Minutes of Meeting |
The Tenth Meeting of Board of Directors of Rotary Club of Pune Phoenix for Rotary year 2023-2024 was held on Thursday, 22nd April, 2024 at Bhaskaracharya Pratishthan Hall at 6.30 p.m. Following Members were present for the same----
President Dr. Sameer Dolare,
Secretary Rtn. Madhav Soman,
Rtn. Madhur Dolare,
Rtn. Shantanu Khurjekar,
Rtn. Manasi Khurjekar,
Rtn. Pradnya Dange,
Rtn. Swapnil Deshpande,
President called the meeting to order & the subjects on agenda were taken over for discussion.
Subject No. 1: To read & confirm the minutes of last BOD meeting.
Minutes of last BOD meeting were circulated to all members in advance. All the Members present agreed to confirm the same. Accordingly following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 1: It is hereby resolved that the minutes of last i.e. 9th BOD meeting are hereby confirmed.
Proposed by: Rtn. Madhav Soman.
Seconded by: Rtn. Shantanu Khurjekar.
Resolution passed unanimously.
Subject No. 2: To get information about Bank Accounts, balance, Income-Expenditure & approve the bills, if any.
In absence of Treasurer, President Dr. Sameer pointed out that the Trust FD’s are matured, hence the amount of Rs. 1,41,960/- under the said FD’s is transferred to the Trust Account maintained with IDBI Bank. Now, balance in the said account is Rs. 1,79,109/-. After getting the said information, following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 2: BOD has noted the above said financial status as on today.
Proposed by: President Dr. Sameer Dolare,
Seconded by Rtn. Swapnil Deshpande,
Resolution passed unanimously.
Subject No. 3: To get information regarding formation of Association u/s 8 as suggested by District Treasurer.
President Dr. Sameer Dolare has informed the members about the problems being faced in making the trust compliances. He pointed out that it is becoming more & more difficult to get the change reports approved from the office of Chairty Commissioner. However, if we go for registration of section 8 company, we will not be required to do any such compliances. He further pointed out that now, even our district also in process of converting Trust in to section 8 entity. He informed that the District Treasurer Rtn. Prakash Jogalekar has also opined on the same lines.
Rtn. Madhav has pointed out the difference between a Trust & a Company registered u/s 8 of Indian Companies Act. He further pointed out that the Trust Deed of our Trust is drafted so properly & the same is sound & strong, that we are not required to go for change report every year like others. Unfortunate demise of one of the Trustees Mr. Pradeep Dange & sudden resignation of two other Trustees Mr. Sanjay Deo & Mr. Sanjay Chatuphale lead us to file change report. Otherwise, we are not required to file change report every year. Even we go for a company u/s 8, still we have to perform or do certain compliances with ROC. Therefore, we have to think before taking any decision. After due discussion, following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 3: it is hereby resolved to put the subject of conversion of Trust in to company u/s 8 before the General Body & based on the resolution to be passed by the General Body, to take further necessary decision & step in this regard.
Proposed by: President Dr. Sameer Dolare,
Seconded by: Secretary Madhav Soma.
Resolution unanimously passed.
Subject No. 4: To discuss & decided to close the Bank account opened for TOP ORDER- AGAC.
Secretary Rtn. Madhav Soman informed the BOD that we have hosted AGAC event for District 3131, which has become successful. We have opened a current account in SBI, Karve Road Brach for the purpose & Rtn. Madhav Soman & Rtn. Nitin Mulye., being Convener & Co-Convener are the signatories for the said account. While preparing the budget, we allocated an amount of Rs. 50,000/- for the said event. However, actually, we have to share just Rs. 21,000/-. Accordingly, he sought approval for the said amount. Thereafter, he pointed out that as the said event is over & accounts for the same are also finalized, there is no need & necessity to maintain the said account & as such the same may be closed & the balance in the said account be transferred to Club Account. After due discussion following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 4: it is hereby resolved to close the account in SBI, Karve Road Branch, opened for the purpose of AGAC & the balance in the said account be transferred to the club account.
Proposed by: Rtn. Madhav Soman,
Seconded by: Rtn. Madhur Dolare,
Resolution unanimously passed.
Subject No. 5: To discuss about service projects.
Due to health reason, Director Service Projects Rtn. Pradnya Thakur could not remain present for the meeting. However, discussion took place in respect of service projects to be undertaken. After due discussion, following resolution is passed.
Resolution No. 5: It is hereby resolved to do the Servacal Vaccine & Anganwadi painting by wallpaper as early as possible.
Proposed by: Rtn. Manasi Khurjekar,
Seconded by: Rtn. Pradnya Dange,
Resolution unanimously passed.
Subject No. 6: Any other subject with the permission of the President.
A) Joint Secretary Rtn. Madhur shown serious concerned for absenteeism of members in weekly meeting, though excellent programs being arranged by the program Committee. Discussion took place on the issue & it is resolved to make follow up by every BOD member with Members for their presence in the weekly meetings.
As there was no further subject for discussion, President Dr. Sameer Dolare declared the meeting adjourned.