Club Meeting Details
Meeting Date | 20 Sep 2023 |
Meeting Time | 00:00:00 |
Location | Silver crest Society Kothrud Pune 38 |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Atharvashirsh Pathan |
Meeting Agenda | Araharvashirsh Pathan for 11 times with all members together followed by dinner |
Chief Guest | Dhanashri Jog |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 18 |
Minutes of Meeting | Information about Atharvashirsh Provided to members and Atharvashirsh Pathan by all club members. Overall 11 times by all members each followed by dinner |
Meeting Date | 20 Sep 2023 |
Meeting Time | 05:30:00 |
Location | Poona Club |
Meeting Type | BOD |
Meeting Topic | Third Board Meeting |
Meeting Agenda | 1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 23RD August 2023 at Rtn. Sujata Malkani’s residence 2. Matters arising out of the above minutes. 3. President’s points. 4. Directors’ reports on projects done and activities planned. 5. Any other points with the permission of the Chair. 6. To announce the date for the next BOD meeting. |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 11 |
Minutes of Meeting | Present: Rtns Aruna Rathi, Zimra Israel, Masarrat Tavawala, Vinod Dua, Yezdi Batliwala, Rajendra Nahar, Sunil Holay, Sujata Malkani, Shailendra Abhyankar, Bageshri Gogate, PNN Iyer. Leave of Absence: Rtn. Shikha Mitra. Host: Rtn Rajendra Nahar. Proceedings President Aruna welcomed everyone. Minutes of the BOD Meeting held on 23rd August 2023 were taken as proposed to be adopted by Rtn Zimra Israel. Rtn Sujata Malkani seconded the proposal. Thereafter the Minutes were unanimously adopted by the Board. The directors presented their reports. A. Treasurer’s Report i) Rtn Sunil Holay reported that 11 members are yet to pay the annual subscriptions. It was decided to send reminders to the 11 members keeping their Proposers and the BoD members in cc. Their proposers will be asked to follow up urgently. To be monitored by Rtns. Sunil & Rajendra. ii) Club and Trust accounts are as follows: 1) RCPD - RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS A/c 2022-23 (CLUB)- July & Sept-23 B.O.I Rs. 1,02,199.70 2) RCPD - RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS A/c 2022-23 (TRUST) - July & Sept-23 HDFC Bank Rs. 5,07,410.62 3) RCPD - RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS Other CSR A/c 2022-23 - July & Sept-2023 HDFC Bank Rs. 35,18,525/-. 4) Sunshine Box collection during July, August, September 2023 Rs. 16,800/- 5) Membership dues for F Y 2023-2024 Rs. 14,10,125/- ( received from 69 Members ) IPP Zimra requested a clear mention be made of the amounts from the HDFC Trust Account and CSR Account that has been allocated for the ongoing TB and Dialysis projects. Club Administration i) Rtn. Masarrat reported that all programs for October have been finalized. ii) A visit to the Times of India Press is being organized by Rtn. Sujata. iii) Diwali fellowship is being planned for 11th November 2023. Rtn. Yezdi suggested to look for an alternate date as 11th Nov just one day before Laxmi Puja and attendance may be less. iv) Club Assembly is scheduled for 26th October. v) Election of the Nomination Committee will take place on 2nd November. vi) Two Heritage Walks are under consideration- one proposed by Pundlik and the other by Bageshree- dates are to be finalized. B. Public Image i) Rtn Sujata reported that permission to put up standees to display RCPD projects on 7 metro stations has been obtained. Rtn Sujata mentioned that these 7 slots will be used for promoting the LN4 project. Rtn Zimra suggested that couple of slots be utilized to promote the Dialysis Center as well since we need to increase PI for ALL RCPD projects. ii) We are unable to access our Facebook pages due to the missing password. We need to go back to the creators and original users. Rtn Zimra mentioned that this has been a recurring issue and that the 22-23 team had therefore made attempts to tweak the name a bit to see if that would work, but the problem couldn’t be resolved. C. Youth Service i) Rtn Shailendra reported that we are going to start an Interact Club at R.C.M. Gujrati High school in Kasbapeth with PP Jitu Bhai as club Advisor. ii) Nagarwala School Interactors will get certificates for attending Interact Assembly. iii) Rotary Club North is planning a mega RYLA. RCPD’s cooperation is sought. Need details in a formal proposal to take this forward. iv) Rtn PP Yezdi suggested that we could arrange a visit of our Interactors and club members to a Maritime Museum in Pune as a vocational visit. He can coordinate the visits as he is a Trustee of the Museum. D. Foundation i) Our TRF collection so far is about US $3200. ii) He suggested prospective members should be informed at the time of giving them Rotary Information that they must contribute at least $300 upon joining and the balance $700 spread over the first 3 years. This way we will retain our status as a 100% PHF compliant Club. iii) He also stressed upon the need to inform members that contributions to TRF ultimately come back manifold enabling us to fund more projects. iv) He suggested that all committee meetings as far as possible should be held in the homes of the members. The Rotary tradition of bonding through fireside-fellowship needs to be revived. E. Community Service Medical i) Rtn Vinod Dua reported that the Mettupalayam LN4 Camp was a great success. An Impressive total of 97 INALI prosthetic hands were fitted. ii) Eye check-up camps will be held on 29th September in two schools in Karandi. RC Pune Camp will collaborate with us in this project. iii) Mastercard have also approached us for conducting Eye-Check-Up camps at their premises. Formal proposal awaited. Possibility to convenience them into becoming our CSR partners was also discussed. iv) Other CSR opportunities are also being explored. v) We have a Hb testing device; trying to get it repaired. F. Community service Nonmedical i) Rtn. Bageshri reported that on 11th of July 2023 we gave ten Scholarships, amounting to a total of Rs. 1,12,500, to deserving students at Anjuman Islam Polytechnic for Girls. Instituted as Rotary Club of Poona Downtown scholarships, five are for a course in Computer Applications and five for a course in Basic Fashion Designing. ii) The Vocational Training Committee has identified 10-12 schools for delivering informative lectures on Vocational Awareness. iii) The Vocational Awards Committee also met to initiate the process of selecting awardees for the year. iv) Aanganwadi projects’ funding needs CSR support. Zimra is also trying to get that. G. The Dialysis Center i) Rtn Zimra reported that patients have started coming for dialysis to our Center. We have also started due procedure for PMC to divert more patients to the facility. ii) Rtn PP Yezdi pointed out that RCPD should not get into financial problems to pay the Dialysis Centre Operating Organization in case PMC defaults in making payments to RCPD as the payment corridor is set-up in that order. PP Zimra assured that such a situation would not arise. I. Membership and Strategic Planning I) Rtn. Nanu Iyer reported that he is talking about Rotary at several corporates. HSBC has responded positively for both individual and corporate membership and CSR. II) He will be talking with executives of Amdocs next week to promote the cause of Rotary. iii) Executives from John Deere, whom Rtn. Balakrishna Karwa met, also showed interest in Rotary. J. Any other Matters i) Rtn Yezdi said we need to have a Fund-raiser to raise about 25 lakhs to carry out our service projects. Possibilities of various types like plays or musicals was discussed. ii) Rtn Rajendra suggested that spouses be included in our BOD meetings at least once a quarter. iii) Rtn. Nanu Iyer suggested we try to improve attendance and participation of members by involving them in organizing programs and projects. iv) Rtn. Nanu shared a proposal he made at the last CRM of creating a “Model Village”. He suggested that 5 clubs of region 29 adopt one village to transform it completely --- including sanitation, primary education, medical assistance, woman’s empowerment, de-addiction, animal husbandry et al. The proposal was unanimously accepted at the CRM. A village near Bhor is to be explored for this project. The meeting was adjourned after a vote of thanks to the host. The next BOD meeting will be held at Rtn Zimra Israel’s residence on 10th October at 6.30 PM. The meeting will be followed by dinner. Spouses are welcome to join. |