Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 13:30:00
Location Junner
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Intrect installation
Meeting Agenda Intrect installation
Chief Guest Mamata Kolthkar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Sevasadan School, Dilasa Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Managing knee arthritis without surgery
Meeting Agenda Dr. Yogesh Khandalkar will explain how we can manage knee arthritis without surgery
Chief Guest Dr. Yogesh Khandalkar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting Dr. Yogesh Khandalkar, an orthopaedic surgeon explained how we can avoid and manage knee arthritis surgery by using alternative therapy of using stem cells, its benefits and its limitations.

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Gandhi Bhavan
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Heart Health and Holistic Lifestyle
Meeting Agenda Meeting called to Order by President National Anthem President to brief about today's program Introduction of guest Interview of Dr. Shinde Audience Q & A Vote of thanks
Chief Guest Dr. Rituparna Shinde
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Joint meeting of RCP Gandhi Bhavan and RCP Yuva Open to all program Meeting called to order by President Meenal, RCPGB Brief info about today's program Guest Introduction by IPP Girish Mathkar Guest interview by Dr. Lalit Shimpi & Ujjwala Barve Audience Q&A Felicitation of guest with Vocational Excellence Award Vote of thanks by RCP Yuva President Meeting adjourned

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 21:30:00
Location Motel Visava
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Weekly meeting
Meeting Agenda • Meeting call to order • National Anthem • 4-Way test • Birthday -25 July Rtn Vishwanath Najare * 29 July Annet. Mruga Rohan Mehta Daughter of Rtn Rohan Mehta * Marriage Anniversary- No • Projects – i. Monsoon Picnic final on dated 26-07-2024. ii. Formation of New RCC • district events: District awards ceremony at Bavdhan, Pune • Secretarial announcement • Meeting adjourned and request to sunshine donations.
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 17
Minutes of Meeting Projects – i. Monsoon Picnic final on dated 26-07-2024. ii. Formation of New RCC • district events: District awards ceremony at Bavdhan, Pune • Secretarial announcement • Meeting adjourned and request to sunshine donations. iii. Collection of wastage plastic bottles 2 cages want to placed in Mahad.

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location Rotary Comm. Center.Telco Road, Chinchwad
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Awareness about mobile securities from DOT
Meeting Agenda Creating and sharing the awareness on mobile securities by the Govt. Of India Initiative DOT
Chief Guest Mr. Aditya Salunkhe and Madam Pooja Joshi
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location Vasant Villa, G.R.P.S Vidyamandir
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Upcoming projects discussion
Meeting Agenda Discussion on the above topics: Chatrachaya, Tree Plantation, Interact Club
Chief Guest President Hemant Mahajan
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed. List of beneficiaries of the Chhatrachhaya project finalized. Discussion about tree plantation program "Oxygen Park". Installation Ceremony of the Interact club.

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Hotel Silver Seven, Akurdi
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Installation and District Event Planning
Meeting Agenda Agenda of Meeting 1] Welcome Of Both BOD members. 2] Discussion about ongoing and incoming Projects. 3] Information about the donation received in Trust Accounts. 4] Accounts status and balance conformation. 5] Discussion on August months meeting and project Planning. 6] Responsibility and Work Distribution about Installation ceremony. 7] Responsibility and Work Distribution district award ceremony. 8] Discussion About Vocational Award. 9] Some thoughts Sharing by Rtn Parag Shah about involvement of new members in Club.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the Meeting BOD 23/06/2024 1. Welcome - President Harsha welcomed all Board of Directors (BOD) members. 2. Project Approvals -Uniform Donation to Renukadevi School: The BOD approved a donation of Rs. 115,335.00 for uniforms based on the three quotations received from different suppliers. Toilet Blocks Construction at Shikshagram Hostel: Approved under the CSR Grant project. Proposal was made by Rtn. Yatish Bhatt and seconded by Rtn. Kishor Gujar. Tree Plantation Project: At AFMC, Our Chinchwad, Talegaon Dhabade, and PCPC Club will be the partner club. The approximate amount of Rs. 5,000 was approved. Proposal was made by Rtn. Prasad Ganpule and seconded by Rtn. Bhupendra Ketkar. 3. Non-Rotary Donation - Information provided about a non-Rotary donation received in the Club Trust account amounting to Rs. 1,00,000. 4. Accounts and Fees - Rtn. Bhupendra Ketkar confirmed the account balances. The status of club fees and trust fees was discussed. 5. August Meetings - The meetings for August will be held on 10/08/2024 and 24/08/2024. 6. Installation Ceremony - All planning and work distribution for the Installation Ceremony were completed. 7. District Award Ceremony - Responsibility and work distribution for the district award ceremony were assigned. A total of 21 volunteers will participate. Dress code and other planning details were finalized. 8. Service Excellence Award - On the installation day, Mr. Anil Mittle will be honored with the Service Excellence Award. This was approved by the BOD. 9. New Member Involvement - Rtn. Parag Shah shared his views on increasing new member involvement in the club. The BOD agreed to implement suggestions and work on them.

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Mountain High Restaurant
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Installation of President and BOD for RY-2024-25
Meeting Agenda 6.30pm High Tea 30mins Tea / Coffee 7.00pm Meeting Call to Order 01min RTN Shabbir Nalwala 7.01pm National Anthem 02mins RTN Shabbir Nalwala 7.03pm Deep Prajwallan 05mins DGE + AG + Pres. + IPP + Sec. 7.08pm Felicitation of Chief Guest and AG 04mins RTN Ilyas & RTN Hemant 7.12m Felicitation of Dignitaries and Guests 08mins RTN Nisrin, Rtn Mohammed 7.20pm 2023-24 Year at a Glance 03mins RTN Shabbir Nalwala 7.23pm Introduction of Incoming President 03mins RTN Shabbir Poonawalla 7.26pm Installation of President & Secretary and exchange of Collars 05mins RTN Sameer Mane (announcement) 7.31pm Installation and Introduction of BOD 24mins RTN Nisrin Badshah 8.00pm Incoming President Speech 03mins RTN Nisrin Badshah 8.03pm Introduction of AG RTN Prachi Pandya 02mins RTN Renu 8.05pm Introduction of DGE RTN Santosh Marathe 05mins RTN Hema Bellad 8.10pm Address by Chief Guest 10mins DGE RTN Santosh Marathe 8.20pm DISCON 2024-25 Promotion 05mins RTN Raju Bellad / RTN Mohammed Badshah 8.25pm Secretarial Announcement & Vote of Thanks 03mins RTN Suhail Ansari 8.28pm Meeting Adjourned 02mins RTN Nisrin Badshah
Chief Guest DGE Rtn. Santosh Marathe
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 15
Minutes of Meeting The meeting was conducted as per Agenda by MOC, PP Rtn. Sameer Mane.

Meeting Date 23 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:00:00
Location hotel 1221 rawet
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic 1st Bod
Meeting Agenda BOD presentations
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 40
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of 1st BOD Meeting Venue: Twelve 21 Hotel Ravet Date: 24/07/24 Hosted by – PP Rtn. Jagmohan Singh and Rotarian Jayant Yeole BOD Members assembled at 6.30 pm Director Attendees President Suhas Dhamale, Vice President Rtn Shashank Phadke, Rtn Ravindra Kadam, PE Rtn Keshav Manage, Rtn Ganesh Bhalerao, Rtn Sunil Joshi, Rtn Ashwin Kulkarni, PP Rtn Vijay Kalbhor, Rtn Gurdeepsingh, PP Rtn Anil Kulkarni. Rtn Rakesh Srivastav, PP Rtn Jagmohan Singh, Rtn Jayant Yewale, , PP Rtn Ravi Rajapurkar, Rtn Ramesh Rao, PP Rtn Subhash Jaisinghani, PP Rtn Ranu Singhania, Rtn Ankaji Patil. Absentees IPP Rtn Harbindarsingh Dullat, Rtn. Vinod Bansal, Rtn Mukund Muley, Other Attendees Rtn Sujata Dhamale , Rtn Manisha Phadke, Rtn Ranjana Kadam, Rtn Rama Manage, Rtn Sanjyot Bhalerao, , Ann Vaishali Joshi, Rtn Dhanashree Kulkarni, Ann Manisha Patil, , Rtn Sadhana Kalbhor, , Ann Jayshree Kulkarni, Rtn. Rakesh Singhania, Rtn Hardeepkaur Bhurji, Rtn Sonali Jayant, , Ann Sandhya Rao, , Ann Rita Srivastava, Ann Vanita Jaisinghani, Rtn Nirmalkaur Bogal, Rtn Savita Rajapurkar, Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25 Special Invitees PP Sri and Alka Karkare PP Ishwer and Heena Thakur NM Dny and Swati Gadekar  NM Sunil Suri + 1 NM Ram Kumar and Nisha Sharma  Rtn Arjun Dalal Rtn Pratibha Rtn Shashikala  Rtn Ravi and Rekha Hiremath Rtn Dayasagar and Snehlata ji Rtn Rahul and Pooja Sapre Absent Invitees Rtn Usha and Anna Raju Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Suhas Dhamale, followed by National Anthem, Secretary Rtn. Ravindra Kadam read the minutes of last BOD. After approving the minutes of the meeting, Rtn Suhas Dhamale started ... BOD meeting. Minutes approved by PP Rtn. Jagmohan and Rtn. Jayant President Rtn Suhas Dhamale asked all the directors to give their presentations. Training Director PP Rtn Jagmohan Singh Once again reiterated the term from Training to Learning, cooperation versus collaboration and synergy is magical. He announced a gift to the director who gave a Project with the best example of collaboration (Co-Operation). Club Bye Laws Director PE Rtn Keshav Manage Strategic planning same as previous year action plan will be decided to implement. PP Rotarian Ravi suggested that all the members to be involved in making the draft and RI format to be adopted. There are no change in bye-laws. Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25 Club Admin Director Rtn Gurdeepsingh He gave details of the installation programme then the first weekly meeting on 12th of July kisse Apne Apne and Club Assembly held on 19 of July. He gave the future programmes as first family night on 26th of July paint your umbrella then second of August coffee with rcn 9th of August nation Builders Award 16th of August holiday And then informed that instead of 23rd of August meeting will be at Buntara Bhavn on 25vth August during membership seminar as we are the host. Community Service Projects Director Community Service Rtn Ashwin Kulkarni • Projects Completed:- • 1. Warkari Seva:- Rs. 1,10,000/- • 2. Chhatra Chhaya (Umbrella) Distribution:- Rs. 10,000/- • 3. Tree Plantation by members :- Rs.2000/- • Projects planned in AUGUST 24 • 4. Adult Literacy centre in schools:- Rs.5000/- • 5. Tree Plantation by members at 14 trees :- Rs.10000/- • Nation Builder Award to 9 Teachers in August 24:- Rs. 5000/- • Teachers Training session in School in August 24 :- Rs.5000/- Projects for approval Smart interactive board costing 22,50,000 by Vitesco in a Kolhapur School. He has visited the school. He also gave an example of a project conducted in collaboration by three teams that is “Chatrachhaya”. He also mentioned about a new “Adult Literacy Project Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25 Medical Service Projects Director Rtn Mukund Muley ABSENT Badges for blood Donors, Blood donation camp at Enpro HQ and Medical camp catering to 1000 Warkaris. Runathon Director PE Rtn. Keshav Mange 1. He informed about the registration, website updation, publicity on social media and formal agreement with ABMH. 2. He informed about the teams formed for permissions, t shirts and medals. 3. The same vendors are to be tried again 4. Working on a new route for the run is in process. 5. He informed the BOD about the registration charges and prize money categories. 6. Focus on corporates is in process. 7. PP Rotarian Ravi Rajapurgar suggested a short presentation for corporates. 8. CSR meet in second week of August and HR meet in 3rd week of August 9. Short interactive discussion happened on 20% participation on csr contribution. It was concluded that there will be no terms and conditions for csr runners and minimum ₹25,000 contribution for CSR. The decision was made to be flexible in marketing of RUNATHON. 10. Rotarian Shashank suggested better participation by the district and synergy with other rotary clubs. 11. PP Rotarian Ravi and President Suhas met with the officials of Bank of Maharashtra. A meeting with officials of ICICI Bank and Axis Bank is also planned. 12. In the end PE Keshav asked for support from the members of our club. Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25 Membership Director Rtn Ankaji Patil Three new members were proposed and approved by PP Rotarian Shubhangi Kothari and PP Rotarian Ravi Rajapurkar. There were few resignations in this month and approved by the board of directors.( Inani, Anirudh Gautam, ) Three new members have been proposed for the rotary eco-activists satellite club. He mentioned about the membership seminar we are hosting which is preponed to 25th of August at “Bantara Bhavan” in the morning 8 to 2:30 PM. He expects new club members of which one lady rotarian that is Ann Manisha Patil to be inducted. He mentioned about probable membership of Dr Abhijit Pharande and Himanshu Shekhar and honorary members Rajini Anand to be continued. PP Rotarian Anil Kulkarni proposed to try honorary membership for State Bank of India and Commissioner PCMC. Formation of RCC Nigdi is in process. Youth Director Rtn Ganesh Bhalerao Youth Director Ganesh Updated the BOD of the ongoing discussion with school teachers to form new interact clubs. He also had meetings with Rotract clubs of DYPIMER and others. He mentioned about the participation of rotractors in Varkari seva. He informed about the invitation to the members of rotaract and Interact Club for the regular meetings of the club. Informed about the revival of Interact club in Nivedita School. The BOD decided not to be a part of Rotract club arrangement of District treking event. Foundation Director Foundation Rtn. Vijay Kalbhor He told the board of directors that his team is waiting for the Runathon to get over and then he will start pushing for funds from the members. Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25 Public Image Director Rtn Sunil Joshi Rutarian Sunil Joshi mentioned about the installation news in different leading newspapers. He mentioned about fridge magnets, Mobile stands for all members and gifts during the meetings designed by first lady. Badges for Blood Donors was also mentioned. Proposal for yearly fees of 1.2 lakh rupees was approved in the BOD for Shabd publications Mr Ghode. Approved by PP Ranu and Vice President Rotarian Shashank. Mrs Varsha Marathe is to be considered for Runathon publicity proposed by Rotarian Jayant. IT Director Rtn Rakesh Srivastav He has started uploading the projects and meetings and hopes to find speed in his new assignment. He requested everybody to download Rotary app . Treasurer Director Rtn Vinod Bansal Absent No presentation CSR Director Rtn Jayant Yeole School at Palu CSR by Vitesco Technologies 1.10 crores. He mentioned about the Smart interactive board at Kolhapur School costing rupees 25 lac by Vitesco. Special Projects Director Rtn Ramesh Rao No presentation Global Grant Director PP Rtn. Ravi Rajapurkar Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25 He plans for a global grant project of at least ₹1,00,00,000. He is in search of a international collaboration club partner. He wants to start with $15,000 from abroad. International Peace & Understanding Director PP Rtn. Ranu Singhania She explained what her service avenue means and what are the advantages. She has planned a Kindness wall in schools, the budget is around ₹10,000 Rotarian Manisha and Hardeep are the leaders. She also informed about sister club formation with Disabled club & informed about fund rasing activity by purchasing raffels. Stewardship Director PP Rtn Anil kulkarni He informed that the coffee table book is in process of compilation and printing at an advanced stage and we will get it before the csr meet. Will display 10 years of service projects done. Vice President Director Rtn Shashank Phadke He has the responsibility as a co director of “Runathon of hope” trophy selection and getting the sponsors. He has already selected designs for the trophies and also has got one sponsor for two lakh rupees. He informed about the installation of music and arts satellite club on coming Sunday. IPP Shubhangi Kothari Director for District Collaboration She informed about the coming up of vocational excellence award to be conferred on CA Rachana Ranade. Membership seminar on 25th of August. Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25 Webinar on legal rights of women on 31st of July. Chat GPT webinar for ladies. As an additional topic, Sergeant at Arms Director PP Rtn Subhash Jaisinghani He appreciated the work done by the Directors and timely start and end of the BOD meeting Special invitee Any Other information Meeting was adjourned by president. Rtn. Suhas Dhamale Rtn. Ravindra Kadam President 2024-25 Secretary 2024-25