Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 28 Dec 2023
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location SNDT B.Ed Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Year-end Goan themed program
Meeting Agenda 1) Meeting called to order and national anthem 2) Presidential announcements 3) Secretarial announcements 4) Members program 5) Vote of Thanks 6) Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 32
Minutes of Meeting 1) Meeting called to order followed by the National Anthem, 2) Welcome to all members, guests by President, 3) Announcements by President Rtn. Surekha and celebrations of December birthdays and anniversaries 4) Handover to MOC 5) Curtain raiser for RCPM Fundraising event for 2024-25 6) Vote of Thanks by Datta Deshpande 8) Felicitation of the guest by President Rtn. Surekha 9) Meeting adjourned

Meeting Date 28 Dec 2023
Meeting Time 21:00:00
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic DRT AG VISIT ETC
Chief Guest JAYESH
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 7
Minutes of Meeting started with national anthem followed by four way test and dinner discussed on DRT AG visit etc

Meeting Date 28 Dec 2023
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Sevasadan School
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Cyber crime - Precautions and Awareness
Meeting Agenda • Meeting call to order at 7.30 followed by National Anthem • Welcoming guests – Mr Shirish Deshpande • Introduction of guest – Rtn Alka Kulkarni • Thanks Giving –Mr Ashok Date • Felicitation of Mr Shirish Deshpande by President Girish • ANNOUNCEMENTS o Congratulations to Rtn Dilip Railkar and Rotary club of Pune tilak road as our global grant application is approved. The amount of the award is USD 77500 and will be released soon. o आपले सदस्य रो, राजन देशपांडे यांचा त्यांच्या स्पंदन केअर सेंटरच्या सेवा कार्याची दाखल देऊन रामभाऊ म्हाळगी प्रबोधिनी, केशव सृष्टि तर्फे सन्मान करण्यात आला. अभिनंदन राजन. o Overnight picnic is planned on 18 and 19th February at Ramsukh Resort, Mahabaleshwar. मोहन राव यांच्या सहकार्यामुळेआपल्याला एक चांगले डील मिळाले आहे. • We had our nomination committee meeting this week and I request Rtn Charudatta to come forward and announce the president nominee for the year 2026-2027. • Now I request PE Parag Gadgil to come forward and announce his BOD • SECRETARIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS o Next programme –  New Year’s Party on Saturday, 6th January at New Poona Club from 6:30 onwards – A Gazal programme by Dr Kedar Joshi followed by cocktail and dinner sponsored by Rtn Prakashji Bandal. So, no meeting on next Thursday 4th January  Will convey about the programmes on 11th and 18th January soon o BIRTHDAYS - Nil o ANNIVERSARIES 24 December: Ann Lalita and RtnMohan Bal 24 December: Ann Mrudula and RtnAvinash Joshi 25 December: Ann Vrinda and RtnHemant Katakkar 25 December: Ann Shubhangi and RtnShirish Sahasrabudhye • Meeting Adjourned
Chief Guest Mr Shirish Deshpande
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 20
Minutes of Meeting The meeting called to order by President Girish at 7.30 followed by National Anthem. Then, President Girish welcomed the guest Mr Shirish Deshpande and his wife Mrs Arundhati Deshpande Rtn Alka Kulkarni introduced the guest. Mr Shirish Deshpande explained the various types of frauds and crimes which we are facing due to the use of online banking and social media. His presentation was full of real-life examples and was presented very well with humour. So, all the members learned about the various measures we need to adopt while using any online platforms. Mr Ashok Date delivered vote of thanks and President Girish felicitated the guest. This was followed by the Rotary business. There was announcement about club assimilation trip and there was felicitation of the club members for their work and performance in different areas. The BOD for the next Rotary year (2024-25) and President Nominee for the year (2026-27) was announced by Rtn Parag Gadgil. StandinG Secretary PP Rtn Dada Savle announced the programme for the next week (as mentioned in agenda). He also announced the birthdays of the members and anns (names mentioned in the agenda) and President Girish felicitated them. The meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Date 28 Dec 2023
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location Secretary office
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Monthly Discussion
Meeting Agenda monthly discussion
Chief Guest Dr. Sameer Dolare
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 9
Minutes of Meeting MINUTES OF THE 6TH BOD HELD ON 28.12.2023. The Sixth Meeting of Board of Directors of Rotary Club of Pune Phoenix for Rotary year 2023-2024 was held on Thursday, 28th December, 2023 at the office of Rtn. Madhav Soman at 6.30 p.m. following Members were present for the same---- President Dr. Sameer Dolare, Secretary Rtn. Madhav Soman, Rtn. Madhur Dolare, Rtn. Vinay Kumthekar, Rtn. Pradnya Thakur, Rtn. Deepti Sidhaye. Rtn. Veena Nagarkar, Rtn. Swapnil Deshpande, Rtn. Sanyogita Page. Special Invitees- Rtn. Nitin Mulye, Rtn. Shubhangi Mulye. President called the meeting to order & the subjects on agenda were taken over for discussion. Subject No. 1: To read & confirm the minutes of last BOD meeting. Minutes of last BOD meeting were circulated to all members in advance. All the Members present agreed to confirm the same. Accordingly following resolution is passed. Resolution No. 1: It is hereby resolved that the minutes of last i.e. 5th BOD meeting are hereby confirmed. Proposed by: Rtn. Swapnil Deshpande. Seconded by: Rtn. Deepti Sidhaye. Resolution passed unanimously. Subject No. 2: To get information about Bank Accounts, balance, Income-Expenditure & approve the bills, if any. Due to her personal reason, Treasurer Rtn. Prajkta could not attend the meeting, which she informed in advance, President Dr. Sameer gave information regarding current status of Bank Account. He informed that half yearly fee of two Members is yet to be received. Approximately an amount of Rs. 3,04,000/- is there in the club account. The bills were already posted on BOD group, which have been approved by the Members there. After due discussion on all the issues & points, following resolution is passed. Resolution No. 2: The current balance in Bank accounts is noted by the BOD & confirmation is given to the approval of various bills. Proposed by: President Dr. Sameer Dolare. Seconded by: Rtn. Madhav Soman. Resolution passed unanimously. Subject No. 3: To take note of the resignation tendered via email by Rtn. Sanjay Chatufale to the Secretary. Secretary Rtn. Madhav informed that he has received resignation from Rtn. Sanjay Chatufale via email. He has resigned for his personal reason that he will have to go to UK frequently in near future & as such it will not be possible for him to continue with the Membership of club. He has further informed that he has paid the club fees for first half year, so no amount is due from him to the club. RTn. Madhav informed the BOD that he has already send the mail to Rtn. Sanjay & also had a phone call to think over about his resignation, however, he has shown his inability & said that he is always available for any help/assistance, guidance to the club & Members. In view of this his name is required to be removed from Members list immediately. Accordingly, following resolution is passed. Resolution No. 3: BOD has taken note of the resignation tendered by RTn. Sanjay Chatuflae & President Dr. Sameer will take necessary step for removal of his name from Membership list. Proposed by: Rtn. Madhav Soman. Seconded by: Rtn. Madhur Dolare. Resolution passed unanimously. Subject No. 4: To discuss about the service projects undertaken by the club. Service project Director Rtn. Pradnya Thakur informed that we have decided to undertake the project of Happy Village at Gonawadi-Pimpri near Chakan. The said project will have to be carried out phase wise. She has already given the presentation & budget for first phase. She further stated that a MOU is required to be executed for the purpose with Shashwat, who is going to assist the club for execution of this project. Unless & until MOU is executed, it is not proper to commence the activity. President Dr. Sameer has informed that the said budget is already approved in last BOD & he further informed that already Mrs. Manisha Sanghavi, who is going to financially assist the club in this project, has transferred an amount of Rs. 1,50,000/- to club account for the purpose & this fact is informed to BOD on the same day on what’s app group. In view of this fact i.e. as we have already received the amount from Mrs. Manisha Sanghavi, we have to commence the activity immediately. The first part of the said project is Health Check up of women from said villages. The Doctor, who has agreed for the health check up is ready to conduct the camp. In view of receipt of said amount, club is in position to issue cheque to Shashvat for their services immediately. So why we are waiting. Let’s do the said activity immediately & at least declare the date for the said camp. Secretary Rtn. Madhav has informed that already a draft of MOU is shared with Rtn. Pradnya & today only she has approved it. After getting approval for the same from President as well as senior Member Rtn. Shantanu Sir, it can be executed immediately. There is no need to wait for declaring the date for medical checkup camp, till execution of said MOU. Before actual Health Check up camp, it will be executed. Rtn. Madhav said that we are answerable to Mrs. Sanghavi & it is not proper to hold the amount for long period without doing the activity. So he requested to declare the earliest date. Rtn. Swapnil, Rtn. Veena, Rtn. Madhur took part in the discussion & everyone shown concerned for immediate action. Upon detailed discussion Rtn. Pradnya informed that she will have a word with villagers & inform the final date for conducting Medical Check Up camp as early as possible. President insisted her to declare the date immediately, for which she shown her inability. Secretary ask her as to whether she can declare such date within next eight days, Rtn. Pradnya Thakur informed the BOD just two days are sufficient for her for the purpose. Detailed discussion took place on this issue & accordingly, following resolution is passed. Resolution No. 4: Service Project Director Rtn. Pradnya Thakur will finalize & inform the date for Medical Checkup camp in Gonawadi Pimpri village, within next two days. Proposed by: Rtn. Pradnya Thakur. Seconded by : Rtn. Madhav Soman. Resolution passed unanimously. Subject No. 5: To discuss about effective solution for increasing the presence for weekly Meetings. In the AGM dt. 15.12.2023 the point of presence of Members for weekly meeting was seriously noted by the Members. Everyone shown his concerned about the same & it was decided to search out some solution for this. Accordingly, Rtn. Madhur posted a detailed message on the group & requested all the members to give their suggestions, problems, complaints etc. to her personally to resolve the issue & to take necessary steps for increasing the presenty in the meeting. Some of the Members gave her feedback, which she put before the BOD. Discussion took place on the same, wherein Rtn. Deepti, Rtn. Veena, Rtn. SWapnil gave some important suggestions. After due discussion following resolution is passed. Resolution No. 5: It is hereby resolved that taking in to consideration the feedback received from the Members & valuable suggestions given by the BOD Members, Director Admin. To suggest necessary steps for increase in presence of Members in weekly meetings. Proposed by: Rtn. Madhur Dolare. Seconded by: Rtn. Deepti Sidhaye. Resolution passed unanimously. Subject No. 6: Any other subject with the permission of the President. A) President Dr. Sameer has informed the BOD about the AGAC to be hosted by our club. He has informed that we, being host club, at least 15 Members from our club should be there as volunteers. He made an appeal to all BOD members to register for AGAC. Approximately Rs. 15,000/- will required for registration, which includes stay & food too. He further informed that Secretary Rtn. Madhav is selected as convener for the same as well as Rtn. Nitin Mulye is co-convener for it. President further informed that being host club, we will have to make budget of Rs. 50,000/- for this AGAC & in addition to the same, some gifts will have to be given to the attendees, for which we may searched out any sponsorer. B) President further informed that President on behalf of the club has a right to vote for RI Director Post for the period 2025 to 2027. Normally it is practice that the District suggests all the Presidents as to whom vote should be cast. So he asked the BOD as to whom he should vote in said elections. The BOD unanimously suggested President to act as per directions/suggestions from District 3131. Thereafter, as no subject was there for discussion, President gave vote of thanks to Rtn. Madhav for hosting the BOD meeting.

Meeting Date 28 Dec 2023
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Meeting Type BOD
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0

Meeting Date 28 Dec 2023
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location Hotel Sheraton Grand
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic District governor official club visit
Meeting Agenda As per DG visit agenda
Chief Guest District Governor Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 24
Minutes of Meeting DG Official Visit conducted by DG Rtn. Manjoo Phadke. Program as per official agenda. We inducted a new member also.