Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 03 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Zoom Meeting
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Osteoporosis Common Myths and Misconceptions
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest Rtn Dr Kunal Bansal
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 03 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Location Wadeshwar, Baner
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Meeting
Meeting Agenda BOD Meeting
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 03 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Treasurer Rtn. Vishwas Bokil's residence
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic 2nd BOD
Meeting Agenda Discuss about the programs and projects in August and September 1st week and other topics related to other portfolios
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 7
Minutes of Meeting Details related to all the portfolios were discussed with the directors. August and September month programs and projects to be done were discussed. The board approved some projects to be done and it was decided to send them ahead for trust approval. Charter day celebration discussion was done. Membership growth and gathering funds and donations discussion was done.

Meeting Date 03 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Electronic Industrial Estate Hall, Satara Road, Pune-37
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic The Chulbula Kishorkumar
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 28
Minutes of Meeting Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Sameer & Secretarial announcements + Rotary Information on Rotary Meetings by Secretary Milind. Following felicitations were done: PP Pushkaraj, PP Anant, IPP Milind & Immediate Past Secretary Asmita for District Awards, Dr Mahajan for Medical Camp, IPP Milind & PE Ajay Kale for certificate from Pune Nagarik Kruti Samiti, Then President Sameer briefed about life journey of great singer Kishorkumar whose 95th birth anniversary will be celebrated on 4th august. Then he invited singers in our club to present solo & duet songs of Kishorkumar with his addition of some funny / informative points from Kishorkumar’s life. These singers presented the solo & duet songs: Rtn Vaishali Lupane, PE Ajay Kale, Rtn Pallavi Nagpurkar, PN Milind & PP Vidya Patil, Anna Santosh Katre, President Sameer, Ann Mugdha Kulkarni, Rtn Uday Thatte, Ann Pallavi Nerurkar, Ann Madhura Dinkar, Rtn Ketki Sindekar, PP Ajit Kulkarni. All the attendees enjoyed the program a lot. Vote of thanks was proposed by PP Ajit Kulkarni. President Sameer had got masks of Kishorkumar for all. All the members enjoyed tasty fellowship by PP Abhhey & Smithha Bhisey.

Meeting Date 03 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Damle Hall Law college Road
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD meeting for August
Meeting Agenda 1.Welcome the BOD by President and felicitations if any. 2. Approve the minutes of the last meeting. 3.Report or updates in following order President Secretary Treasurer Club Admin Service Projects 1 Service project 2 CSR Foundation Membership Youth PI IT Officer Bulletin 4.Resolutions /Approval to be put up and pass 5.Any other topics of discussion 6.Vote of thanks 7. Meeting adjourned
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 11
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the meetings Date 3rd Aug 2024 Time 10:00 to 12:00 venue: Damle Hall Attendees: Amita Nene, Rajas Phadke, Amit Apte, Anjali Sahasrabuddhe, Mukund Chiplunkar, Vaidehi Jog,Shilpa Choudhari,Padma Shahane, Dr. Madhavi Mehendale, Deepak Bodhani, Prerana Joshi, Jayant Bokil, Anand Puntambekar 1. President Amita welcomed everybody and congratulated a. Youth team for new Interact Charter and Project Durga Inauguration and implementation of the project reduce reuse and recycle b. Attendence committee for good numbers on the meetings c. Nayana Joshi for the roster. d. She made BOD aware that IPP Surekha had resigned. She has been asked to continue till AGM. All her dues are cleared. She also said the club will incur about Rs. 10000/- in expense for new trustee appointment. 2. Approval for minutes of BOD meeting on 6th July was proposed by Prerana and seconded by Madhavi. 3. Secretary Rajas gave the secretarial updates about the action items done as per the suggestions. Other members have been invited for the BOD as observers. And change report preparations are underway. 4. Treasurer Rtn.Amit Apte gave the updates on the Fees collected, receipts generated. FDs to made. 3.Club Admin Rtn.Vaidehi Jog gave the updates on attendance of july programs and the work on the August program. She also listed the support needed. 4. Service Projects update was given by Rtn. Anjali Sahasrabuddhe. She discussed the requirements and the methodology for the same. 5. CSR director Rtn. Mukund Chiplunkar gave the updates on the work done towards CSR funding. 6. Foundation update from Padma included a request to start donating. She listed 3 occasions when donation can be made.November is the foundation month. 7. Shilpa Choudhari the membership director said two new members will be inducted in August at the hands of Rtn Jignesh Pandya. District membership seminar is on 25th August. Personalised kits are available for members. Excel sheet of attendance to sent made to determine who need encouragement. This can be done by Rtn. Kiran Kumbhar. Vaidehi suggested we need to induct more male members as well. 8. Updates from director Youth included installations carried out and the plans for the upcoming projects.Which include installation of rotoractors on 25th Aug, zonal RYLA will be hosted by us and Brig Gokhale is the convener. 9. PI director Rtn. Deepak Bodhani’s updates include PI within district,plans for fireside meeting, suggestion for visiting RMB and club visits. PI through website and social media include updation of website alternate month Instagram updates happening regularly, help needed for facebook live. Imp points from BOD to be put on the group. 10. Update from IT Officer Rtn. Prerana Joshi said existing data on the drives will be downloaded. Google meet recording not available for our region. Will look at other options available. 11. Secretary Rajas read out the updates sent by Anna Uday regarding the bulletin. 12. The BOD also came up with few important suggestions. 13. Some observations were told by the guests members to the BOD 14. Meeting concluded after vote of thanks by Rtn. Vaidehi

Meeting Date 03 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 21:00:00
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Celebration of award
Meeting Agenda 1. **Celebration of Prestigious Award** We are thrilled to celebrate the distinguished award recently bestowed upon our club. This accolade is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all our members. 2. **Engaging Activities and Games** Join us for a delightful series of games, including an exciting round of Musical Chairs. Let’s enjoy an evening filled with fun and camaraderie. 3. **Karaoke Session** Unleash your inner performer at our karaoke session. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or just looking to have fun, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent. 4. **Friendship Day Celebration** In honor of Friendship Day, we will have a special celebration to appreciate the bonds we have formed within our club. Let’s take this moment to celebrate our unity and friendship. 5. **Monsoon Picnic Planning** We will finalize the plans for our much-anticipated Monsoon Picnic. Your inputs and suggestions are invaluable as we aim to create an enjoyable experience for all members. 6. **Member Recognition** Treasurer Jayesh Shah will felicitate members who have demonstrated exemplary commitment by paying their fees promptly. Their timely contributions help in the smooth functioning of our club.
Chief Guest Sanyogita Temghare
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 19
Minutes of Meeting In this family meeting, the report of the award distribution ceremony held in Pune on July 28 was presented first. After this, all the members celebrated the club's successful event with enthusiasm. New member Imtiaz Maniyar expressed his thoughts. The July birthdays were celebrated with a cake cutting. This was followed by a delightful program of musical chairs and karaoke singing.

Meeting Date 03 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 09:30:00
Location ZP School, Kalundre, Panvel
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Handing Over the Charter of RCC to RCC Empowered Women
Meeting Agenda - Welcome - Charter Handover - Vote of Thanks
Chief Guest Principal Premlal Dhobi
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 11
Minutes of Meeting Summary of Meeting Date: August 3, 2024 Timing: 9:30 AM to 10 : 30 AM Location: ZP School, Kalundre, Panvel Purpose: Handing Over the Charter of RCC to RCC Empowered Women The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar successfully handed over the charter to the RCC Empowered Women on August 3rd, 2024. The event was led by President Rotarian Arun Khedwal, with significant contributions from key members, including Past President Rotarian Sudhir Chakole, First Lady Rotarian Shweta Khedwal, Vice President Rotarian Puransingh Jeetsingh Mehra, Secretary Rotarian Mukund Chaudhari, and Treasurer Rotarian Snehal Vidyadhar Pendse. Representatives from RCC Empowered Women, Anjana Roy (Secretary) and Sarika Bahira (Treasurer), accepted the charter, expressing gratitude and outlining their plans for empowering women through community service initiatives. The event also highlighted the involvement of the Interact Club, with President Sajan Sah and Secretary Arushi Khedwal sharing their support and future collaboration plans with RCC Empowered Women. Key discussions focused on the impact of RCC in promoting women empowerment and fostering community service. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks, emphasizing the collaborative efforts of all members and the importance of continued support for RCC initiatives.