Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Hotel Mogra, Bibwewadi
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Meeting 1
Meeting Agenda • Quorum check: Secretary Milind • Meeting called to order and welcome - President Sameer • To approve Minutes of Last Meeting - President Sameer • Taking note of RI & District communications and events, if any: President & Secretary • Planning for the upcoming activities statement - President Sameer • Projects Review by Directors for July 24 and plans for August 24 with tentative budget: Avenue Director Service Projects Rtn Vivek Kulkarni Club Administration Rtn Pradeep Sindekar Youth Service Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar Membership and IT Rtn Asmita Patil Public Image Director Rtn Ganesh Hadke The Rotary Foundation PP Abhhey Bhise Vocational Director Rtn Hemant Watwe Event Director Rtn Nukul Dinkar Treasurer Rtn Viraj Dravid • Counsellor’s Remarks: PP Pushkaraj Mulay • Any other point with the permission of chair. • Vote of Thanks: PE Ajay Kale
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting 1. Confirmation of Quorum After ascertaining that the requisite directors were present to form quorum, the President welcomed all the directors. 2. Appreciation of small fellowship initiative: At the beginning of the Rotary Year 2024-25, the President had suggested to keep a small fellowship at 7.30 pm in the weekly meeting, with a view that the guests and those who come from distance or come directly to meeting from office or outing, can be comforted. Also, proper attendance at the beginning of the weekly meeting will get encouraged. This showed positive effects in the weekly meeting of 20th July, 2024. The members appreciated the initiative and it was decided to continue the small fellowship at the cost of the club. 3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Board Meeting Minutes of the previous Board Meeting held on 27th June, 2024 were placed before the meeting and the same was read, confirmed. The President then transacted business of the Board Meeting as per the agenda laid before the meeting on the following items. 4. Plans of Service Projects: The Service Projects Director Rtn Vivek Kulkarni informed that following Health Checkup Camps have been planned: i) On 23rd July, 2024, at Hamal Panchayat Hall, ii) On 30th July, 2024, at Mahajan Hospital, and iii) In August, 2024 for staff in Police Commissioner Office. Rtn Vivek requested that a good number of volunteers be arranged. All approved the plan and request. Rtn Vivek then suggested that felicitation of doctors serving at Sir David Sasson Hospital be done to appreciate their skills of performing critical surgery/operation with limited means available. He also stated that this activity will generate Public Image. All appreciated the initiative and it was approved. 5. Review of upcoming events by Admin Director: The Admin Director Rtn Pradeep Sindekar informed that following upcoming events have been planned. i) On 27th July, 2024, there will be business meeting with infotainment programme. ii) On 3rd August, 2024, we will be remembering Singer Kishore Kumar with entertaining program. iii) On 10th August, 2024, a program on poems of “Varsha Rutu” will be arranged. iv) On 17th August, 2024, an interview of Lt Col Patil with his family, will be arranged. 6. Youth Director The Youth Director Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar informed that following upcoming events have been planned. i) On 17 & 18 August, 2024, a residential RYLA will be planned. He requested to approve budget of Rs. 4,000/-. ii) He further requested to order Pins for installation of Rotaract and Interact clubs. iii) He informed that efforts will be taken to continue Interact club at Muktangan School subject to interest shown by school and students. All agreed and the following Resolution was passed: “RESOLVED that budget for residential Ryla of Rs. 4,000/- is approved and Installations Pins for Rotaract and Interact Clubs be ordered.” 7. Membership & IT. The Membership & IT director Rtn Asmita Patil informed the following. i) The details of two newly added members have been uploaded on the District Website. ii) She is encouraging 3 more persons for membership and details will be shared once it is finalised. iii) Rtn Pradeep Sindekar is also trying to bring one new member and details will be shared once it is finalised. President Rtn Sameer Prabhune reminded the protocol that persons seeking membership will have to be interviewed for suitability for our club and it is resolved as follows: “RESOLVED that persons seeking membership will be interviewed for suitability for our club before they can be called to attend the required weekly meetings.” 8. Public Image: For this avenue, the President informed that 20 umbrellas have been purchased under Chhatrachhaya project. He proposed that the persons having hawking license will be considered a beneficiary for receiving umbrella. All agreed and it is resolved as follows: "RESOLVED that beneficiaries of Chhatrachhaya project can only be the persons who have vaild and subsisiting hawking license from the local authority i. e. PMC." 9. The Rotary Foundation: (TRF) The TRF Director Rtn Abbhey Bhise stated that we have informed the District of our target to collect at least $ 8,000 donation. He made further request that comparatively young and active Directors be taken in the strategic planning committee. It was then revealed that President Elect Rtn Ajay Kale has already created group and formed committee, as he is a Chairman Designate. Thereafter the following resolution was passed: “RESOLVED that the commitment of at least $ 8,000 donation be tried to be achieved.” 10. Subjects at the Eleventh Hour: Following new projects were suggested: Rtn Milind Kulkarni suggested to hold Health Check-up camp at Velhe, and build Toilet for Raja Raghunathrao Vidyalay, Bhor. Rtn Vivek Kulkarni stated that: i) Project at Bhor be considered subject to feasibility. ii) Happy School project at village Bhulawade will be finalised, as budget is already there. iii) Blood Donation camp is being organized on 1st September, the details of which will be informed soon. Since all the subjects on the Agenda were discussed and decisions taken and since no other suggestion came, the meeting was decided to be over. 11. Vote of Thanks There being no other business, Secretary Rtn Milind Patil then proposed Vote of Thanks and meeting was declared as over. The Meeting ended at 9.30 P.M., which was then followed by Dinner.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Sevasadan English medium School, Nr. Deenanath hospital,Erandawane,Pune 4
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Vocational excellence Award - Singer Manjusha Patil.
Meeting Agenda Vocational Excellence Award presentation to Ms Manjusha Patil. A Synergy meeting with RCP Wisdom, RCP Lokmanya Nagar, RCP Pashan, RCP KarveNagar.
Chief Guest Singer Manjusha Patil
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 100
Minutes of Meeting काल सुरुवातीलाच सेवासदन मध्ये प्रवेश केल्याबरोबर श्री विठ्ठलाच्या सुरेख रांगोळीने वातावरण विट्ठलमय होण्यास सुरुवात झाली होती. त्यानंतर हॉल मध्ये कार्यक्रम सुरू होण्यापूर्वी वातावरण निर्मितीसाठी कार्यक्रमाला अनुरूप असे अभंगाचे सुर रेकॉर्ड वर ऐकू येत होते. रो. विनायक यांनी सर्वांच्या कपाळावर चंदनाचा तिलक लावून वातावरण अजून सुगंधित व भक्तिमय केले. या कार्यक्रमासाठी रो. भावना हिने विठ्ठलाची सुरेख मूर्ती पाठवली होती. रो. रेणुका हिने गालिचा आणून बैठकव्यवस्था सुशोभित करण्यास मदत केली. रोटरी क्लब ऑफ विजडमचे प्रेसिडेंट रो. निलेश यांनी उपस्थितांचे स्वागत केले. रोटरी क्लब कर्वेनगरचे प्रेसिडेंट रो. दीपक यांनी विदुषी मंजुषा पाटील यांची ओळख करून दिली. सेक्रेटरी रो. अनुराधा हिने निवेदिका स्नेहल दामले यांची ओळख वेचक आणि सोप्या भाषेमध्ये करून दिली. त्यानंतर विदुषी मंजुषा पाटील यांनी आपल्या सुरेल आणि भक्तिमय अभंगवााणीने एक तासभर श्रोत्यांना अगदी खिळवून ठेवले. अभंगवाणी नंतर रोटरी क्लब लोकमान्यनगरचे प्रेसिडेंट रो. अविनाश यांनी मंजुषा पाटील या Vocational Excellence Award साठी कशा योग्य आहेत ते विषद केले. त्यानंतर यावर्षीचा Vocational Excellence Award सौ. मंजुषा पाटील यांना प्रेसिडेंट अभय देवरे व इतर चार प्रेसिडेंटच्या हस्ते देण्यात आला. रो. रवी रांजेकर यांनी शब्दांची सुंदर गुंफण केलेले मानपत्र सौ. मंजुषा पाटील यांना देण्यात आले. मानपत्राचे वाचन रो. संगीता हिने आपल्या दमदार शैलीत केले. सुंदर मैफलीची सांगता पण मोदकाच्या सुग्रास भोजनाने झाली. अशाप्रकारे काल आपण पाच क्लब मिळून केलेला सिनर्जी प्रोग्राम अभंगवाणी हा मंत्रमुग्ध करणारा होता हे आपण सर्वांनी कार्यक्रमाच्या शेवटी उभे राहून सौ मंजुषा पाटील यांना मानवंदना दिलीत यावरून लक्षात आले. शेवटी रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे विजडम च्या सेक्रेटरी पूजा वाडेकर यांनी उपस्थितांचे आभार मानले. हा कार्यक्रम घडवून आणण्यासाठी रो. सुधीर दारव्हेकर यांचे योगदान बहुमोल होते.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Sevasadan School Near Dp Road Mathre Bridge
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Abhangwani & Vocatinal Excellance Award
Meeting Agenda Meeting : 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm Fellowship 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm
Chief Guest Sau Manjusha Patil
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 15
Minutes of Meeting Ashadi Ekadashi wad celebrated with 5 other Rotary Clubs. Abhang were recited by Vidushi Manjusha Patil. She was also felicitated by all clubs with vocational excellent award. रविवार दिनांक २१ जुलै २०२४ रोजी संध्याकाळी ७ वाजता खालील ५ रोटरी क्लब, ग्वाल्हेर घराण्याच्या सुप्रसिद्ध गायिका मंजुषा पाटील यांना Vocational Excellence Award देऊन गौरवणार आहेत. ज्येष्ठ महिना आला की वारकऱ्यांना पंढरीच्या वाटेचे वेध लागतात. पंढरीच्या भेटीसाठी वारकरी व्याकुळ होतात. जाईन गे माये तया पंढरपुरा, भेटेन माहेरा आपुलिया, अशा भावावस्थेत वारकरी संतांच्या गावी जमतात आणि संतांच्या पालखीसोबत पंढरीत दाखल होतात. हा वारीचा आणि पांडुरंग भेटीचा अवर्णनीय सोहळा अभंग रूपाने, याची देही याची डोळा अनुभवण्यासाठी आपण आयोजित केला आहे अभंगवाणी हा कार्यक्रम. ग्वाल्हेर घराण्याच्या सुप्रसिद्ध गायिका मंजुषा पाटील यांच्या सुमधुर स्वरातून हा अनुभव आपण घेणार आहोत.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 11:00:00
Location President / Secretary / BOD / New Members installation ceremony
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony RY 2024-25
Meeting Agenda Sr.No. Name / Time 01 National Anthem 01 minute 02 Welcome by Outgoing President and Presidential Report 08 minutes 03 Secretarial Report by Outgoing Secretary 03 minutes 04 Felicitations RY 2023-24 03 minutes 05 Introduction and Installation of Incoming President 05 minutes 06 Introduction and Installation of Incoming Secretary 05 minutes 07 Installation of BOD (Board of Directors) 10 minutes 08 Year ahead by President 10 minutes 09 Induction of new members 05 minutes 10 Announcements – District Conference Team, District Foundation Team, District Membership Team 07 minutes 11 Secretarial Announcement 03 minutes 12 Best wishes by AG 03 minutes 13 Introduction of Chief Guest (DG) 05 minutes 14 Address by Chief Guest (DG) 20 minutes 15 Vote of Thanks by President Elect/Secretary 02 minutes Total Time 90 minutes Followed by Lunch
Chief Guest DG Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 6
Minutes of Meeting Welcome ceremony of DG Rtn Shital Shah, AG Rtn Ravindra Bhave, ALF Rtn Dilip Parekh was done. Meeting was asked to start by outgoing president Rtn Manoj Solanki Installation ceremony started with the National Anthem. Ganesh Vandana song is sang by Ann Shakambari Dixit, followed by Deep Prajwalan in the hands of Chief Guest and other dignitaries. Welcome was done by outgoing president Rtn Manoj Solanki and then he presented his report for RY 2023-24 Secretarial report for RY 2023-24 was presented by outgoing secretary Rtn Dinesh Ji Dixit. Outgoing president Rtn Manoj Solanki introduced Incoming president Rtn Vivek Jamdar. After the introduction, installation ceremony of incoming president was completed. Installation ceremony of incoming secretary Rtn Snehal Kothari was completed. Installation of BOD for RY 2024-25 was completed. Incoming president Rtn Vivek Jamdar presented the projects to be completed in RY 2024-25. Introduction of new members was done, and new members were inducted. We inducted 5 new members. Membership team handed over the membership kit to all newly inducted members. Incoming president felicitated district dignitaries, other club president, Rotarians of our club, friends etc. We played the AV of District Conference. Secretarial announcement was done by Rtn Snehal Kothari AG Rtn Ravindra Bhave introduced chief guest DG Rtn Shital Shah. We played the AV of Rtn Shital Shah. Chief Guest DG Rtn Shital Shah addressed the audience. Vote of thanks was done by President Elect/Secretary Rtn Snehal Kothari. Meeting was called as ended by President Rtn Vivek Jamdar and everyone proceed for delicious lunch.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location The Fern,Amanora
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Stress Management by Psycologist Mridula.
Meeting Agenda Guest speaker - Topic Stress Management and Announcement of upcoming projects and events by club president..
Chief Guest No one
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 17
Minutes of Meeting 1. Club meeting started with National Anthem and Rtn. DD Mishra spoke 4 -way test. 2. ⁠Pres. Sridevi announced the ongoing and upcoming Projects. 3. On 27th July Suhana team is going to perform for the Fire Department of Amanora Park town. 4. ⁠On 28th July having District Award night. 5. ⁠On 11th August Installation Ceremony of New President and BOD members. 6. ⁠Today club meeting attended and introduction by New members Shashank, Smita and Vaishnavi . 7. ⁠Guest Psychologist Mridula Singh Sharma introduced by Rtn Dimple Seth. Topic-Stress Management. 8. ⁠Vote of thanks given by Rtn Harsha.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Sevasadan Higshschhol
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Abhangwaani by Pt. Manjusha Patil
Meeting Agenda Abhangwaani by Pt. Manjusha Patil
Chief Guest Synergy meeting with RCP Sinhagad Road, RCP Wisdom, RCP Pashan, RCP Lokmanya Nagar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting A synergy meeting was held with RCP Sinhagad Road, RCP Pashan, RCP Wisdom and RCP Lokmanyanagar on 21st July 2024 on the occasion of Aashadi Ekaadashi. The program started with the welcome of all guests by Rtn Nilesh Dhopade, President of RCP Wisdom. Later Rtn Deepak Thite, President of RCP Karvenagar introduced artists and her accompanists. Later Manjushaji mesmerized all attendees with her melodious voice bu singing various Abahang. Program was attended by more than 100 rotarioins. Vote of thanks was given by Rtn Pooja Wadekar, secretary of RCP Wisdom. Media partner for the program was RaashtraSanchaar. The program was also attended by Rtn Anand Kulkarni, Chairperson of Zone 6 of Vocational for Rotary District 3131 Manjushaaji was awarded Maanapatra and she expressed her gratitude towards Rotary for conferring upon her the same. The program was followed by sumptuous dinner.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Charutbhuj, Chetan Palanade home, Prabhat ColonyMahad
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic tree donation review
Meeting Agenda To review projects held today, blood donation & tree donation,
Chief Guest Rtn.Manisha Nagarkar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 5
Minutes of Meeting Two projects were held today. Both projects successfully completed. Urgent meeting called for review and relaxation. Also enjoyed snacks at Rtn.Chetan Palande home.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 09:30:00
Location Hotel Suruchi
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Discussion on Approval of induction of new members and formation of new RCC
Meeting Agenda 1. Discussion on approval of new members and induction dates 2. Club accounts to be transferred to saraswat bank from Bank of Baroda 3. Formation of RCC club 4. Discussion on Panvel Festival 2024 5. Discussion of happy school global grant project
Chief Guest PDG Dr. Shailesh Palekar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 11
Minutes of Meeting 1. it has been decided to aware the new members about rotary though training /induction program and then they will be inducted 2. Approved 3.Approved for one new RCC club from the village near pen. 4. Go ahead for site permission from CIDCO 5. proposal to be made for Global grant -- Amar to be take care of it 6. Happy school projects to be carried out through our club foundation for 6 nos schools approx budget is approved for Rs. 618000/-

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Meeting Type BOD
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 22

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Seva Sadan School Auditorium
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Aabhangwani
Meeting Agenda This first Synergy meeting of this Rotarian Year was filled with devotion, peace and melody! A live Abhangwani by Manjusha Patil and her team transported us to another world! Snehal Damale's anchoring complimented the program perfectly! Our President Rtn Nilesh Dhopade gave the opening remarks with a beautiful Guru Purnima shloka to welcome all the guests. Members of all the five clubs - RCP Wisdom, RCP Sinhagad Road, RCP Karvenagar, RCP Lokmanyanagar, and RCP Pashan were thrilled and highly appreciative of this first Synergy meeting! Thank you, each one of you, for your kind words and blessings. This motivates us to arrange similar programs in the future. Club Secretary Pooja Wadekar beautifully expressed a vote of thanks and Admin Director Dipti Naik perfectly managed the logistics and supported the fellowship.
Chief Guest Manjusha Patil and team
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 26
Minutes of Meeting This first Synergy meeting of this Rotarian Year was filled with devotion, peace and melody! A live Abhangwani by Manjusha Patil and her team transported us to another world! Snehal Damale's anchoring complimented the program perfectly! Our President Rtn Nilesh Dhopade gave the opening remarks with a beautiful Guru Purnima shloka to welcome all the guests. Members of all the five clubs - RCP Wisdom, RCP Sinhagad Road, RCP Karvenagar, RCP Lokmanyanagar, and RCP Pashan were thrilled and highly appreciative of this first Synergy meeting! Thank you, each one of you, for your kind words and blessings. This motivates us to arrange similar programs in the future. Club Secretary Pooja Wadekar beautifully expressed a vote of thanks and Admin Director Dipti Naik perfectly managed the logistics and supported the fellowship.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Rotary community centre, RC Panvel Industrial Town Charitable Trust
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony ( RY 2024-25)
Meeting Agenda Installation Ceremony of Club President, Club Secretary and BoD for RY 2024-25 and Induction of new member
Chief Guest Rt. Dr. Shailesh Palekar, PDG DRFC RID 3131, Rtn Milind Kulkarni IPDG RID 3142
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting The installation ceremony began with the lighting of the lamp by the chief guest. After welcoming all those present, the outgoing president and secretary provided details of the initiatives undertaken by the club in 2023-24. Following this, the new president and secretary were inducted, and the new board of directors and new member, Engineer K.B. Patil, were pinned by the guest. The newly elected President,Rtn Vijay Goregaonkar, stated that the club's goal for the upcoming year is to complete the 11 initiatives envisioned by District Governor Rtn. Sheetal Shah under the concept "Playing 11" (11 initiatives in various fields). Additionally, the club aims to undertake more social initiatives in the areas of water, sanitation, and environment, establish a new RCC club at Ashtavinayak Hospital, and set up an Interact Club for the students of the tribal ashram school at Shantivan to develop leadership qualities and personality development among the children through the club. Assistant District Governor Rtn. Dilip Mahadik read out a message from District 3131 Governor Rtn. Sheetal Shah and shared his thoughts. The guest of honor, Rtn. Milind Kulkarni, provided some ideas to strengthen the club, shared information about various initiatives, and praised the club's activities. Chief guest Rtn. Dr. Shailesh Palekar commended Rotary Club of Panvel Sunrise for the various initiatives completed despite being a small club. He made a special mention of the club's past president Rtn. Madhukar Naik and praised the activities carried out during the tenure of the outgoing president Rtn. Balakrishna Ambekar, expressing satisfaction with the innovative water initiatives undertaken by the club. He also lauded the club for electing women as presidents for the next two years. He urged the club to seek funding for proposed initiatives through CSR by informing companies about Rotary International's various community service activities. In this program, three club members who excelled on the district committee, Rtn. Madhukar Naik, Rtn. Dilip Jadhav, and Rtn. Rupesh Yadav, were honored by the guest. Club members' children, Ku. Bhumi Dilip Jadhav for her excellent performance in the twelfth-grade science exam and Ku. Yatharth Rupesh Yadav for his outstanding success in cricket in the 14 and 16 age groups, were also honored by the guest. The ceremony was attended by past and present district officers from Rotary District 3131, past and present presidents of various Rotary Clubs in Raigad district, officials from various social organizations in the city, and family members of club members. The event took place in the community center hall of the Rotary Club of Panvel Industrial Town Charitable Trust on the auspicious day of Guru Purnima. For the years 2025-26 and 2026-27, the elected Presidents, Rtn. Rupali Yadav and Rtn. Archana Jadhav, beautifully introduced the chief guest and the distinguished guest of the program. Divya Ambekar elegantly introduced the newly appointed President and Secretary.The entire program was excellently compered by treasurer Rtn. Dilip Jadhav. The function was followed by dinner for all.

Meeting Date 21 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Rambag Hall,Bhor
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation ceremony
Meeting Agenda 1.Felicitation of Chief guest 2.Declaration and Installation of BOD 3.Inaugaration of club bulletin 'PRATIBIMB' 4.Guidance of AG Vinay Patil 5.Speech of chief guest Pankaj Shah
Chief Guest DLF Rtn Pankaj Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 150
Minutes of Meeting 1.Declaration and Installation of BOD 2.AG Vinay Patil guidance 3.Speech of Chief guest Pankaj Shah