Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Regency Crest, Kharghar
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Felicitation of Drs & CAs, Formation of RCC
Meeting Agenda 1. formation of RCC 2. Felicitation of Rotarian Drs & CAs.
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 11
Minutes of Meeting 1. RCC formation completed successfully. 2. Felicitation of Drs and CAs done. 3. Induction of New Member Mrs. Shamika Sonar done. 4. Planning for projets for the month of June indicated to members. 5. 5 New members were present and all of them given clear understanding how to enjoy working with Rotary team. 6. Updates on Foundation given.

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Aundh Pune - multiple locations
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Chatrachaya - Umbrella
Meeting Agenda To provide 20 umbrella to street vendors in different parts of Aundh with Rotary branding under district project Chatrachaya - Rs 10,000 value donated by Aneet Riya Dharamsi
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 21
Minutes of Meeting Umbrella Donation Drive for Roadside Vendors! - A district 3131 Focus Project - One among 11 !! We are excited to share the success of our recent community event where the Rotary Club of Pune Sport City donated umbrellas to our hardworking roadside vendors! These umbrellas will provide much-needed protection from the elements, helping vendors continue their work rain or shine. It was a heart warming experience to see the smiles and gratitude from the recipients. Thank you to all our members and volunteers who made this initiative possible. Together, we are making a difference,!

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location Online
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic BOD roles by AG
Meeting Agenda a) Introduction to AG b) AG To share role details as members and BOD responsibilities
Chief Guest AG Pushkaraj Mulay
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting AG shared the roles of each of the BOD members and addressed queries.

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Damale Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Kiran by Sau Mansi Tai Badve
Meeting Agenda 7.15- 7.45PM- Fellowship 7.45- 8PM- Rotary Meeting 8-9PM- Kirtan 9PM- Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 100
Minutes of Meeting It was a Join Meeting with Rotary Club of Pune Pride. Meeting is dedicated to Sant. Dnyaneshwar, Sant. Tukaram. Thus a Kirtan by Sou. Mansi tai Badve was arranged. The meeting ended with felicitation of Mansi tai Badve and other dignitaries.

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location Balkalyan Sanstha, University Road, Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Diversity Equity Inclusion
Meeting Agenda 6:30 to 7:00pm Fellowship 7:00 to 7:10pm Meeting 7:10 to 7:30pm Rtn. Yogini Joshi 7:30 to 7:40pm Rtn. Jignesh Karia 7:40 to 7:50pm Rtn. Brij Sethi 7:50 to 8:00 pm Announcements and Vote of thanks
Chief Guest Rtn Brij Sethi
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:00:00
Location Neo Woods Walhekarwadi Chinchwad
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony RCP RY 24-25
Meeting Agenda Installation ceremony of Presi Rtn Ajay Lanke and Secretary Rtn Bhushan Dhake and BOD
Chief Guest DGE Rtn Santosh Marathe
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 80
Minutes of Meeting Installation ceremony of Presi Rtn Ajay Lanke and Secretary Rtn Bhushan Dhake and BOD

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 08:00:00
Location Damle Hall Law college Road
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD meeting for July
Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome the BOD by President and felicitations if any. 2. Report or updates in following order President Secretary Treasurer Club Admin Service Projects 1 Service project 2 CSR Foundation Membership IT Officer Bulletin 3.Resolutions /Approval to be put up and pass 4.Any other topics of discussion 5.Vote of thanks 6. Meeting adjourned Breakfast after the meeting.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 9
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the meetings Date 6th July 2024 Time 8:00 to 9:30 venue: Damle Hall Attendees: Amita Nene, Rajas Phadke, Amit Apte, Anjali Sahasrabuddhe, Mukund Chiplunkar, Vaidehi Jog, Dr. Madhavi Mehendale, Deepak Bodhani, Prerana Joshi 1.Pres Rtn.Amita started the meeting welcoming the board members. She felicitated IPP Surekha and Rtn. Prerana for installation ceremony. She congratulated Avenues for their work. 2. Secretary Rtn.Rajas Phadke asked BOD to check on the district website and the RI website whether the proper access is available. Planned zoom meeting for the same. 3. Treasurer Rtn.Amit Apte gave the updates on the collections made.For the change of signatories, the presence of the new signatories is required while submitting the documents. 3.Club Admin Rtn.Vaidehi Jog gave the updates on July programs and the work on the August program. She also listed the support needed. 4. Service Projects update was given by Rtn. Anjali Sahasrabuddhe. She discussed the requirements and the methodology for the same. 5. CSR director Rtn. Mukund Chiplunkar gave the updates on the work done towards CSR funding. 6. Updates from director Youth included installations carried out and the plans for the upcoming projects. 7. PI director Rtn. Deepak Bodhani’s updates include PI within district, PI through website and social media. PI also planned for signature projects. 8. Update from IT Officer Rtn. Prerana Joshi asked to create a mailing group for the BOD. She will be cleaning up the google drive for the president’s email id. 9. Secretary Rajas read the update sent by Foundation Director Rtn. Padma Shahane which had the list of donations received. 10. The BOD also came up with few important suggestions. 11. Meeting concluded after vote of thanks by Sec. Rajas

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Damle Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Keertan ( कीर्तन)
Meeting Agenda आषाढी वारीच्या निमित्ताने हरिनामाच्या गजरात रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे प्राइड च्या नवीन रोटरी वर्षाची सुरुवात कीर्तनाच्या कार्यक्रमाने झाली. रोटरी क्लब पुणे लोकमान्य नगर च्या सहयोगाने शनिवार दिनांक 6 जुलाई 2024 रोजी दामले हॉल येथे हा कार्यक्रम मोठ्या थाटामाटात आणि आनंदात साजरा केला गेला.
Chief Guest Manasi Badawe
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 37
Minutes of Meeting आषाढी वारीच्या निमित्ताने हरिनामाच्या गजरात रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे प्राइड च्या नवीन रोटरी वर्षाची सुरुवात कीर्तनाच्या कार्यक्रमाने झाली. रोटरी क्लब पुणे लोकमान्य नगर च्या सहयोगाने शनिवार दिनांक 6 जुलाई 2024 रोजी दामले हॉल येथे हा कार्यक्रम मोठ्या थाटामाटात आणि आनंदात साजरा केला गेला. विठुरायाची भव्य रांगोळी, तुळशीमाळ फुलांच्या सजावटीत मढवलेली विठ्ठल रखुमाईची मूर्ती, पारंपारिक वेशभूषेत आलेले सर्व सभासद आणि धूप दीपाच्या सुगंधात मंगलमय झालेले वातावरण! स्त्रियांनी नऊवारी लुगडी आणि खणा च्या, काठापदराच्या साड्या घालून कार्यक्रमाला विशेष रंगत आणली. हळदी कुंकू आणि अत्तर लावून सर्वांचे स्वागत झाले. तुळशी वृंदावन अन पालखी डोक्यावर घेऊन एक छोटी दिंडी विठूरायाच्या गजरात हॉलमध्ये आली आणि कीर्तनात सुरुवात झाली. राष्ट्रीय स्तरावरील प्रसिद्ध कीर्तनकार सौ मानसी श्रेयस बडवे यांनी कीर्तनाला सुरुवात करताच त्यांचे स्पष्ट शब्दोच्चार तसेच खडा पण सुरेल आवाज ह्यांनी मानसीताईंनी सर्वांची मने जिंकून घेतली. त्यांना हार्मोनियम वर सौ मधुरा बडवे व तबल्यावर श्री सिद्धार्थ कुंभोजकर यांनी साथ दिली. एकंदरीत सगळे वातावरण वारीच्या सुगंधात आणि विठ्ठल भक्तीरसात बुडून गेले. रोटरी क्लब पुणे प्राइडच्या प्रेसिडेंट रो राधा गोखले, सेक्रेटरी रो हर्षवर्धन भावे तसेच रोटरी क्लब पुणे लोकमान्य नगरचे प्रेसिडेंट रो अविनाश तरवडे व सेक्रेटरी रो राजकुमार बजाज यांनी सांस्कृतिक समितीच्या शमा, नेहा, धनश्री, भक्ती, रो सुनेत्रा आणि रो प्रवीण यांचे भरभरून कौतुक केले

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location PYC Gymkhana Deccan Corner Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony
Meeting Agenda Installation Ceremony
Chief Guest IPDG Manjoo Phadke and AG Sneha Subhedar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Installation Ceremony

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location RRC, Akurdi, Board Room
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Preparation Meeting
Meeting Agenda Meeting call to Order at 7.0 pm National Anthem Fareway test recite Updated from President & Secretary Directors announcement if any Installation planning by Director Event & Admin Vote of Thhanks by PE
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting Meeting call to Order at 7.0 pm National Anthem Foraway test recite Updated from President & Secretary Directors announcement if any Installation planning by Director Event & Admin Vote of Thhanks by PE

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Meeting Type Regular
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 70

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony of RY 2024-25 BOD
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 80
Minutes of Meeting Installation Ceremony: Change of Guard The Installation Ceremony of the President and Board of Directors 2024-25 of the Rotary Club of Pune Central took place on 06 July 2024 at Pocha Hall, Boat Club. It was a significant event attended with great enthusiasm by all club members and Presidents from other Rotary Clubs in District 3131. The venue provided a splendid setting for the occasion, with the hall filled to capacity by RCPC members, District 3131 dignitaries, Presidents from neighbouring clubs, and the families and friends of our members. R’Ann Manjiri Supnekar performed the auspicious 'Ganesha Vandana' in a melodious tone, adding to the special and memorable atmosphere of the event. President Rtn. Cmde Ajay Chitnis warmly welcomed everyone to the meeting, reflecting on the Club's achievements under his leadership. He expressed heartfelt gratitude to his Board and all club members for their steadfast support throughout his tenure. President Ajay Chitnis then proceeded with the highlight of the evening, announcing the eagerly awaited annual Club awards. These awards celebrated members for their outstanding contributions to various projects. R’Ann Alka Srivastava skill-fully anchored the program, aiding both outgoing and incoming Presidents with seamless announcements and coordination. President Ajay Chitnis proudly presented the following Annual Club Awards: 1. Excellence in Service to Humanity: Rtn. Dr. Nitin Desai 2. Service above Self: Rtn. PP Madhusudan Rathi 3. Highest Individual Contribution to TRF: Rtn. PP Ajay Dubey 4. Most Energetic Board Director : Rtn. Giri Sakhrani 5. Contribution to Recognition of RCPC in District : Rtn. PP Ravi Kapoor 6. Recognition for Club CSR Projects: Rtn. PP Rakesh Bhargava 7. Most Innovative Program: Rtn. Ashish Goyal 8. Best Internal Program: R'Ann Sonia Rajore 9. Best Fellowship: Rtn. PP Sukhminder Kalra 10. Best Assimilation Program: Rtn. PP Jinendra and Rtn. Amita Munot 11. Best Attendance Record: Rtn. PP Dr. Nasir Kazi 12. Most Engaged Rotarian: Rtn. Arun Shroff 13. President's Special Award: Rtn. Vipen Malhotra 14. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. Dr. Saroj Bande 15. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. PE Brig PK Muralidharan Raja 16. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. Yogesh Shah 17. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. Akshay Kejriwal 18. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. Pankaj Mehrotra 19. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. Sunil Asher 20. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. Baakir Baker 21. Tan Man Dhan Award: Rtn. Rajesh Yadav 22. Internal Speaker Recognition Award: Rtn. PP Dr. Anand Bhatia 23. Internal Speaker Recognition Award: Rtn. Ashish Goyal 24. Internal Speaker Recognition Award: Rtn. PP Sanjiv Kumar 25. Internal Speaker Recognition Award: Rtn. Payal Rajpal 26. Internal Speaker Recognition Award: Rtn. Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva 27. Internal Speaker Recognition Award: Rtn. Aseem Srivastav 28. Excellence in Community Service Non-Medical: Rtn. Giri Sakhrani 29. Excellence in Community Service Non-Medical: Rtn. Oni Kakajiwala 30. Excellence in Community Service – Medical: Rtn. Oni Kakajiwala 31. Excellence in Community Service – Medical: R'Ann Nafisa Kakajiwala 32. Excellence in Vocational Service: Rtn. PP Narayandas Rathi 33. Excellence in Club Service: Rtn. Delshad Karanjia 34. Excellence in Youth Service: Rtn. Anil Bora 35. Exemplary Contribution to Rotary by a Spouse: R'Ann Teena Goyal 36. Best Projecty of the Year: Green PC- Rtn. Pravin Nadkarni 37. Best Couple of the Year: Rtn. PP Dr. Anand Bhatia & R'Ann Dr. Sita Bhatia 38. Outstanding New Find: Rtn. Dr. Kamalkishore Malpani 39. Outstanding Rotarian of the Year: Rtn. Giri Sakhrani All award winners were heartily applauded by the audience and before handing over the award, President Ajay recounted every award-winning member’s contribution with adulation. RCPC President Rtn Cmde Ajay Chitnis after a very successful year with many new milestones, passed on the baton to the incoming President Rtn Brigadier PK Muralidharan Raja amidst a thunderous applause from everyone present. Brigadier Raja who was installed as the 41st President of Rotary Club Of Pune Central, in turn introduced his Board of Directors and decorated them with the Rotary pin. President Raja delivered an inspiring and motivational speech, outlining his vision and plans for the year 2024-25. He emphasized his commitment to being available round-the-clock for all members, stating unequivocally, "The buck stops here." President Raja highlighted that the Rotary Club of Pune Central aimed to revitalize membership by introducing a new brand identity. Director Public Image, PP Uday Dharmadhikari, proposed a fresh logo to attract younger members while preserving core values. Rtn Sameer Desai and Seagull Advertising were credited for creating the innovative new logo. Special recognition was extended to the entire Public Image team, including PP Uday Dharmadhikari, Rtn Sameer Desai, Rtn Vipen Malhotra, Rtn PE Lekha Nair, Rtn Yogesh Shah, R’Ann Alka Shrivastav, and Rtn Dr. Madhvi Kshettry, for their contribution to the new brand identity of RCPC. Brigadier Raja invited Editor Rtn Behzad Randeria and Co-Editor R’Ann Sonia Rajore to unveil the colour-printed RCPC Installation Bulletin (Central Turf) marking the start of the Rotary Year. Hon. Treasurer Rtn PP Madhu Rathi acknowledged TRF donors. Joint Secretary Rtn. Dr Madhvi Kshettry made announcements in place of Hon. Secretary Rtn Sagar Khandelwal. Vice President Rtn. Yogesh Shah delivered the vote of thanks. The day concluded with a sense of accomplishment from the past year and renewed enthusiasm for the year ahead. The ceremony not only celebrated leadership transitions but also reinforced the Rotary Club's commitment to service and community impact under President Raja and his BOD for RY 2024-25. It was a testament to the club's vibrant spirit and dedication to making a difference in Pune Central and beyond. The ‘Magic of Rotary’ has begun!

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:00:00
Location Pragati Industrial Estate meeting hall
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Installation for 2024-25
Meeting Agenda Installation of Rtn Deepak Thite as President, Rtn Prabhakar Wawge as secretary. Induction of new members. Installation of BOD for the year 2024-25
Chief Guest PDG Rtn Mohan Palesha
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 25
Minutes of Meeting Installation ceremony of Rotary Club of Pune Karvenagar was celebrated on 6th July 2024, Saturday at Pragati Industrial estate. Rtn Manisha Puranik, President for 2023-24 handed over presidentship to Rtn.Deepak Thite and Rtn. Deepak Thite, Secretary for 2023-24 handed over secretaryship to Rtn. Prabhakar Wawge. PDG Rtn. Mohan Palesha was invited as a chief guest for the installation. AG Rtn. Atul Atre also graced the occasion with his presence. COP mates of Rtn. Deepak Thite were also present. All the attendees wished great year full of nice projects to new president, secretary, and a new BOD of RCP Karvenagar. Rtn. Mrinal Kharche compered the program in entertaining way. Annet Aasavari Thite presented “Sarswati Vandana”. Rtn Pavitra Khale and Rtn Anujatai introduced AG and new president. President Deepak Thite introduced all BOD members. Two members, PP Rtn. Vivek Joshi and Rtn. Pranjali Thite were inducted into the club for year 2024-25. PP Rtn Deepak Naniwadekar, Pres Deepak Thite, PP Rtn Asha Amonkar, PP Rtn Shirish Puranik donated $100 towards polio foundation. $100 were donated for polio foundation from club trust too. So there was a total contribution of $500 right on the first day to polio foundation. Those cheques were handed over to PP Rtn Asha Amonkar who is the director for district Polio avenue. Pres. Deepak Thite and Rtn Milind Agnihotri contributed $150 and $300 towards foundation, so there was a total $450 contribution towards foundation. Chief guest PDG Rtn Mohan Palesha give a wonderful speech and guidance to all attendees in his unique way. It was full of “shers” from urdu language and poems in Marathi language. A sumptuous Maharashtrian dinner was served to all attendees after installation.

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Hotel Silver 7 Akurdi
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Club Planning Assembly
Meeting Agenda Club Planning RY 24-25 , Presentation by Avenue Directors
Chief Guest AG Rtn. Jagmohan Bhurji
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Club PLanning for RY 24-25 by President Rtn Prashant Shejwal Avenue-wise5 plan for RY 24-25 by Avenue Directors

Meeting Date 06 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 05:00:00
Location Scon Head Office
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Budget planing for the club
Meeting Agenda To discuss and plan the budget for new Rotary Year 2024-25
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 8
Minutes of Meeting We have disussed and planned the various heads of expenses for the club and decided the yearly Fees from members.