Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 17:30:00
Location P.Y.C. Hindu Gymkhana (Hall A-1), Bhandarkar Institute Road, Pune-411004
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Club Day
Meeting Agenda प्रिय मित्र मैत्रिणींनो, नुकतीच १९ मे २०२४ रोजी आपल्या क्लबला २५ वर्ष पूर्ण झाली आहेत. त्यामुळे यावर्षीचा क्लब डे आपण येत्या शुक्रवारी दिनांक ७ जून २०२४ रोजी पी वाय सी हिंदू जिमखाना, हॉल A -1 येथे साजरा करीत आहोत. त्याची जोरदार तयारी तुम्ही सर्वजण करीत असालच. कार्यक्रमाचा तपशील खालीलप्रमाणे: संध्याकाळी ५.४५ ते ६.१५ चहापान संध्याकाळी ६.१५ ते ६.३० एका नवीन मेंबर चे इंडक्शन संध्याकाळी ६.३० ते ९.३० क्लब मधील उत्साही मेंबर्स चे विविध गुणदर्शन संध्याकाळी ९.३० नंतर सुग्रास भोजन कार्यक्रमात भाग घेणाऱ्या मेंबरची लिस्ट मोठी आहे. तरी सर्वांनी वेळेत येणे आवश्यक आहे. सर्वांना आग्रहाची विनंती आहे की हा महत्त्वाचा कार्यक्रम चुकवू नका. अभय देवरे सेक्रेटरी
Chief Guest President Rtn. Lata Shinde
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 40
Minutes of Meeting नमस्कार मंडळी , आजचा सर्व कार्यक्रम उत्तम झाला. विशेष म्हणजे सर्व तरुण मंडळींनी तर फारच कमाल केली.पलक, अक्षिता, सृष्टी, समृद्धी, ऐश्वर्या, सान्वी, ओजस यांच्या सहकार्या मुळे अजुन रंगत आली. बाकी सर्वांची गाणी छानच झाली. डान्स सुंदर झाले. सतार परफॉर्मन्स तर झक्कास होता. Lazy डान्स नि भरपूर हसवले खुप छान कल्पना होती. ?? Skit पण छान खुमासदार झाले. क्लब मधील गमती जमती खुपच छान सादर केल्या ??? अपर्णा आणि अंजली या दोघींनी सूत्रसंचालन best केले. सर्वात शेवटी पडद्यमागचा सर्व श्रेष्ठ कलाकार देवा नि तर जिकंलेच...? भरपूर परिश्रम घेऊन आजचा कार्यक्रम 100% यशस्वी केला.?????? एकंदरीत सर्वच प्रोग्राम मस्त झाला. धन्यवाद!!??? GN... क्लब ऍडमिन स्वाती रांजेकर Some Feedbacks: क्लब मधील अँन्स नी धम्माल केली, सर्वांचा आनंद ओसंडून वाहत होता पण क्लब मधील जेंटल मेन डांस मध्ये किंवा फार इतर एक्टिविटी मधे त्यामानाने कमी भाग घेतात , यावर प्रकर्षाने विचार झाला पाहिजे . देवा इज़ ऑलवेज ग्रेट ! lazy डांस तसेच खाडे कुटुंबीयांचा डांस विशेष आवडला. Enjoyed all pics and videos of club day, really missed it. All participants done great wrk... Thanks for sharing of that... स्वातीने लिहिल्याप्रमाणे कार्यक्रम फार छान झाला .प्रत्येक कलाकाराने मेहनत घेतल्याचे कळत होते .Well organised program !!

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Poona Club
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Club Assembley
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 25
Minutes of Meeting Club assembley was held, Members got introduced to the projects and meetings planned through the year.

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location K A Banthiya School, New Panvel,
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Club Assembly with AGE and ALFE
Meeting Agenda The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar is planning a Assembly Meeting for 2024-25 to discuss the following agenda: ▫️Meeting to be called to order at 8.30 followed by National Anthem ▫️Welcoming of the guests – AG PP Rtn. Rajeevan P V and ALF PP Rtn. Sanpan Modi and ALF PP Rtn. Kamlesh Agrawal ▫️Handing over the proceedings to PE Rtn Arun Khedwal ▫️Presentation by Rtn Arun Khedwal and his BOD ▫️PE Arun Khedwal invites AG Rtn. Rajeevan for his remarks ▫️Vote of thanks by Rtn. Snehal Pendse ▫️Handover to President Rtn. Sudhir Chakole ▫️Cake Cutting of Anniversary and Birthday ▫️Thank you,
Chief Guest AGE Rajeevan
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting We were thrilled to welcome Assistant Governor (AGE) Rtn. Rajeevan P V and Assistant District Literacy Chair The Board of Directors (BOD) shared exciting plans for the upcoming Rotary year, and there was a great sense of energy and collaboration. Looking forward to a year of impactful service!

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 08:00:00
Location perugate bhave school
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Induction of three new members
Meeting Agenda Three new members induction today.... 1)Mr.Sanjay Upasani 2)Mr.Deven Joshi
Chief Guest Rtn.Prasad Ganpule, District Director Membership RID 3131
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Welcome of three new members to our club.Nicely organised program. Chief guest.Rtn.Prasad Ganpule(District Director membership) @+91 86050 17082 - It was a very touchy moment when you mentioned - "Till today I was a Citizen of India but now I am the citizen of this world being a Rotary member". Your career experience as "Assistant Commissioner of Police" will be value add for our community for sure. @~Deven - While managing law & tax practices, your social work, involving all family members, in the form of consistent "mega blood donation camps", is a classic example of "service beyond self". @Sanjay Upasani Rotary - Who doesn't know you & your dedication. Also it was outcome of your prime efforts that our club has now brought in 3 new "Rotarians". :) @Neha Upasani @Shriniwas Kendale Rotary @Rajesh Gujar rotary - Thanks a lot for introduction of our new members.

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Rotary Community Center, Near Kamalnayan Bajaj School, Chinchwad
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic lagna pahave dooroon
Meeting Agenda Dr Bhavalkar will share his humorous experience while helping in arranging, conducting and maintaining marriages. Come and laugh to the lighter side of life
Chief Guest Dr Rajendra Bhavalkar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Deccan Gymkhana Terrace
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Joint BOD of Pres Girish and PE Parag
Meeting Agenda 07:00 PM - Meeting to be called to order by the Pres. Girish 07:00 - 07:50 PM - The director of each avenue to handover the responsibility and information to the coming year's director 07:50 - 08:30 PM - Training of the next Board of Directors by PP Rtn. Anant Sardeshmukh 08:30 PM - Pres. Girish to declare the meeting adjourned The meeting to be followed by dinner
Chief Guest None
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 17
Minutes of Meeting At 07:00 PM, the Meeting was called to order by the Pres. Girish. Then, Girish and Sanjeev briefed all about the projects and their status. Then, quite a few directors handed over their Foundation cheques to our director, PP Rtn. Anant Sardeshmukh. The training of the upcoming Board was completed. Then each of the directors briefed the next director about their avenue. The Board then gave gifts to Girish, Radhika, Sanjeev, and Sujata as a token of love. Finally, Pres. Girish declared the meeting adjourned and it was followed by dinner

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Panvel Gymkhana
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Kirtan
Meeting Agenda Kirtan by Shri Kajrekar and Group
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting A demonstration of Kirtan - a heritage art form

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Meeting forPlanning Assembly for2024-25
Meeting Agenda Presentation of President and BOD of 2024-25. Valuable inputs and Suggestion's From AGE Atul Atre
Chief Guest AGE Atul Atre
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting Presentation done by President Elect RTN Deepak Thite and BOD of 2024-25. Valuable inputs and Suggestion's From AGE Atul Atre

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Punyaee sabhagruha
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Planning assembly of PE Nilesh Dhopade
Meeting Agenda Planning assembly of PE Nilesh Dhopade
Chief Guest Mrs Sabla and AG
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 40
Minutes of Meeting Planning assembly of PE Nilesh Dhopade

Meeting Date 07 Jun 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Dyanda Pratishthan School
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Mumbai London and Back Bike Tour by Club Rotarian Yogesh
Meeting Agenda RTn Yogesh speech about Bike Tour
Chief Guest RTn Yogesh Alekari
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 20
Minutes of Meeting Rtn Yogesh narrated his experince about Mumbai London Mumbai Bike Tour by Road and his experience with new friends and Rotarians