Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Panvel Gymkhana
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Entertainment program -- पाऊस गाणी ,गप्पा किस्से (मराठी आणि हिन्दी )
Meeting Agenda Entertainment program on
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 50
Minutes of Meeting The meeting was with Anns and there was a musical bonanza with dinner very entertaining program , every body appreciated the event

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 21:00:00
Location Leafy Trails
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Business Meeting 4
Meeting Agenda आपली मिटींग उद्या बुधवार दि ३१/७/२०२४ रोजी रात्री ९.०० वाजता लिफी ट्रेल्स येथे होणार आहे. १. छत्रछाया प्रोजेक्ट २. एस. ए. आर. व डीस्ट्रीक्ट ड्यूज पाठवणे
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 7
Minutes of Meeting काल दिनांक ३१/७/२०२४ रोजी झालेल्या मिटींग मध्ये छत्रछाया प्रोजेक्ट करीता २५००/- देण्यासाठी क्लब मेंबरना आव्हान करण्याचे ठरले आहे. तसेच त्यासाठी योग्य लाभार्थी व्यक्तींचा शोध घ्यावा.

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Naaz Restaurant, Salunkhe Vihar Road, Pune - 411040
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic plan for installation of Shiva Valley School Interact and Tree Plantation project.
Meeting Agenda 1. Fellowship. 2. National Anthem. 3. Meeting call to order. 4. plan for Interact Installation program at Shiva Valley School. 5. Discuss about next project of Tree Plantation at Shiva Valley School. 6. Secretarial announcement. 7. Meeting adjournment at 9 pm.
Chief Guest no
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 8
Minutes of Meeting * The meeting was held in Cafe Naaz and commenced at 7.40pm. The attendees were Rotarians: Mohammed Badshah, Nisrin Badshah, Shabbir Nalwalla, Shabir Poonawalla, Hema Bellad, Rashida Ansari, Suhail Ansari and Ilyas Hussain. The fellowship was courtesy of Hema Bellad and Club thanks her for the same. The agenda for today was to discuss the Tree Plantation drive at Shiva Valley School in Kedgaon and the Interact Installation. * :The program is planned by Shiva Valley School and is to begin around 12pm after school hours. So we should reach by that time. * We can request the school to send bus to pick us up at the chowk where we can park or vehicles as the katcha road will be to difficult for the cars. * It is planned to start by 10.00 am to for the program. and start return by 3 pm. All present in meeting today confirmed to attend the event and others are also encouraged to come for the same. • 3 cars will travel to the location and members can plan pickup together. Mohammed Bhai, Ilyas Bhai and Suhail's vehicle are planned. Maybe Hema as well. * For the plants, we have to take the plants from Yewat and carry out to kedgaon. Plants provided by Pravin Masalewala. This has to be done tomorrow I e. 1st Aug * Tomorrow to go to Pravin masale to pick up the plants will be organised by Mohammed, Shabbir N and Ilyas H * Regarding the Rotary magazine, it was decided to opt for the online version. * The bills have arrived for the RI and District dues. Club to organise the payment for the same. * The President requested all Directors to contribute with at least one project and submit to her the project details. * Rtn. Ilyas advised to have one BOD meeting at the earliest. Next meeting could be a BOD meeting. Mohd suggested to have a picnic meeting. Probably in September. • It is decided to continue with the Shibli Nomani project for wholesome nutrition to students. It is appealed to all members to donate generously for this project. * Members are requested to think of a fund-raising program and come up with ideas with cost and performers in the next meeting. Book the Wanowrie hall immediately for a Saturday night. Tentatively 19 Oct ..26 Oct. or after Diwali. Rtn Kunjan to assist in this. The program can be discussed once the hall is booked. * The meeting was adjourned as the Secretarial announcements were already made in the Installation Ceremony.

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Emanuel Hall, Ashwood Memorial Hospital, Daund, District Pune 413801
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD TRAINING
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 16
Minutes of Meeting Rotary BOD Training Zone3 Minutes BOD No 2024-25/BODTRG01 Date : 31/07/2024 BOD Members in Attendance (Rotarians) RC Daund Dipak Sonawane, Deepak Shasam, Sanjay Ingale, Mukund Bhor, Ulhas Misal, Dr Philomen Pawar, Anand Vinke, Sunil Dhage, Nitesh Pokar, Shalini Pawar, Payal Bhandari, Sushma Adsul, Pradnya Rajyopadhye, Tasneem Shaikh, Shila Waghmare, Ann Archana Sonawane, Rtr Purnima RC Bhigwan President Minutes Joint BOD Training for Zone 3 was hosted by RC Daund Club on 31.07.2024. Trainers from District Team 1. DGN Rtn Nitin Dhamale 2. District Executive Secretary Rtn Vivek Dixit 3. District IT Director Rtn Sunil Kurup Training imparted: 1. President Rtn Dipak Sonawane welcomed the Guest Trainers and all the BOD members and other club members. 2. Conveynor Rtn Payal introduced the Guest Trainers and welcomed them all. 3. Training imparted by DGN Rtn Nitin Dhamale a. Topic : Foundation / Membership / CSR i. DGN informed that giving is not in form of Dollars or Rupees but the time and resources are also important. ii. DGN Rtn Nitin emphasised on how important is the Foundation and our donation to the Foundation. It helps in conducting various programmes in community. iii. DGN informed about the Foundation Endowment Fund. iv. Importance of Members in the club and to retain and motivate the members in club to keep the club vibrant. v. Networking with members. vi. CSR funds to be generated with the help of District CSR team. vii. Utilisation of resources to create Projects and vis-à-vis CSR funds utilisation. 4. Training imparted by District Exe Sec Rtn Vivek Dixit a. Topic Club Administration i. Rtn Vivek appraised about the importance of Club Admin and Club Trainer. ii. He informed about Club Leadership Plan. iii. President should develop leaders in the club. iv. He informed about the roles and responsibilities of The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Admin, and other BOD members very clearly. v. He stressed on following the By-laws, Manual of Procedure and Club rules and Protocols strictly in the club. vi. The President to ensure the above strictly vii. The President to conduct Plan Meet, Budget Meet, Review Meet, AGM, AG Visit and DFG visit in proper manner with respect to Rotary international protocols. viii. By Laws to be updated every year if any changes ix. BOD meeting to be conveyed and at least 10 BOD meetings to be conducted. The Agenda to be circulated in advance. Any decision if not taken unanimously, it should be taken by voting with 2/3 rd of the quorum to be present. x. Secretary to keep the club records, communicate and update the club details regularly xi. Secretary with Treasurer to ensure club district and RI dues are paid in time. xii. Club Audit to be done in time. xiii. If club has trust the audit report has to be submitted to respected Trust office and get the same acknowledged. xiv. Treasurer to collect the membership fees in time xv. Club admin to form committees to executive monthly planning. Viz Meeting, Events, Attendance, Etc. xvi. Installation to be completed in 90 minutes and meetings to be completed in 60 minutes. xvii. The Chief Guest is always the Governor of Asst Governor. xviii. Club should focus on creating New clubs / Satellite clubs / Rotaract and Interact clubs. 5. Training imparted by District IT Director Rtn Sunil Kurup a. RI Goal Settings / CPI scoring i. Rtn Sunil Kurup stressed on usage of E governance for fast and effective communication between the club memers. ii. Usage of district website to be made 100% iii. President should work as per the CPI pattern to score maximum marks and get awards to the club. iv. Innovative projects to be made v. Club should call ALF to club vi. Host RCC event District level. 6. All the trainers were felicitated by the club members 7. Vote of thanks was given by Secretary and President Elect Rtn Deepak Shasam. 8. Meeting was adjourned. Rtn Dipak Sonawane Rtn Deepak Shasam President RY 2024-25 Secretary RY 2024-25

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Daund Mission Hospital Dist., Pune
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Training
Meeting Agenda BOD Training cpi Training,
Chief Guest DGND Nitin Dhamale, Rtn Vivek Dixit, Rtn Sunil Kurup
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 8
Minutes of Meeting Cpi score Trening One' by One Adminstration Trening Goal setting

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location 77,15th Ln.Prabhat Rd.Erandawane, Deccan Gymkhana
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic International Rotary
Meeting Agenda International Rotary
Chief Guest Rtn Ujjavala Barve
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 19
Minutes of Meeting Today evening was very joyful evening for Phoenixians, because our club secured 15 prestigious awards for RY 2023-2024 under the leadership of Dr. Sameer. Members celebrated this moment by cake cutting & each of the BOD Member for 2023-24 felicitated at the hands of President. Thereafter, Rtn. Swapnil gave introduction of today's speakers Rtn. Ujwala Barve & Rtn. Deepti Sidhaye, being members of District International Team. Rtn. Ujwala & Rtn. Deepti initially acquainted members about INTERNATIONAL ROTARY. Both of them have given lot of information about Rotary Fellowship & Action Group & also tested the knowledge of members regarding various countries by conducting a quize. It was a very entertaining & knowledge improving program. Meeting was concluded by vote of thanks given by Rtn. Madhav.

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Hotel Isha, Talegaon Dabhade
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Club Assembly Meeting
Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Call to Order 3. National Anthem 4. Welcome to AG Anand Aswale 5. Introduction of Rotarian Directors 6. President's Report 7. Guidance by AG Anand Aswale 8. Open Discussion Of Members Question 9. Secretary's Announcement 10. Vote of Thanks
Chief Guest AG Anand Aswale
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 20
Minutes of Meeting 120

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Bal Kalyan Sanstha, Ganeshkhind Road
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Club Awards event
Meeting Agenda recognition of performers of RCPN during 2023-24
Chief Guest IPP Deepti Poojary
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 50
Minutes of Meeting This meeting was very well attended, planned and conducted by PP Deepti. 55 person attended the function and interesting analogies from our epics were drawn. Energy level were very high in this meeting

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location Sankalp Siddhi, Above Mihir Hospital Laxminagar, Khopoli.
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Family night - Fun and Team building activities
Meeting Agenda Minutes of last meeting on 24-07-24 Any point arising from minutes Details of Interact club installations Rtn. Sunita Details of book donation on 29-07-24 to KMC College Rtn. Hozeifa Details of financial assistance to student in Shishumandir - Rtn. Dr. Nalini Membership Development Discussion
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 16
Minutes of Meeting 3. Meeting was presided by President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar. After National Anthem and Four-way test (Read by Rtn. Dr. Nalini Ramaswamy), President welcomed all members. Birthday wishes were passed on to respective members and their family members. We had birthdays of 10 people, including rotarians and family members) during the month of July. One special cake, with the names of all these persons was cut to celebrate the birthdays of all these members 4. Secretary Rtn. Divakaran Pillai read the minutes of the meeting held on 24-07-24, and it was approved by the members. 5. Rtn. Sunita Chavan briefed the members about the installations of Interact clubs of Carmel school and Sahyadri Marathi medium school. She announced that the installation of Interact club of Ananda Shala was schedules for 01-08-2024 6. Rtn. Hozefa gave details of the donation of books to KMC College on 29-07-24, which was sponsored by Rtn. Divakaran Pillai. 7. Rtn. Dr. Ravi Tilak and his family were felicitated on behalf of the club with a bouquet for their new house. 8. Entertainment program was conducted by Rtn, Sunita Chavan, Rtn. Dilip Oswal and Ann Anita Oswal. Members participated and enjoyed the programs. Prizes were given to the winners. 9. After expressing thanks to the host Rtn. Dr. Ravi Tilak and family and also all rotarians and their families for the participation, meeting was adjourned and all members and guests enjoyed the delicious dinner Read and passed on 07-08-24

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Sonali Garden, Bhor
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic To change Rotary trust body
Meeting Agenda 1.To change Trust's body 2.Audit
Chief Guest Rtn Rajkumar Shinde
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 9
Minutes of Meeting 1.To change Trust's body 2.Audit