Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Online on Zoom
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Hat Speech
Meeting Agenda 7.30 - 8.00 pm Fellowship 8.00 - 8.01 pm Meeting Called to Order 8.01 - 8.05 pm National anthem 8.05 pm Welcome 8.05 - 8.10 pm Secretarial Announcements: Birthdays: 12-Dr Kale, Ann Rupali Bajaj 13- Annet Avani Bharati Anniversaries: - Next Meeting 20 July: Shankh Naad – Speaker Madhukar Shidhaye Todays Fellowship – At Home 8.10 - 8.15 pm President review Felicitation 8.15 - 9.00 pm Hat Speech Competition - PP Vibhakar Ramtirthkar 9.00 - 9.05 pm Vote of thanks
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 6
Minutes of Meeting This was online zoom meeting. Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Sameer & Secretarial announcements by Secretary Milind. Meeting was concluded after this.

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Location Hotel Ganesh, Pimpri, pune
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Club Assy No. 1
Meeting Agenda 1] Fellowship Meeting 30 min 2] Meeting Is Call to Order ( Dais shared by President And Secretary ) 1 min 3] National Anthem 1 min 4] Welcome All the Members By President 1 min 5] Secretarial Announcement 2 min 6] As per the BOD meeting dated 12 June 2024, read the Amended Clubs New Bylaws & Constitution in front of members and take the Approval. 10 min 7] Discussion and Distribution Of Umbrellas under Chhatra Chhaya Project. 10 min 8] Discussion About the Upcoming Installation ceremony and Planning. 10 min 9] Discussion About the District award ceremony and allocate the Roles and work for this day. 10 min 10] Vote Of thanks By President and Meeting adjourn 2 min Total 77 min
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of Meeting No. 2 ( Club Assembly ) Rotary Club Of Chinchwad Held on 13th July 2024 Attendees: 1. Harsha Joshi (President) 2. Parag Joshi 3. Prasad Ganpule 4. Prasad Shett 5. Vishwanath Apte 6. Mahavir Satyanna 7. Sangeeta Ranade 8. Prasad Sohani 9. Rajesh Agarwal 10. Nihar Ingle 11. Kishor Gujar 12. Vinayak Jog 13. Bhupendra Ketkar 14. Surendra Sharma Proceedings: 1. Meeting Called to Order: The meeting commenced promptly at 9:00 am by President Harsha Joshi. 2. National Anthem: All present members participated in singing the National Anthem. 3. 4 Way Test: Rtn Vishwanath Apte administered the 4 Way Test. 4. Welcome and Condolences: President welcomed all members and proposed a moment of remembrance (shradhanjali) for PP Vijay Desai. 5. Secretary's Announcements: Birthday of Rtn Kishor Gujar and Rtn Mrs. Sangeeta Ranade were announced. Anniversary of Rtn Yatish Bhatt was acknowledged. Project and Meeting Review: Discussion and review of projects and meetings held on 1st and 3rd July 2024 took place. Information About TAN No to all club members. 6] Amendment in Bylaws and Constitution: Discussion on amendments was held, and approval was obtained from the club assembly. Proposal made by Surendra Sharma, seconded by Prasad Ganpule. 7. Membership Termination Rules: New rules regarding membership termination were discussed and passed by the club assembly. Members must inform the club of resignation one month in advance. Membership termination will occur in December and June, with fees required for the interim period. Proposal made by Prasad Shett, seconded by Rajesh Agarwal. 8. Chhatra Chhaya Project Status: Update provided to the club assembly - 30 out of 40 umbrellas distributed. 9. Upcoming Installation and District Award Ceremony: Discussion completed on upcoming events; roles to be assigned post upcoming BOD. 10. Vote of Thanks: President Harsha Joshi extended thanks to all attendees. 12. Meeting Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned By President. 13. Birthday Celebration: Cake cutting ceremony held to celebrate today's birthdays.

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:00:00
Location RCC
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony
Meeting Agenda Installation of President Secretary along with BOD
Chief Guest DG Rtn Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 53
Minutes of Meeting Out going President Rtn. Dr. Manish Pharande handed over his president ship gracefully to Rtn. Santosh Giranje. DG Rtn. Sheetal Shah was the chief guest for this function. All BOD members were inducted and introduced to Guest. Dignitaries from District 3131 were present were present.

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Poona Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Musical Quiz Night T20
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest R'Anns Namrata Sarda and Urmi Rathod
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 45
Minutes of Meeting Pre-meeting fellowship started at 6.30 pm in Poona Club, Hall No.1, where members interacted on various topics. After calling the meeting to order at 7.00 pm, President Brigadier PKM Raja welcomed all Rtns & R’Anns of RCPC, visiting Rotarians and the prospective members who had come to witness RCPC’s Weekly Meeting and get a first-hand information about the functioning of RCPC. President Brigadier Raja thanked IPP Cmde Ajay Chitnis and Members of BOD 2023-24 as well as all Rtns and their spouses, for a wonderful RY 2023-24 with lots of milestones and achievements. Brigadier Raja then made a mention of the Members of BOD 2024-25 and said that in them we have a superb blend of youth and experience to take us through RY 2024-25 with wholehearted support from all members of RCPC. The President stated that we are all here as members of RCPC by destiny and we are the chosen ones…. let us make use of this opportunity to make a difference to the society in which we live. The President exhorted all members to read the RCPC’s Weekly Bulletin Central Turf as well as our Club’s Directory CentralNet regularly. There is so much of valuable Rotary information in them, that it will help us improve our standing as true Rotarians. President Raja also explained the concept and rationale for forming the Eleven Coordination Sub Groups in our Club. He stated that the details of who is in which Coordination Sub Group is given at page 16 of the CentralNet which has been given to all members. The Calendar of RCPC Events which is on the last page of the CentralNet for RY 2024-25, gives dates and months in which each Sub Group must present one Internal Program. There will be attractive prizes at a special award ceremony at the end of the year for good performance by the Coordination Sub Groups. Rtn Raman Nanda Sub Group will kick start their program on 24 August 2024. The President also said that let us all take a pledge that when we enter the hall for the Weekly Meetings, we try and bring in positiveness and spread it – we will not involve in backbiting or politics or groupism as we are all crucial integral cogs in the Wheel of Rotary Club of Pune Central. This Rotary time… lets devote to understand and enjoy Rotary. The Spirit of Giving: President gratefully acknowledged the following donation: • Donation of USD 1000 to TRF – Annual Fund (AF) from Brigadier PKM Raja President Brigadier Raja announced the introduction of a New Birthday / Wedding Anniversary gift in the form of a lovely Ceramic Coffee Mug with the new RCPC Logo inscribed on it. R’Ann Shilpa Khandelwal performed the pleasantries to wish those who had birthdays and wedding anniversaries from 01 – 18 July 2024. Wished happy birthday to Rtn. Dr. Sarang Rote, R’Ann Meena Sarkar, R’Ann Dr. Deena Malpani, Rtn. Delshad Karanjia, Mr. Milon Nag, Rtn. Dr. Shash Saxena, Rtn. PP Rakesh Bhargava, Rtn. Vinay Biyani, Rtn. Shrikant Sarda, Rtn. Nandita Khaire and Rtn. Darshana Kataria. Wedding anniversaries of the following couples were also announced Rtn. PP Madhu and R’Ann Prema Rathi, Rtn. Jeevan and R’Ann Renu Mahaldar, Rtn. Dr. Rajiv and R’Ann Madhuri Narvekar and, Rtn. Rajeev and R’Ann Rashi Sharma. Rtn PP Jinendra Munot and Rtn Amita Munot could not attend the Installation Ceremony on 06 July when the Annual Club Awards were presented. Their names were recommended for the ‘Best Assimilation Program’ and as they were present at the Club function on 13 July, the memento was presented to them by IPP Cmde Ajay Chitnis. R’Ann Namrata Sarda and R’Ann Urmi Rathod’s Musical T 20 Event was a resounding success. The packed hall buzzed with excitement. With the hall oozing with positivity, it seemed as if there was electricity in the air. All those who attended had a gala time as is evident from a few photos attached. We missed those who could not attend and we look forward to seeing you next time. Namrata and Urmi captivated everyone with their Musical Quiz Night, blending fun, competition, and camaraderie. The event, originally scheduled for 38 minutes, was extended for another 10 minutes by popular demand, leaving attendees wanting more, as everyone seemed to enjoy the spirit in which the evening unfurled. Rtn. Behzad Randeria gave the vote of thanks for the fabulous performance by R’Anns Namrata Sarda and Urmi Rathod and President Raja gifted them with the RCPC Coffee Mugs with the new logo, as a token of appreciation. The Icebreaker Mini Fellowship hosted by Rtn PP Madhu Rathi was a big hit, with delicious starters and food enjoyed by all....

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:30:00
Meeting Type Meeting With ALF
Meeting Topic Explore 3131 Website
Meeting Agenda Explore 3131 Website
Chief Guest DG Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 1
Minutes of Meeting Opening Remarks - Rtn. Vivek Dixit Going Digital - Rtn. DG Shital Shah Digital Directory - Rtn. Sunil Kurup District Website Asses & Features - Rtn. Vrunda Walimbe Goal Settings and CPI - Rtn. Dimakh Sahastrabuddhe

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 17:00:00
Location Vcreatek office, Viman Nagar
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Ideas for funding and plan for 24-25
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest None
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 3
Minutes of Meeting Funding Plans Meeting frequency and location

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 05:00:00
Location Rotarian Shailesh Residence
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD meeting 1
Meeting Agenda Present all Avenues by respective directors and discussions on various topics related to all Avenues and also updates and discussions on work of office bearers..
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting Radha Gokhale – President 2. Subodh Maplani - Trainer 3. Harshawardhan Bhave – Secretary 4. Vinit Joshi - Treasurer 5. Ravi Moholkar – Director Foundation 6. Shailesh Sirsikar – Director Public Image 7. Shailesh Agharkar – Director Membership 8. Medha Dhorje – Director Youth 9. Shweta Joshi – IT Officer 10.Deepak Kelkar – Director CSR and Fund Raise 11.Vaishali Deo – Director Service 12.Avinash Joag – Seargent at Arms 13.Anil Kasodekar – Director Club Administration (On Line) President Radha commenced the meeting by welcoming all the BOD Members to the first BOD meeting of the new Rotary Year, 2024-25. Radha mentioned that we have had a great start to the year across various avenues and highlighted the following, 1. Handing over has been very smooth for all the avenues. Thanks to IPP and other board members for the co-operation received in the process. 2. Appreciation of the Program Committee, Director Anil and Chairperson Rtn. Sanjota for keeping the calendar ready for the entire Rotary year and submitting to the District. She also mentioned that the club has already received an appreciation for the same. 3. Appreciation of the Program Committee and the Cultural Committee and Director Club Admin, Anil for excellent management of the Installation Ceremony. She impressed that she has been told time and again that our Installation Ceremony was very unique and creative. 4. 1 st July: First day of the RY 2024-2025, 40 umbrellas were distributed, appreciation of Director PI Shailesh for handling the entire logistics and distribution, motivating the members to identify vendors and executing the task on the first day as per the district directions. 5. 1 st July: Vocational Excellence award presented to one Chartered Accountant and One Doctor, on the CA and Doctors day respectively, arrangements made by Director VA Rtn. Atulya Kotkar, highly appreciated for the same. PP Ujwal and PP Sunetra were actively involved in making this happen. 6. Cultural team is rocking, so special appreciation for them. Presentation by all Avenues by respective directors and discussions on various topics related to all Avenues and also updates and discussions on work of office bearers..

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Veena World Office, Panvel
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Approval of Club Bye Laws and Budget
Meeting Agenda 1. Finalisation of Club Bye laws. 2. Finalisation of Club Budget. 3. Change of Signatories for club Bank account. 4. Discussion on upcoming Happy Village Project at Varavane School. 5. One new member proposal.
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 5
Minutes of Meeting 1. Finalisation of Club Bye laws. 2. Finalisation of Club Budget. 3. Change of Signatories for club Bank account. 4. Discussion on upcoming Happy Village Project at Varavane School. 5. One new member proposal - approved. 6. Formation of new RCC of Nurses. 7. To fix location of upcoming rainy picnic.

Meeting Date 13 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 05:00:00
Location Scon Head Office
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Discussion for monthly club activities and Projects
Meeting Agenda Club has decided to participate in District Project Chatrachaya and discussed for other Projects to be executed.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting Club has decided to participate in District Project Chatrachaya and discussed for other Projects to be executed.We have identified the beneficiaries for the umbrella donation and Our service Project Director Avadhoot More ,Charter President Mahesh Maideo and President Prashant Surdikar have decided to donate the umbrellas personally to identified beneficiaries.