Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Panvel Gymkhana
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic sculp your mind and shape your life
Meeting Agenda Talk by a renowned corporate behaviour and attitude trainer Mrs. Vasundhara Jakka
Chief Guest Mrs. Vasundhara Jakka
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 33
Minutes of Meeting it was a good response from the membersi.e. 62 members were which includes 33 members +25 anns and 4 guests. lecture was very interesting , how to become your life happy and stay helthy.

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Rotary Comm. Hall, Bhanwwaj
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Europe Tour
Meeting Agenda 1 Meeting called to order 2 National Anthem/4 way test 3 Welcome and Greetings 4 Slide show of Europe tour 5 Vote of thanks 6 Secretary's Announcements 7 Dinner
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 19
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the family meeting of the club held on 10-07-24 at Rotary Community Hall at 8:30 PM 1. No. of Rotarians present: 19 2. No. of Anns Present : 7 3. Meeting was presided by President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar. After National Anthem and Four-way test (Read by Rtn. Rajdutt Zarkar), President welcomed all members. Birthday wishes were passed on to respective members and their family members. 4. Secretary Rtn. Divakaran Pillai read the minutes of the meeting held on 03-07-24, and it was approved by the members. 5. Rtn. Rohit Bhalla gave details of Installation of District Governor Sheetal Shah at Pune on 07-07-24. This program was attended by six rotarians from our club. 6. Rtn. Divakaran Pillai gave the good news that our Charitable trust is regularised after a prolonged follow up. He thanked Rtns. Sanjay Bondarde and Subhash Agarwal in particular along with all rotarians in our club. President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar recognised Rtns. Divakaran Pillai and Sanjay Bondarde for their efforts (Rtn. Subhas Agarwal was absent). President distributed sweets to celebrate this achievement. Rtn. Divakaran Pillai made an appeal to all those members who have forgotten to contribute to the fundraising for the trust (Rs. 1000/-) 7. Secretary requested members to take up the membership drive a little more seriously and suggest the names of two prospective members. 8. Rtns. Abbas Kothari and Nailesh Majethia had gone to Europe in one group and Rtns. Sunita Chavan and Sanjay Bondarde in another group. They both gave a beautiful slide show of their trips with wonderful narration. Members enjoyed the program. 9. It was announced that the that installation of interact office bearers of JCMM is scheduled on 12 July at 10:30 AM and that of Shishu Mandir on 13th July at 3:00 PM 10. After vote of thanks and secretary’s announcements, meeting was adjourned and requested all members and guests to enjoy the dinner 11. Dinner was sponsored by Rtns. Abbas Kothari, Nailesh Majethia, Sunita Chavan and Sanjay Bondarde.

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:00:00
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD MEET_01
Meeting Agenda BOD MEET_01
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 21
Minutes of Meeting Global Grant Projects Update given by Rtn. Deepa Bhagwat CPR Project Update given by Rtn. Deepa Bhagwat Marunji E-Learning Kits Update given by Rtn. Hemant Shirguppi Foundation Contribution Details given by Rtn. Dr. Mihir Suryavanshi Club and Trust Balance Details given by Rtn. Sandeep Patil RYLA and Rotaract Installation Details given by Rtn. Vaishali Barve Membership and District News given by Rtn. Bhushan Khanani Monsoon Picnic Update given by Rtn. Prashant Ghanekar Bulletin Update given by Rtn. Tushar Gore

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 21:00:00
Location Leafy Trails
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Busness Meeting 2
Meeting Agenda १) नगरपालीका शाळेमध्यील सतरंज्या वाटप २) येलोशी शाळेमध्ये शैक्षणिक साहीत्य वाटप ३) ४ ऑगस्टची पावसाळी सहल ४) एजी असेंब्ली
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 8
Minutes of Meeting नगरपालीका शाळेमध्ये उरलेल्या सतरंज्यांचे वाटप शनिवारी १३ जुलै रोजी सकाळी १० वाजता करण्याचे ठरले आहे. तसेच येलोशी शाळेमधील विद्यार्थ्यांना देखील त्याच दिवशी नगरपालीकेच्या शाळेतील कार्यक्रम संपला की लगेचच शैक्षणिक साहीत्याचे वाटप करण्याचे ठरले आहे. ४ ऑगस्टला आपली फॅमिली पिकनिक होणार आहे त्याची वर्गणी (१०००/- प्रत्येकी) आशिष कडे सोमवार पर्यन्त जमा करायची आहे तेजस्वानीचा वाढदिवस केक कापून साजरा करण्यात आला.

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 17:00:00
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD NO 3
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 18
Minutes of Meeting Rotary Joint BOD Meeting Minutes BOD No 2024-25/03 Date : 10/07/2024 BOD Members in Attendance (Rotarians) Dipak Sonawane, Deepak Shasam, Saita Bhor, Rakesh Agarwal, Anand Vinke, Sushma Adsul, Pradnya Rajyopadhye, Tasneem Shaikh, Archana Sonawane Minutes Joint BOD for RY 2024-25 meeting conveyed by President Dipak Sonawane. President's Agenda 1. Approval of Bye Laws amendements of Club 2. July month Rotary activities and Projects. 3. Budget approval for Jul24 activities. 4. District Award function registration and planning. 5. Any other point of discussions upraised during the meeting Discussions were done on above agenda: 1. Club Bye laws wre amended at Article 6, Article 11, Article 12 and Article 13.BOD approved the amendments in the Club Bye law unanimously. 2. On 12th Jul24 on occasion of International Paper day, Rotary club Daund with interact clubs of Mary Memorial School, Shri Mangesh Memorial School, Shahid Jawan School, Learn and Play School and Blossom school will be conducting Paper bag making competition. Top three students whose paper bag will be judged by the award committee will be awarded by Giving Certificates. 3. Installation programme of Interact Club of Blossom school scheduled on 11th Jun 24 at 9 am in the school. 4. On 17th Jul24 on occasion of Ashadi Ekadahi it was discussed to do the health check up of the warkaris in Daund temple. For this check up contact and discussion with Rtn Pallavi Madam to be done on 11th Jul 24 so that it can be done jointly with Pyramid Hospital and Shushrusha Nursing school. 5. Jul24 is Maternal Health and Child care month as per Rotary calendar. Hence it was discussed to give Sarees to the mothers and baby care kit to new born or small children at PHC Daund. For this appeal to bring old sarees done to the fellow Rotarians and family and requested them to bring the sarees on 12th Jul24 – Weekly meeting day. Accordingly Flyer to be prepared for Advertsiement. 6. President informed that on 12th Jul24, weekly meeting – Postal staff and Farmers are called. Accordingly they will be felicitated and Information on Postal savings scheme will be given by Postal staff. 7. Club Assembly for training of Avenue Directors of BOD to be finalised. President informed that it will be done jointly in synergy with RC Kurkumbh and RC Bhigwan. Dates to be finalised between 21.07.2024 and 30.07.2024. 8. All members requested to submit the membership fees for RY 2024-25 on priority. Rs.13000/- cheque and one blank cheque for Foundation. For Couple Rs.21000/- cheque and one Blank cheque. It was proposed to PE Dipak to talk with District for exact foundation amount. Finance Committee No report. Treasurer's Report No report Secretary's Report No report. Community Service No report. Membership No report Vocations No report. Newsletter No report. Foundation No report. Programs To be communicated Next Meeting – to be communicated

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 21:00:00
Location Office No 2Commerce House, Prabhat ColonyMahad
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Upcoming projects, ongoing projects
Meeting Agenda Planning of Project Plantation, Blood donation camp and patriotic songs singing competition. Review of project Chatrachaya
Chief Guest Rtn.Maneesha Nagarkar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Hotel Spice Garden
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Club Awards
Meeting Agenda awards
Chief Guest IPDG Manjoo Phadke
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 22
Minutes of Meeting Felicitated Members for their excellent contribution

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Bal Kalyan Sanstha, Ganeshkhind Road
Meeting Type Meeting With ALF
Meeting Topic approval of club budget and plans and projects
Meeting Agenda discussions on club budget and club plans and projects
Chief Guest President Shanthi Sridhar, Treasurer Vivek Prakash and Directors of RCPN
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 40
Minutes of Meeting annual budget as approved by BOD for club thoroughly discussed and approved with minor modifications. No increase in membership fee.

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Ganesh Hall, at New English School Tilak Road, Pune
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Installation ceremony
Meeting Agenda Installation of New Board of Directors for the year 24-25. Induction of new Five members, out of which three are Lady memberand one Gharwapsi member. We inducted Three Honorary Members namely ISRO Scientist Dr. Sureshji Naik, Actor,Director, Producer Mr. Ajay Purkar, Well known singer Swani Shende. Initiated process of formation of new Rotaract Club namely- Rotaract Club of BMCC at BMCC College Principal Dr. Ramesh Kuchekar & Prof. Vijay Darekar were present for gracing the occasion. Out Bound RYE Student Mili Nipjiya was present for the ceremony we have handed over our club flags to her at the auspicious hands of our DG Sheetal Shah. we have handed over flags to our PDG Dr. Sudhirji Rashingkar who will be visiting US and will be identifying International partner for our proposed global grant project of DAM. amounting to$60,000 we handed over flags to Treasurer PP Suhas who will be visiting California US, and will attend a meeting of our international partner club for Global grant project GG 2467067 of Carlsbad. will be exchanging the flags
Chief Guest D. G. Sheetal Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location SNDT Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Know your Member
Meeting Agenda Interview of member PP Santosh by Rtn. Vivek
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 08:00:00
Location Alephata
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Membership
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 7
Minutes of Meeting Increase Member in year 24-25

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Bhaskaracharya Pratishthan
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation of President, Secretary & BOD
Meeting Agenda Installation of President, Secretary & BOD
Chief Guest DGND Nitin Dhamale
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 35
Minutes of Meeting Installation of President, Secretary & BOD

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Hotel Kalasagar, PImpri
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic 1st BOD Meeting
Meeting Agenda Meeting called to order, Secretary announcement, Directors plans avenue wise, IPP remarks, Vote of Thanks, Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to order by President Atul, Secretary Anita read out last BOD minutes, proposed by Rtn Varsha and seconded by Rtn Hemant,, Directors plans avenue wise, IPP remarks, Vote of Thanks b y Rtn Vincent, Meeting adjourned for dinner