Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 08:00:00
Location Swami Narayan Temple visit
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Outdoor visit
Meeting Agenda Visit to the Swami Narayan temple Breakfast
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting The visit to Swami Narayan Templ was followed by breakfast. This was the first outdoor meeting of the club. Visit ws enjoyed by rotarians and Anns.

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Hotel Kalasagar, Pimpri
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Discuss key topics to enhance our club’s impact and engagement
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location Rotary Comm. Center.Telco Road, Chinchwad
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Rotaract Club of Pimpri Installation
Meeting Agenda Installation of Rtr. President Shubham Raut
Chief Guest DRR Drishti Singh
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Hotel Kalasagar, Kasarwadi, Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony
Meeting Agenda Meeting call to order by President, National Anthem, Four Way Test, Guest welcome, Club Secretary Report, President Remarks, Installation of President Rtn. Mahadev Shendkar, Installation of Secretary Rtn.Sangita Bhosale, Acceptance Speech of President, Unveiling of Club Bulletin, District Team Announcement's & Recognitions, Chief Guest Speech - DG Rtn. Shital Shah, Vote of Thanks by PE Rtn. Irrfann Aawate
Chief Guest DG Rtn. Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 50
Minutes of Meeting Meeting call to order by President, National Anthem, Four Way Test, Guest welcome, Club Secretary Report, President Remarks, Installation of President Rtn. Mahadev Shendkar, Installation of Secretary Rtn.Sangita Bhosale, Acceptance Speech of President, Unveiling of Club Bulletin, District Team Announcement's & Recognitions, Chief Guest Speech - DG Rtn. Shital Shah, Vote of Thanks by PE Rtn. Irrfann Aawate

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 08:00:00
Location Smrutivan Warje
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Tree Plantation
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 24
Minutes of Meeting १४ जुलै २०२४, रविवार सकाळी ८ ते ११ असे वाजता स्मृतीवन वारजे येथे आपल्या क्लबतर्फे वृक्षारोपण करण्यात आले. रात्रभर जोरदार पाऊस पडत होता तरीही आपले ३४ सभासद सकाळी स्मृतीवनात हजर होते. किशोर मोहोळकर हे स्मृतीवनाचे काम व देखरेख पाहतात. त्यांनी आधीच सर्व व्यवस्था केली होती. खड्डे खणले होते. मोठी रोपे ४/५ फूट उंच आणली होती. अर्जुन, हिरडा, कांचन वगैरे. सर्वजण जमल्यावर फेलोशिप चेअर श्वेता पंचपोरने आणलेले गरमागरम कांदे बटाटे पोहे, प्रेसिडेंट राधाने आणलेले संतोषचे गरमागरम पॅटीस, मस्त चहा, बर्फी आणि संदीप शमाने अंनिव्हर्सरीच्या निमित्ताने आणलेल्या मोतीचुर लाडू याची भरपेट फेलोशिप झाली. वृक्षारोपण ही त्या आठवड्याची मीटिंग होती त्यामुळे राष्ट्रगीताने कार्यक्रमाची सुरूवात झाली. अनाउन्समेंट, झाल्या. कपल ऑफ द वीक वर्षाने किशोर मोहोळकर यांची ओळख करून दिली आणि विनीतने मोहोळकरांची मस्त मुलाखत घेतली. मोहोळकर यांनी त्यांना किती अडचणींचा सामना करावा लागला इत्यादी सांगितले. सरकार दरबरापासून, फॉरेस्ट, डिफेन्स सर्व ठिकाणी झुंजावे लागले. वडीलांच्या स्मृतिप्रीत्यर्थ झाड लावले आणि आशीर्वाद घ्यायला, सुखदुःख सांगायला त्यांना एक छान ठिकाण मिळाले.किशोर मोहोळकर त्यांच्या आईमुळे वन संवर्धनाकडे वळले. छान घनदाट जंगल करण्याचा त्यांचा मानस आहे त्याला आपला खारीचा वाटा. स्मृतीवनाची सफर करुन खड्डे खणले होते तिथे जमलो. रोपे लावली. पाऊस पडतच होता पण जोर कमी झाला होता. वृक्षारोपण सोहळा एक छोटीशी पावसाळी सहल आणि एका चांगल्या कार्यात सहभागी होण्याचा योग जुळून आला. क्लबचे जुने, नवीन मेंबर्स व अजुनही जे सभासद होणार आहेत असेही वृक्षारोपण करायला पावसात भिजत आले मला सर्व्हिस डायरेक्टर म्हणून खूपच आनंद झाला. अश्या तऱ्हेने या वर्षीचा पहिला प्रोजेक्ट संपन्न झाला. आधी बीज एकले बीज अंकुरले रोप वाढले एका बीजापोटी, कोटी सुमने फळे

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 17:00:00
Location C-55, Prince Paradise CHS, Near Vadale Talav, panvel
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Club weekly meeting for planning of Installation ceremony & Projects
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting call to order & national Anthem 2, Approval to minutes of meeting held on 29th June 2024 3. Planning of Installation Ceremony 4. Discussion regarding Jaipur foot Project 5. Discussion regarding Anemia Detection & Prevention Project 6. Approval to Financial statements of club for FY 2023-24 & approval for getting CA Audit done. 7. With the permission of the chair, matters of other subjects, if any.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 6
Minutes of Meeting 1. After the president called the meeting to order, the meeting commenced with the national anthem. 2. The minutes of the meeting held on 29th June were approved. 3. A detailed discussion was held regarding the planning of the club's installation ceremony to be held on 21st July, and the planning was finalized. It was unanimously decided that every club member of our club should be present in the hall one hour before the scheduled time. 4. Secretary Rupesh Yadav provided detailed information about the Jaipur Foot project. According to the discussion with the club's Service Director, Rtn. Dr. Santosh Jadhav, this project is expected to take place on 4th August. Considering the aspects of advertising the project and finding beneficiaries, it was decided that Rtn. Rupesh Yadav and Rtn. Dr. Santosh Jadhav should directly discuss with relevant social and medical institutions. If feasible, the project should be undertaken now; otherwise, it was unanimously decided that the club should conduct this project independently at a later date. 5. It was decided that this project should be undertaken for the girl students of 8th to 10th at the Annasaheb Sahasrabuddhe Tribal Ashram School in Shantivan. In the month of August, it is the birthday of the wife of the club's Service Director, Rtn. Dr. Santosh Jadhav. If possible for Rtn. Dr. Santosh Jadhav, the school administration should be informed accordingly, and the event should be organized on that day. It was unanimously decided that the president and secretary should directly discuss with Dr. Santosh Jadhav and proceed accordingly. 6. The treasurer presented the financial statements for the year 2023-24 in the meeting of the club. All these financial statements were unanimously approved. It was unanimously agreed to get the audit for the year 2023-24 done by M?S Salose & Associates , New Panvel (W) and to pay the necessary fees for it. 7. As there were no matters to be discussed at the last minute, the president concluded the meeting after thanking everyone following the secretarial announcement.

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:30:00
Location DynaPulse Complex
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremoney & Anns Meet
Meeting Agenda Installation Ceremony of President & BOD
Chief Guest DG Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 75
Minutes of Meeting Installation ceremoney for RY 2024-25

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 11:00:00
Location Bhantara Bhavan
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation
Meeting Agenda Installation of a new President
Chief Guest Rtn. Nitin Dhamale
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting Installation of a new President: IPP Yogesh Bhangale, shared his last year's experience. New President shared the vision & Goal for the year 2024-2025. New BOD was inducted at the hands of chief guest Nitin Dhamale.

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Location Poona Club Ltd
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Agenda 9.30am to 10.30am - Breakfast 10.30am to 11.00am 11.00am to 1.00pm installation 1.00pm to 2.30pm Lunch 2.30pm to 5.00pm Resort activities 5pm to 6pm Hi Tea
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 45
Minutes of Meeting null

Meeting Date 14 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Village Shere, Mulshi
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Seedball distribution and awareness
Meeting Agenda Meeting called to order, Secretary announcement, Awareness lecture about environment by RTn Vijay Deshmukh, Vote of Thanks, Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest Sarpanch Murlidhar Patil
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 25
Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to order by President Atul Secretary announcement, Awareness lecture about environment by RTn Vijay Deshmukh, Vote of Thanks by Rtn Bhausaheb, Meeting adjourned