Secretary Atul. PP Nitin Naik gave Rotary Information on Rotaract movement (written by PP Vibhakar). Chief Guest Abhishek Khedkar was introduced by PN ajay Kale. Abhishek then interviewed four saasu-suun pairs from our club – Aarti & Tanuja Paigude, Vaishali & Anuja Lupane, Hema & Madhura Bellad, Aruna & Kanchan Shah. Fantastic chemistry & bonding between them was revealed through the interview. All enjoyed it a lot. Vote of thanks was proposed by PP Prasad Gadkari. All the members enjoyed “Akshaytritiya special” tasty fellowship by PP Gajanan & Vaishali Lupane. PP Hirwe Sir gave Mastani treat for his new car. RYE Student Veronica from Brazil also attended the meeting.

Meeting Date 22 Apr 2023
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location RCC Pimpri
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic AG Visit
Meeting Agenda AG Quarterly Review Meeting
Chief Guest Rtn Subhash Jaisinghani
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting Project visit for DG New members induction All soft copies required Cheques of foundation donation Given so far 25647 10K in pipeline 100% PHF Club 100% EREY Club Bulletin inauguration Secretarial Report Presidential Report should not be duplicate Goals achieved Rotaract - 1 President and Secretary Rotaract activities - 5 mins First club for foundation giving Vibrant active club 66 members Interact -4 Attendance 40% for weekly meetings Club Assets list soft copy Club assemblies - 3 Including AGM Digital uploading District Forum - Points not reflecting List of events attended With members PETS host Black tie event District events Rotex installation RYE presentation in RCC Date and attendance of students Chief Guest - Rashmi Kulkarni Global grants details Public Image events - Recognition Photos required in the report News link required DG intro video President - Recognition of Team members Box cricket team members certificates Foundation pins received to be distributed DG Visit agenda to be prepared and published with timeline Members given to Foundation / APF - List to be shown by President on the screen

Meeting Date 22 Apr 2023
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location Perugate Bhave School
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Usage of whatsApp to speed your work
Meeting Agenda WhatsApp is very useful in day today life and Annet Viraj Rahul Shah will give us ideas n insightson how the usage of whatsApp can make our work easy and better.
Chief Guest Annet Viraj Rahul Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Annet Viraj has explained unique features of whatsApp that really helped all senior Rotarians and Anns effective use of it.

Meeting Date 22 Apr 2023
Meeting Time 16:30:00
Location Awani Agro Resort , Kalus, near Chakan
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Overnight Club picnic at Awani Agro Tourism Resort and inauguration of the Resort
Meeting Agenda Overnight Club picnic at Awani Agro Resort from 22nd April evening to 23rd April, morning. Snacks Barbeque Dinner on 22nd April along with fun games. On 23rd April morning trekking, Kayaking, Rain dance etc. Meeting and inauguration of the Resort at the hands of PDG Dr Deepak Shikarpur.
Chief Guest PDG Dr. Deepak Shikarpur
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 23
Minutes of Meeting Total 25 people attended Club's overnight picnic at our Club member Rtn Suraj's Awani Agro Resort from 22nd April evening to 23rd April, morning. Everyone enjoyed tempting Snacks, tea tasty Paneer Barbeque and delicious Dinner with Amaras on 22nd April along with fun games like Dumb scherad, Trampoline, Camp fire, stay in tents. On 23rd April morning most of the people enjoyed trekking, Kayaking, Rain dance etc. Meeting and inauguration of the Resort at the hands of PDG Dr Deepak Shikarpur. PDG Deepak & spouse Gauri stayed overnight with us . It was a memorable picnic for the club members.

Meeting Date 22 Apr 2023
Meeting Time 01:30:00
Location Fern Club, Amanora
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Charter Day and Installation Ceremony
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest DG Anil Parmar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting Charter Handover, President and office bearers Installation for RIY 22-23 and 23-24.