Minutes of Meeting |
The Eighth Meeting of Board of Directors of Rotary Club of Pune Phoenix for Rotary year 2023-2024 was held on Thursday, 28th February, 2024 at the office of Rtn. Madhav Soman at 6.30 p.m. Following Members were present for the same----
President Dr. Sameer Dolare,
Secretary Rtn. Madhav Soman,
Rtn. Vinay Kumthekar,
Rtn. Janmejay Khurjekar,
Rtn. Manasi Khurjekar,
Rtn. Pradnya Thakur,
Rtn. Deepti Sidhaye.
Rtn. Veena Nagarkar,
Rtn. Swapnil Deshpande,
President called the meeting to order & the subjects on agenda were taken over for discussion.
Subject No. 1: To read & confirm the minutes of last BOD meeting.
Minutes of last BOD meeting were circulated to all members in advance. All the Members present agreed to confirm the same. Accordingly following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 1: It is hereby resolved that the minutes of last i.e. 7th BOD meeting are hereby confirmed.
Proposed by: Rtn. Madhav Soman.
Seconded by: Rtn. Janmejay Khurjekar.
Resolution passed unanimously.
Subject No. 2: To get information about Bank Accounts, balance, Income-Expenditure & approve the bills, if any.
President Dr. Sameer informed that there is no change in the balance in the Trust Account. He informed that Rtn. Deepti, Rtn. Amarja & Rtn. Aniruddh have paid their half yearly fees. He further informed that RI dues are paid on behalf of club. As on today balance in club account is Rs. 2,17,119/-. Bill for the 100 badges, which we give to the Members for Rs. 7,500/- is received & bill from Smt. Gauri Date for fellowship for Rs. 1,800/- is received. Both the bills are approved. Accordingly, following resolution is passed.
Resolution NO. 2: BOD has taken note of balance in Trust as well as club accounts & all the pending bills are approved.
Proposed by: Presi. Dr. Sameer Dolare.
Seconded by: Rtn. Vinay Kumthekar.
Resolution passed unanimously.
Subject No. 3: Report of AGAC hosted by the club to be presented before BOD.
It is a proud moment for our club that we have hosted a District Event & that too over night event at Lonawala. President Sameer informed the BOD in detailed about the same. he further informed that how we are getting positive & appreciating feedback from various dignitaries, attendees & others. He further informed that we are in process of completing the accounts of the said event; however, some of the bills are yet to be received. However, it is likely that we may in plus in this event meaning thereby we may get profit from this event. Dr. Sameer informed that District team & more particularly DGE Sheetal Shah has co-operated us a lot in hosting this event. On this back ground, Dr. Sameer put a proposal before BOD that if, after finalizing the accounts, we get profit, we may give the amount to the District, which they have deposited initially for this event. Rtn. Madhav informed that at one moment, when there were less registrations & we were having doubt as to whether we will get sufficient registrations to make up our expenditure, DGE Sheetal Shah assured us that if there is any deficit, he will help the club to come out the situation. Considering this attitude of DGE Sheetal Shah & to make a special image of club in the District, the proposal put forth by President be accepted, because it will make a history. Detailed discussion took place, all the Directors present put their opinions & all of them were in favor of the said proposa. After due discussion, following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 3: BOD has noted, accepted & approved the report of AGAC & it is resolved that after finalizing the accounts of AGAC event, if sumptuous amount remains balance, then the amount paid by District be offer to District through DGE Sheetal Shah with a specific letter & request that District may take note of the same & assist the club in future.
Proposed by: Presi. Dr. Sameer Dolare.
Seconded by: Rtn. Madhav Soman.
Resolution passed unanimously.
Subject No. 4: To discuss, prepare & finalize the plan for AG visit as well as DG visit.
We have our AG visit on 11.03.2024 as well as DG visit on 25.03.2024. both the meetings are very important & crucial for the club, as the same can be said to be final exam of club for the year. So, President requested all Directors to prepare their point wise presentation as early as possible, so as to enable him to prepare a PPT, which can be put before AG first & then be presented before DG. He further informed that almost all the documents & record is ready. He further asked as to whether DG visit can be conducted at any different place & that too in innovative manner. Discussion took place on the same. The allocated budget for DG visit is Rs. 15,000/-. All the Members & their spouses are expected for the said meeting, which will be followed by dinner. Considering this, we have to take decision. Everyone is requested to think about it & suggest. After due discussion following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 4: all Directors should submit report of their respective avenue to Presdient as early as possible so as to enable him to prepare PPT & it is further resolved to try & think for arranging the DG visit at different venue with innovative way, subject to allocated budget.
Proposed by: Rtn. Manasi Khurjekar.
Seconded by: Rtn. Veena Nagarkar.
Resolution passed unanimously.
Subject No. 5: To discuss about the service projects undertaken & to be undertaken by the club.
Service Project Director Rtn. Pradnya Thakur place detailed information about the projects carried out. She informed that the medical checkup camp at village Gonawadi-Pimpri has become successful. About 100 women from the said villages attended the same & they have been checked up. The reports are awaited. Team from Sancheti Health Care presented a skit. Rtn. Anil Trivedi took a session for the villagers. She further informed that considering the situation on site, club should not do the Bandhara Project in said village. She suggested that we should do the necessary activities for Anganwadi in said villages. She also informed that the club is going to arrange a learning session for the students in Vanita Samaj School. The project of Book Donation through RTn. Prasanna Deshpande is scheduled. After due discussion following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 5: BOD has taken note of the Service Projects undertaken by the club & would like to give thanks to club Member Rtn. Prasanna Deshpande for doing Book Donation project & approval is given to learning session to be conducted at vanita Samaj School.
Proposed by: Rtn. Pradnya Thakur.
Seconded by: Rtn. Deepti Sidhaye.
Resolution passed unanimously.
Subject No. 6: Any other subject with the permission of the President.
As there was no subject for discussion at 11th hour, Rtn. Swapnil Deshpande gave vote of thanks & thereafter, President declared the meeting adjourned. |