Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 26 Feb 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location Highland Hotel, Lonavala
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic DG Visit
Meeting Agenda review of Club performance, Projects etc.
Chief Guest DG. Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 26 Feb 2024
Meeting Time 09:30:00
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic HOSTING AGAC
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting ASSISTANT GOVERNOR AVENUE CHAIR- AGAC is a learning program to be arranged by Distrct Governor Elect for his officers, before commencing his tenuer. Accordingly, the DGE Sheetal Shah arranged the same on 25th & 26th February, 2024 at Hotel Rhydam, Lonawala. Our club got an opportunity to host this event. Since last two months we had various meetings with District Event team & DGE Sheetal as well as DLF Pankaj Shah for planning this event. For maintaining proper financials, we formed an AOP (Association of persons) consisting President Dr. Sameer, Rtn. Nitin Mulay & myself. A seperate Bank Account was opened for the purpose. Being host club, it was our responsibility to do all expenses & to cover the same by getting maximum registrations. Because of rigorous follow up by President Sameer & Rtn. Nitin Mulay, we succeeded in it. Total 119 Roterians registered for both days, whereas 6 for single day. Whereas 9 members from our club registered for both days & 3 for one day. Actual event commenced on 25th Morning @ 9.30 followed by break fast. President Sameer, after calling the meeting for order, made his introductory speech followed by club AV. Club AV was scripted & VO by our brilliant member Rtn. Deepti. Thereafter, being a Convenor, I got an opportunity to have a word to explain logistics of the event. Then, plannery session commenced by speech of DGE Sheetal Shah, followed by speakers DLF Pankaj Shah, PDG Mohan Palesha, PDG Deepak Shikarpur & thereafter guest speaker Jyoti Rai from South Asia Office of RI. She apprecited the projects done & proposed by District 3131. Rtn. Vivek Dixit gave vote of thanks. During the lunch break, all the attendees were suggested to make check-in for their respective rooms. After lunch break, break out sessions started in three independant halls. One for Directors & Co- Directors, second for Assistant Governors & third for ALF & Secretariats. The break out sessions were in the form of discussions. Special Work Books were prepared for every category, consisting various topics, note pad, programs, projects & QR code for suggestions. All the sessions continued till 6.30 p.m. In the evening, after 7.30 p.m. entertainment program of MUSICAL TAMBOLA was conducted by Rtn. Charu Bhave, assisted by Rtn. Shubhangi, Rtn. Madhur & myself. Everybody took part in it & everyone was charged by this program, ofcourse a delicious dinner followed by the said program. Attendees assimilated till late night. On 26th morning, 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. slot was reserved for breakfast. Thereafter, photo session was conducted at the lawn. At sharp 10.00 a.m. Break out sessions started, which continued till 1.00 p.m. All the attendees enjoyed the delicious lunch together till 2.00 p.m. Thereafter plannery session commenced at main hall. DG Manjoo Phadke was the main speaker for this session. DGE Sheetal, PDG Shailesh Palekar also put their thoughts. Thereafter, Rtn. Amol made presentation for DTLS scheduled on 10th March, Rtn. Vasavi & Nana Patil made presentation about RBN. Then DLF Pankaj Shah took charge & pointed the success story of this event. He also invited various attendees to present their views, suggestions etc. with respect to this event. DLF Pankaj gave me opportunity to represent our club & put forth our experience about the event. Thereafter, Rtn. Nitin Mulay gave vote of thanks & President Sameer adjourned the meeting. This entire event was a wonderful opportunity for our club to prove us in district 3131, which we did. Each & every attendee, speaker, guest appreciated the flawless organisation of this event, hospitality, enthusiastic members of our club & efforts taken by us. This event again gave us opportunity to demonstrate ourselves as a vibrant and enthusiastic club in the District. We learnt a lot from this event. We must extend our gratitude to DGE Sheetal Shah, DLF Pankaj Shah, District Event team & District Event Secretary Unmesh for giving us opportunity to host this event & also giving us 100% cooperation & assistance. I feel very lucky to be a convenor for this event. I would like to give credit for my appointment & heartful thanks to President Sameer. Likewise, Rtn. Nitin Mulay, though he is much senior to me by age & experience, still he worked as a co-convenor without keeping any reservations. The efforts taken by President Sameer & Rtn. Nitin Mulay are beyond explanation, which resulted in marvelous success of the event. Our Members FL Madhur, IPP Pradnya Dange, PP Manasi Khurjekar, Club Trainer Shantanu Sir, PE Veenay, PND Shubhangi, Rtn. Shubhda Kapade, Rtn. Harshad Deshpande & Ann. Apurva, and Prof. Kelkar have taken 100% efforts to make the event successful. We have to appreciate the sponsorship given by PE Vinay for this event. Our Honorary Member Sachin Gadve provided food packets as gifts to attendees. President Sameer, Rtn. Prasanna Deshpande & Rtn. Ajay Nagarkar brought sponsorship which assisted a lot to discharge the financial burden of the club. We, as a club are always thankful to all of these members & sponsors brought by them. Being a convenor I learnt many aspects of Rotary, leadership, how to deal with people, how to manage any event & many more aspects from this event. So, this will be the most memorable & learning event of my life. Experiencing this event, we are looking forward to host such events again, so that all the Members of our club, who could not attend this event due to their pre scheduled assignments, can get opportunity to enjoy such events & learn. Rtn. Madhav Soman

Meeting Date 26 Feb 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location MCCI SB Rd. Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Agenda Meeting called to order . National Anthem. Secretaries Announcements followed by Introduction of Speaker and then a wonderful talk on Vijay's unusual journey, he began last year October and he will walk twice a year to complete a journey of 9000 kms. emulating the great Shri Adi Shankaracharya. Vote of thanks and meeting adjourned.
Chief Guest Rtn. Vijay Rajvaidya
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 17
Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to order, national Anthem followed by Secretaries announcements and then introduction of Speaker Vijay Rajvaidya. A wonderful talk followed on his unique journey, he has planned. Well apreciated meeting. With vote of thanks , adjourned.

Meeting Date 26 Feb 2024
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location Pusalkar hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic scientist award
Meeting Agenda Meeting called to order. National anthem played. Presidents opening remarks with birthday and anniversary announcement. Itroduction of Dr. Firke was done by ann Kalyani Pendharkar. Dr. Firke gave a talk on role of insects in pollinatio n with the help of audiovisual presentation. A trophy was given to felicitate Dr. Firke along with a cheque. Thanks giving was done by Dr. Vasundhara Phulambrikar
Chief Guest Dr. Firke
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 34
Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to order. National anthem played. Presidents opening remarks with birthday and anniversary announcement. Itroduction of Dr. Firke was done by ann Kalyani Pendharkar. Dr. Firke gave a talk on role of insects in pollinatio n with the help of audiovisual presentation. A trophy was given to felicitate Dr. Firke along with a cheque. Thanks giving was done by Dr. Vasundhara Phulambrikar

Meeting Date 26 Feb 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Poona Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Financial Planning by Rtn Hasnain Bahrainwalla
Meeting Agenda Rotary Business Intro of speaker Talk by speaker Vote of Thanks
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 46
Minutes of Meeting Using Bollywood songs and movie names Rtn Hasnain explained the need for investing for a good future in an interesting and fun way for everyone. Similarly he explained the subject of life insurance and medical insurance too.

Meeting Date 26 Feb 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location sevasadan school
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Samrudhdha kalecha utsav- Interview of well known sculptor Shri Vivek Khatavkar
Meeting Agenda regular transactions Interview of Shri Vivek Khatavkar by our club member Rtn Sandeep Awadhani
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 65
Minutes of Meeting Mr Vivek Khatawkar is well known artist , painter and sculptor. He has been associated with decoaration of Famous Ganeshotsav in Puneparticularly with Dagadusheth ganapati and Akhil Mandai Ganapati. His longb standing span of almost 60 years was unfolded by Rtn Sandeep Awadhani through his dialogue.