Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location PYC Gymkhana, Bhandarkar Road Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation of President & BOD 2024-25
Meeting Agenda Premeeting Fellowship - 6:30 pm - 7 pm Installation of President and BOD - 7 pm - 8:30 pm Dinner - 8:30 pm onwards
Chief Guest DGE Santosh Marathe
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 45
Minutes of Meeting Premeeting fellowship from 6:30 pm to 7 pm Installation ceremony - 7 pm to 8:30 pm Dinner - 8:30 pm onwards Chief Guest - DGE Santosh Marathe Guests - Dr. Tanuja Marathe, AG Atul Atre

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Cafe Naaz, Salinkhe Vihar Road, Wanawadi, Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Prepare for Installation of President and BOD and Tree Plantation Project
Meeting Agenda 1. Fellowship 2. Discussion regarding Installation Ceremony of President and BOD for RY-2024-25 3. Tree Plantation Project at Shiva Valley ----details to be finalized 4. Installation of Rotaract at Shiva Valley School 5. Secretarial Announcement
Chief Guest no
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 8
Minutes of Meeting President Nisrin called the meeting to order followed by National Anthem RTN Hema requested that the post of Secretary be given to another person as she will not be able to handle the same due to district commitments. Members proposed RTN Suhailbhai to continue as secretary. President will speak to RTN Suhailbhai and confirm the same. Installation ceremony confirmed for 23 July Tuesday. Venue will be finalised by PP Rtn. Shabbir P, PP Rtn. Shabbir N. and RTN Mohammed Badshah. Few members (RTN Hemant and Ann Muniraji) have proposed to invite prospective members for the installation programme. RTN Mohammed will req. Shiva Valley School to postpone the 26th July Friday prog. for Tree Plantation and Interact club installation, to 2nd August, Friday. RTN Mohammed will speak to the school management and confirm the same. PP RTN Shabbir Poonawala proposed to start breakfast for students of Shibli Nomani school again once a week however funds for the same need to be arranged. President Nisrin proposed to contribute Rs 500 monthly for the project. All other members are requested to come forward to donate wholehearted for the noble cause. President informed she got a call from the district asking the club to join in the RCC programme and adopt 1 village for development. It was decided not to participate in the RCC project. The Treasurer, PP Shabbirbhai informed that the club has pd all dues of RI and District well before the Rotary year ended. The President & Treasurer requested all members to PLEASE PAY THE MEMBERSHIP FEES BY 31July 2024 to ensure smooth running of the club. It was proposed that members come forward to sponsor the fellowship for the club meetings. Monthly birthday celebration was done for June by cake cutting for PP Shabbir Poonawala. Fellowship was sponsored by PP Shabbir Poonawala. Thank you for the same. Meeting was adjourned by 8.30pm.

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location Sevasadan School, Dilasa Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Proposal of budget
Meeting Agenda Club treasurer would propose the budget and general body would suggest changes/approve the budget
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting The budget was presented to the general body and the general body passed it. There was a vacancy for a trustee, elections were held for the same and PP Amod Phadke was appointed as the new trustee.

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 21:30:00
Location Motel Visava
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Weekly meeting no 1
Meeting Agenda -meeting called to order -nation anthem -four way test -birthday and anniversary celebrations -presidents address to the club about his future plans -welcoming of newly inducted members -presentations of budget for RI year 2024-25 by treasurer Rtn Omkar Chande -planning of tree plantation drive -planning of chatra chaya project(district project of providing big umbrellas to street vendors) -planning of monsoon picnic -Rotary distict announcments 1) 07 July DG Installation Smt Kashibai Navale Medical Collage, Narhe, Time 8 AM 2) 28 July District Awards Ceremony in Marigold Banquets ‘N’ Conventions Bavdhan, Pune -eleventh hour subjects with the permission of president -secretarial announcements -meeting adjourned and request to sunshine donations
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 25
Minutes of Meeting *Meeting called to order by President Rtn Arun Gawade *National Anthem*Four-way Test *Welcome all member and Thanks for president ship for 2024-2025 by Rotary Club Mahad one Year (Please full support to Me and My BOD). *Birthday * 02 July Ann Kavita Samir Mehta * 03 July Rtn Rajesh Bhandari * 05 July Rashikant Kaka Father Rtn Rakesh Gandhi * 06 July Annet Prutha Mehta Sister Rtn Neha Mehta * 07 July Jayshree Kaku Mother of Rtn Sanjay Mehta * 09 July Ann Swati Raju Bagade * Marriage Anniversary * 03 July Rtn Rajendra and Ann Jayashree Mehta * 03 July Rtn Giridhar and Ann Sunita Thombare * 06 July Tushar & Annet Tejal Butala * Budget By Rtn Omkar Chande also Charge from Secretary, Treasurer, (All accounts, Fds etc.) Rotary Information and Project * Tree Plantation Verius location * Chhatra Chaya Project * Monsoon Picnic * Four New member introduce * Rotary District Information * 07 July DG Installation Smt Kashibai Navale Medical Collage, Narhe, Time 8 AM * 28 July District Awards Ceremony in Marigold Banquets ‘N’ Conventions Bavdhan, Pune * Secretory Announcement * Meeting is adjourned. * Sanchayan Please.

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Location Vasant Villa, G.R.P.S Vidyamandir
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation discussion & Chatrachaya Project discussion
Meeting Agenda Projects Chatrachaya & One Plant per Member Discussion. Installation planning.
Chief Guest Club President
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting Discussion about the first project: Doctors & CA Day celebration. Project Chhatrachhaya: Names of beneficiaries to be identified, Project in-charge Rtn. Prashant Brahme assisted by all members & anns. Tree plantation: 'One Plant Per Member' in association with the forest department. Discussion about the Installation Program.

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 17:00:00
Location President Office, Spine Road, Moshi
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony primary meeting
Meeting Agenda Installation Ceremony primary meeting , discussion on agenda, venue, Chief Guest, and overall program schedule and individual responsibilities
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting Installation Ceremony primary meeting , discussion on agenda, venue, Chief Guest, and overall program schedule and individual responsibilities

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location SarasBaug Mandir,Swargate,Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Descripition of Ganpati's Vedic Roop
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 40
Minutes of Meeting मंगळवार दिनांक 2/7/24 रोजी पुण्यातील अत्यंत मानाचा गणपती व पवित्र स्थान असलेल्या सारसबागेमध्ये यावर्षीची पहिली मीटिंग संपन्न झाली.या दिवशी संस्कृत विदुषी डॉक्टर सुचेता परांजपे यांनी वेद आणि गणपतीचा आशीर्वाद या विषयावर व्याख्यान दिले सर्वसाधारणपणे गजमुख असलेला गणपती सर्वत्र प्रचलित आहे. परंतु वेदांमध्ये हे रूप नाही. तर पूर्वी वेगवेगळे जे राज्य होती त्याचा मुख्य पती किंवा गण पुढे गणपती म्हणून ओळखला जाऊ लागला.भारतातच नव्हे तर भारताबाहेर गणपतीला देवता म्हणून स्वीकारले आहे. अशी एक आगळीवेगळी माहिती त्यांच्या व्याख्यानातून प्राप्त झाली. तसेच आपण वेगवेगळी श्लोक, मंत्रपुष्पांजली म्हणतो ही ऋग्वेदातील ऐतरेय ग्रंथामध्ये आहे तसेच यजुर्वेदामध्ये ही वेगवेगळ्या श्लोकांचा उल्लेख मिळतो. तसेच तत्पुरुष म्हणजे शिवाचे नाव, हेरंब म्हणजे गणपतीची सिंहावर आरुढ मूर्ती जी पाचव्या शतकात पहिली सापडली. वेदातील श्लोक व रोटरीतले फोरवे टेस्ट याच्यात किती साधर्म्य आहे हे त्यांनी वेगवेगळ्या उदाहरणांनी स्पष्ट केले. नवनिर्वाचित प्रेसिडेंट वृषाली व सेक्रेटरी मानसी हिला विश्वांन दे या श्लोकाद्वारे आशीर्वाद दिला या सभेला प्रेसेंट वृषालीचे कौतुक करायला तिच्या मैत्रिणी व आप्तस्वकीय आले होते अतिशय सुग्रास अशा जेवणाने कार्यक्रमाची सांगता झाली.

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Punyai Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation of President Meenal Dhotre and her BOD
Meeting Agenda Installation of new President and BOD and handover the charge, charter by outgoing president to incoming president
Chief Guest DG Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 50
Minutes of Meeting Installation of President Meenal Dhotre, Secretary Shashank Tilak and BOD for RY 24-25 and handing over the charge by outgoing president to incoming president

Meeting Date 02 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Poona Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Decoding the Psychology of an Impressive Personality
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest Rtn. Dr. Jignesh Pandya
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting