Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location Cocoon Hotel
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Yearly Project Plan and Approvals
Meeting Agenda Approval of Projects, Chatra Chaya Project , eWaste Collection, RCC Creation , Fellowships, Pahat Event, Members Dues, TRF
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Poona Club of Pune Central
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic The Magic of Rotary’
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest Rtn. PP Jignesh Pandya
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 43
Minutes of Meeting Opening and Remembrance. The meeting commenced on a sombre note as the club mourned the loss of former Rtn Cmde Rajan Vir (Retd), a member of RCPC from June 1987 to June 2023 when he left the Club on health grounds. His passing marks the end of an era for our club, and he was fondly remembered for his dedication and contributions over the years. To honor his memory, the President requested everyone to stand up and observe one-minute silence. After that, Rtn PP Suhas Merchant shared his memories, highlighting Rtn Cmde Rajan Vir's journey from a Navy Commodore to a dedicated Rotarian. PP Suhas Merchant reminisced about Rtn Cmde Rajan's leadership in organizing club visits to IRS Vikrant and his active role at the district level, particularly in the Environment Committee and as Sergeant-at-Arms. His punctuality, discipline, and unwavering commitment left an indelible mark on the club. Following PP Suhas Merchant, Rtn. PP Raja Kharadkar expressed his sorrow and paid tribute to Late Rtn Rajan Vir and his wife Late Gita. He highlighted Rtn Rajan Vir's significant contributions, including initiating the river cleaning project and establishing the club's first Sister Club with a Rotary Club in the UK. Rtn Rajan Vir's dedication and disciplined approach were admired by all, and his legacy continues to inspire the club members. Recognition of Visiting Rotarians and Guests We were delighted to welcome our visiting Rotarians, Rtn Pradeep Munot from RC Poona Downtown and Rtn Narendra Dobariya from Rotary Club of Surat. We also had guests Mr. Prakash and Saroj Gugle attended our Weekly Meeting as prospective members, to get a feel of what the Rotary Club of Pune Central is all about. Rtn. IPP Aruna Rathi from RC Poona Downtown was also present. Club Contributions and Awards In the spirit of giving, President Brigadier Raja announced and thanked Rtn. Arun Jindal for his contribution of $1,000 to the TRF Annual Fund. The President announced that our Club can proudly boast of 5 (Arch Klumph Society Members). District Governor Rtn. Shital Shah had felicitated all AKS Members of District 3131 at his Installation Ceremony on 07 July 2024, but since Rtn. PP Ajay Dubey was not present, President Brigadier Raja collected the award on his behalf. The same was presented to PP Ajay Dubey by Brigadier Raja at this meeting. The President also highlighted the remarkable achievement of having five AKS members in our Club. Globally, there are only 1,400 AKS members among millions of Rotarians, underscoring the significant contributions of our members. Rtn. PP Krishan Jhunjhunwala was honoured with a PHF (Paul Harris Fellow) + 5 pin for his generous donations exceeding $6,000. This recognition reflects his ongoing commitment to the Rotary Foundation. Caption Contest and Additional Announcements The club held a caption contest, and the name of Rtn PP Uday Dharmadhikari was announced as the winner. The club congratulated him and appreciated the creativity of all participants. Further announcements included the attendance report, upcoming meeting details, and the club's local polio collection, which amounted to Rs. 4100. The next meeting is scheduled for July 27, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the same hall, focusing on the club and trust budget for the rotary year 2024-25, followed by an interactive session on the safety of senior citizens. The Magic of Rotary The highlight of the evening was a captivating presentation by Rtn Dr. Jignesh Pandya on "The Magic of Rotary." Dr. Pandya, a PhD in Economics and an acclaimed theatre artist, shared his unique perspective on Rotary's impact beyond facts and figures. Dr. Pandya, the Chartered President of the Rotary Club of Bibwewadi, Pune, used an engaging audio-visual session to illustrate Rotary's principles of "Service Above Self" and fellowship. He shared rare videos and stories, drawing parallels from popular movies and real-life examples, to highlight the transformative power of Rotary's service and friendship. Dr. Pandya emphasized that friendship and fellowship are the cornerstones of Rotary. He recounted the origins of Rotary, where a group of friends in Chicago, led by Paul Harris, started the first meeting with a focus on friendship. This foundation of camaraderie laid the groundwork for Rotary's service-oriented mission today. Through his storytelling, Dr. Pandya demonstrated that Rotary is not just about service but also about building meaningful relationships. His insights left a lasting impression on the attendees, inspiring them to continue their service with renewed enthusiasm and a deeper sense of community. Wished happy birthday to R’Ann Neelam Mehrotra, Mr. Pankaj Mathur and Rtn. Rakesh Makhija The Icebreaker Fellowship hosted by Rtn Madhvi Kshetty was a big hit, with delicious starters and food enjoyed by all.... Next Week's Meeting • Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024 • Time: 18:30 • Venue: Poona Club Conference Hall 1 • Agenda: A presentation on the ‘Club and Trust Budget’ followed by a short 10-minute interactive session by a Zicom representative on ‘Safety of Senior Citizen’ This will be followed by a Mini Fellowship.

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Electronic Industrial Estate Hall, Satara Road, Pune-37
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Shankh Naad
Meeting Agenda 7.30 - 7.55 pm Club Mini Fellowship 8.00 - 8.01 pm Meeting Called to Order 8.01 - 8.05 pm National anthem 8.05 pm Welcome 8.05 - 8.10 pm Secretarial Announcements: Birthdays: 12-Dr Kale, Ann Rupali Bajaj 13-Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar 13- Annet Avani Bharati 14-Rtn Manasi Katre 19- Rtn Ganesh Hadke Anniversaries: - Special mention- Annet Ninad Jadhav – for receiving Kakasaheb Khadilkar Puraskar Next Meeting 27 July: Business Meeting followed by entertainment programme. Todays Fellowship – Rtn Alok & Rtn Pallavi Nagpurkar 8.10 - 8.15 pm President review Felicitation 8.15 - 9.00 pm Shankh Naad – Speaker Madhukar Shidhaye Introduction by – Rtn Varsha Hirwe 9.00 - 9.05 pm Vote of thanks
Chief Guest Madhukar Shidhaye
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 26
Minutes of Meeting .Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Sameer & Secretarial announcements by Secretary Milind. Following felicitations were done: Annet Ninad Jadhav – for receiving Kakasaheb Khadilkar Puraskar. Chief Guest Madhukar Shidhaye was introduced by Rtn Varsha Hirwe. Mr Shidhaye then explained importance, history, methods of shankhvaadan with practical demonstration through interview by his disciple. He played few ghoshana & Ganesh Aarati on Shankh. He also shared few funny incidences in his life experienced during shankhnaad training. All attendees enjoyed the program a lot. Vote of thanks was proposed by Rtn Arati Paigude. All members enjoyed tasty fellowship by Rtn Alok & Rtn Pallavi Nagpurkar.

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 09:30:00
Location Cycle Museum at Karve Nagar
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Flexi meeting visit to Cycle museum
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting called to order and national anthem 2. Presidential announcements 3. Secretarial announcements 4. members program 5. Vote of thanks 6. Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 22
Minutes of Meeting Flexi Meeting visit to Cycle museum

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Manusmruti Old age Home
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Business meeting - Updates on various projects and activities under taken by Team 24-25
Meeting Agenda 1. Updates on RCC formation. Dr Ravikiran 2. ⁠updates on New Rotaract Club at Ramseth Thakur college - Dr Ravikiran 3. ⁠overall projects done during Last 19 days - Dr Ravikiran 4. ⁠Cervical cancer vaccination update -Shailesh Patel 5. ⁠Activities undertaken by PI team - Kamlesh A 6. ⁠Action taken by Youth Team - Shubhangi 7. ⁠Service Projects for Month of August - Dr Ravikiran 8. ⁠Overall expenses for 19 days - Ritesh Srivastava 9. ⁠Vocation award Planning for 24-25 - Shailesh Patel 10. ⁠27th Synergy Meeting on Kargil day & Picnic Updates - Shailendra Waray 11. ⁠Overall Club Performance at District Level - Shailesh Patel
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 6
Minutes of Meeting In line to agenda the meeting was well started. 1. Meeting was called to order by President and Followed by National Anthem. 2. A 2 minute Mourning was observed in the Memory of Late Swapnil Sajlekar i.e Brother in law of PP Rtn Dr Kiran Kalyankar. 3. Rtn Dr Ravikiran has informed the members about Formation of RCC group and the formalities completed. Charter is expected by 15th of August. 4. Rtn Shubhangi Malandkar informed the Members about ongoing activities with New Generation Team. New Rotaract with Ramseth Thakur College, Second dose of Cervical Vaccine, Parents counceling for 300 New Beneficiaries. 4. Rtn Kamlesh Agrawal informed the members about ongoing progress with Public Image team. Embelem installation and identification of places are under process, Website content are also being processed. 5. Rtn Dr. Raavikiran informed the group about projects done in the July. 8 projects so far done and planning of August is also been indicated which will be soon released among the members. 6. Rtn PP Shailendra Waray informe the group about 27th July Synergy meeting and its planning. Also planning for Picnic is also in pipeline and a suitable date and place for Picnic will be announce max by July month end. 7. President Rtn Shailesh Patel informed the group about identification of Vocational Awardees. January being a vocational month, we can honour their services during one of our Family meet. 8. President Rtn Shailesh Patel also informed the group about current position of the Club at District Level and was confident to keep the position among Top 5 Clubs during RY 24-25. 9. Rtn Rajendra Saxena informed the Members to participate in the Tracking activity planned on 11th August. Timing and place also declared during the meeting.

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location Krishna Chaitnya,, Hadapsar
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Plan for the year
Meeting Agenda Plan for the year, way forward and financials
Chief Guest None
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 9
Minutes of Meeting - Meetings days for the year - 2nd and 4th Saturday (Online and offline) - 1 more online meeting each month to discuss project update - Projects proposes - Literacy - Happy School, Medical - Dialysis Centre and PI activity - Quiz competition

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 01:00:00
Location Hotel Mavnath pune Solapur Haywe
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Chatrchaya project Discussion
Meeting Agenda Disused Chatrchaya project Time and please
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 17
Minutes of Meeting Chusse benifeshri of market please Diside please Desrubisaion and Time

Meeting Date 20 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Ruia Mook Badhir Vidyalay
Meeting Type Meeting With ALF
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony
Meeting Agenda Installation Ceremony of entire BOD at the hands of DGE. Santosh Marathe in presence of FLE Tanuja Marathe, ALF Rajesh Jain and AG Pushkaraj Mulay
Chief Guest DGE Santosh Marathe
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 90
Minutes of Meeting Installation Ceremony of entire BOD at the hands of DGE. Santosh Marathe in presence of FLE Tanuja Marathe, ALF Rajesh Jain and AG Pushkaraj Mulay