Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Location Agaj Banquet, Near Hotel Ganesh, Pimpri
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Main Key Points in New Central Budget
Meeting Agenda Information of Main key points in New Central Budget
Chief Guest CA Ravi Bajaj
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 8
Minutes of Meeting Director Sukanya Projects, Rtn Sadhana Datir gave an update on the progress of activities under Sukanya CA Ravi Bajaj dived deep into the main points of Central Budget for 2024-25

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 18:00:00
Location C-55, Prince Paradise CHS, Near Vadale Talav, panvel
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Meeting for various resolutions
Meeting Agenda 1. meeting call to order 2. National Anthem 3. Planning for Projects during August and September 2024 4. Change in signatories for Club's Bank saving Account 5. Meeting Adjourn.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 5
Minutes of Meeting Club's BoD Meeting The meeting was held on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 7:00 PM at C55, Prince Paradise, near Vadale Lake, Panvel - 410206. The following BoD Rotarian members were present at the meeting: Bod Members Rtn. Vijay Goregaonkar Rtn. Rupesh Yadav Rtn. Balkrishna Ambekar Rtn. Madhukar Naik Rtn. Dilip Jadhav Non BoD Rtn. jagdish Barde Rtn. Kashiram Patil Agenda 1 & 2) The meeting was called to order by the President, followed by the national anthem, and the meeting proceedings began. Agenda 3) Planning for Projects during August and September 2024 Resolution ) A detailed discussion was held on this matter, and it was unanimously decided as follows: Regarding the project "Anemia Detection and Prevention," the President and the Secretary will discuss with Dr. Santosh Jadhav within the next couple of days, finalize the format of the project, and initiate it in the month of August. August 12 is celebrated worldwide as World Organ Donation Day. On this occasion, the club will attempt to organize a lecture by experts in this field, conduct an interview with them, and use the videos for awareness purposes. It was also decided that the club will participate with Ashtavinayak Hospital in the Mammography camp ( cancer screening camp) for women, which is being organized on August 15 at Ashtavinayak Hospital, Khandeshwar, New Panvel West. Proposer - Rtn. Madhukar Naik Seconder - Rtn. Balkrishna Ambekar The resolution was unanimously approved. Agenda 4) Decision regarding celebrating Teachers' Day on September 5 and Engineers' Day on September 15 (similar to Doctor's Day and CA Day) Resolution ) A discussion was held on this topic. It was unanimously decided to honor one engineer from each engineering department and one teacher from each primary school, secondary school, residential school, and college with a certificate of appreciation on these days. All members are requested to contact the relevant departments and submit the names and other details of engineers and teachers who, in addition to their regular professional duties, also participate in social work, to the club by August 30. The final list of names will then be decided in the club meeting. Proposer - Rtn. Vijay Goregaonkar Seconder - Rtn. Rupesh Yadav The resolution was unanimously approved. Agenda 4) Change in signatories for Club's Bank saving Account Resolution ) For the Rotary year 2024-25, new members have been elected on the positions of President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Panvel Sunrise. Therefore, for transactions on the club’s savings account (Account No. 018011100062285) at Abhyudaya Co-op Bank, New Panvel, signing authority is being granted to President Mr. Vijay Ramchandra Goregaonkar, Secretary Mr. Rupesh Yadav, and Treasurer Mr. Balkrishna Ambekar. It was unanimously decided that transactions on this account should be conducted with the signatures of any two of these three individuals. Proposer - Rtn. Dilip Jadhav Seconder - Rtn. Jagdish Barde The resolution was unanimously approved. BoD meeting was adjourned after vote of thanks by secretary.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 18:00:00
Location Sargam Club House, Saragam Society Nanded City
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony 2024
Meeting Agenda Rotary installation Ceremony
Chief Guest DG Rtn Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location vi.ra.meta sarvjanik vahcnalay
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic नमस्कार *#ब्रेकफास्ट मिटिंग#*रविवार दिनांक ४ऑगस्ट रोजी, आपल्या क्लब ची मिटिंग सकाळी ८ वाजता, वि. रा. मेथा स्मारक हाॅल येथे आयोजित केली आहे.तरी क्लब च्या सर्व मेंबर्स ने आवर्जून उपस्थित रहावे ही विनंती.विषय - कलामांच बाबत चर्चा करणे,क्लब चे पेंडींग dues बाबत चर्चा करणे आयत्या वेळी उपस्थित झालेल्या विषयावर चर्चा करणे
Meeting Agenda नमस्कार *#ब्रेकफास्ट मिटिंग#* रविवार दिनांक ४ऑगस्ट रोजी, आपल्या क्लब ची मिटिंग सकाळी ८ वाजता, वि. रा. मेथा स्मारक हाॅल येथे आयोजित केली आहे. तरी क्लब च्या सर्व मेंबर्स ने आवर्जून उपस्थित रहावे ही विनंती. विषय - कलामांच बाबत चर्चा करणे,क्लब चे पेंडींग dues बाबत चर्चा करणे आयत्या वेळी उपस्थित झालेल्या विषयावर चर्चा करणे
Chief Guest president
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Save the water
Meeting Agenda Save the water
Chief Guest Rtn Satish Khade
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 20
Minutes of Meeting Presentation on "Save the Water"

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location RCC, Pimpri
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic New Member Induction
Meeting Agenda Meeting call to Order at 7.0 pm, National Anthem, Four-way test recite, Updated from President & Secretary, Directors, Felicitation of Members, announcement if any, New Member Induction, Vote of Thanks by PE
Chief Guest District Membership Director Rtn. Jignesh Pandya
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 26
Minutes of Meeting Meeting call to Order at 7.0 pm, National Anthem, Four-way test recite, Updated from President & Secretary, Directors, Felicitation of Members, announcement if any, New Member Induction, Vote of Thanks by PE

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Panvel Gymkhana
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Orientation of members of rotary club
Meeting Agenda To "KNOW THE ROTARY" why to join rotary and to understand what is rotary, it it was the familiarisation program of new members in rotary family.
Chief Guest PDG Dr. Shailesh Palekar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 25
Minutes of Meeting it was the wonderful program / very informative and knowledge sharing session by Dr. Shailesh Palekar about thorough knowledge of rotary and operating principles and targets. the new members have been motivated and ignited their mind to work with rotary.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 21:00:00
Location online
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD meeting
Meeting Agenda  1.⁠ ⁠Overall achievement of July 24 - President SP  2.⁠ ⁠⁠planning for August 24 - PE Dr Ravikiran & Admin Director Rtn Shailendra  3.⁠ ⁠⁠Thalassemia Awareness Synergy meeting & Planning - President & PE  4.⁠ ⁠⁠ SELECTION of President Elect Nominee, Probable candidate and discussion  5.⁠ ⁠⁠RCC has proposal of Fencing work - Praful Shah to Brief  6.⁠ ⁠⁠Discussion on Fund raising, options to be discuss along with Cause -President & PE  7.⁠ ⁠⁠DELAY in Cervical cancer dose due to Technical reasons - President  8.⁠ ⁠⁠Receipt of RCC charter and Handling over plan  9.⁠ ⁠⁠Rotary Emblem Placement and its progress - Rtn Kamlesh A 10.⁠ ⁠⁠Wesite Progress - Rtn Kamlesh & TEAM
Chief Guest None
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting MINUTES OF BOARD OF MEETING HELD ON Sunday, 4th August’24 Members Present: 1. Rtn Shailesh Patel – President 2. Rtn Suneeta Bajaj – Secretary 3. Rtn Ritesh Srivastava – Treasurer 4. Rtn Dr. Ravi Kiran – Service Project Director 5. Dr. Sunil Bhatia- Foundation Director 6. Dr. Arti Bhatia- Membership Director 7. Rtn. Kamlesh Dhargalkar – Club Trainer 8. Rtn Anup Gupta – IPP 9. Rtn Shubhangi Malankdar – Director New Generation 10. Rtn. Ramesh Samant – Vice President 11. Rtn Shailendra Waray – Director Administration 12. Rtn Anamika Srivastava – Director IT 13. Rtn Nandkumar Mehta – Sargent At Arm 14. Rtn. Rajendra Saxena- Director Sports 15. Rtn Praful Shah - Special Invitee Venue: Online 1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn Shailesh Patel. 2. President Rtn Shailesh Patel conveyed thanks to members for timely presence for the meeting. 3. President Rotarian Shailesh Patel gave an overview of achievements of the month of July 2024. 4. In the month of July 10 projects were taken up (felicitation of Drs. &C.As tree plantational3, Chatrachhaya , Yogdan,Kintergarten school, Ramsheth Thakur School, Mega Mmedical drive at Pimpri, Scholarship & sponsorship by the Bhatia family, Kargil Vijay Diwas & 2nd Synergy Meet along with 5 other Rotary Clubs.(Kalamboli, Panvel) 5. Rtn, Ravi Kiran presented a blueprint of activities to be undertaken in August. a. Workshops on making eco-friendly Ganpati idol-making at different venues, b. On 11th & 13th August, an online elocution competition c. Initiative on Thalassemia d. Hearing check-up of policemen of Navi Mumbai 6. A detailed account of Thalassemia Synergy meeting and planning was provided by the President Rotarian Shailesh Patel & PE Rotarian Dr. Ravi kiran. Useful suggestions were given by Rtn. Sunil Bhatia. Rtn. Shailendra Waray informed about 2 meetings to be held in August: BOD on 4th August & A family meet on 24th August at Regency Crest in which Rtn. Ritesh Srivastava will explain about the budget. Also, 2 prospective members maybe invited to attend the meeting. 7. President Rotarian Shailesh Patel suggested a few probable names for the post of Presidents for the next 2 years (2026-27 & 2027-28). 8. Rtn. PrafulChandra Shah informed BOD members about fencing work proposal where our RCC members are meeting on daily basis. BOD has requested writted application from RCC for this proposal and as soon as it is approved from PMC, RCKM will consider this proposal. In case if PMC do not approve than President informed to get this work done from sources other than our Trust. 9. There was a detailed deliberation on the fund-raising options. Some members suggested outsourcing it so that we can maximize earnings. 10. President Rotarian Shailesh Patel informed the house that a single-dose option was in the final stage of approval for the cervical cancer patients and that was the technological reason for the delay in execution. However, 50 students of Murbi school will be administered the second dose in the month of August. 11. President Rotarian Shailesh Patel informed that we have received the RCC Charter and the same will be handed over in the family meet on 24th August. 12. President Rotarian Shailesh Patel pointed out that the work of the PI team need to speed up. (placement of the Rotary wheel & website planning) 13. Some of the other projects lagging behind the schedule were from the team Young Generation. BOD training could be scheduled after 12th September. It was also pointed out that the Rotract Club at any college will be functional only if a Rotarian was there to monitor it. Rtn. Rajendra Saxena pointed out that there was a poor response to the trekking event, and he tried to encourage more participation.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location RCC Pimpri
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Family Meet
Meeting Agenda Felicitation of Doctors who rendered services in Mega Medical Camp. Guest Lecture by Rtn. Anant Kasibhatla
Chief Guest Anant Kasibhatla
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 15
Minutes of Meeting 1. Update on Projects Completed YTD by President Rtn. Prashant 2. Rendition of Abhang by Annet Shrinath Kadhane 3. Felicitation of Doctors Participated in Mega Medical Camp 4. Guest Lecture by Rtn. Aant Kasibhatla on Achieving Excellence through Focus 5. Friendship Day celebration by tying friendship band. 6. Birthday & Anniversary Celebaration of Rotarians, Anns & Annets

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location C-55, Prince Paradise CHS, Near Vadale Talav, panvel
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Club weekly meeting for planning of projects decided by BOD
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting call to order 2. National Anthem. 3. Planning of Projects decided in BOD during Aug 2024 4. Discussion on Teachers Day & Engineers Day celebration 5. Subjects other than above ,with permission of President 6. Secretarial Announcement 7. Meeting Adjourn.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 7
Minutes of Meeting club's meeting was held today, Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 7:00 PM at C55, Prince Paradise, near Vadale Lake, Panvel - 410206. The following Rotarian members of our club were present at the meeting: Rtn. Vijay Goregaonkar Rtn. Rupesh Yadav Rtn. Balkrishna Ambekar Rtn. Madhukar Naik Rtn. Dilip Jadhav Rtn. Jagdish Barde Rtn. Kashinath Patil 1 & 2) After the President called the meeting to order, the national anthem was sung, and the proceedings of the meeting began. New member Rtn. Kashinath Patil was welcomed with flowers by Rtn. Madhukar Naik. Additionally, the club was awarded a prize for its Innovative Project in the annual awards ceremony for the Rotary year 2023-24. In recognition of this achievement, IPP (Immediate Past President) Rtn. Balkrishna Ambekar was honored with flowers by the President. Rtn. Ambekar dedicated this award to the club and thanked all the members. 3 & 4) Based on the discussion in the BoD meeting, it was decided to plan and organize various activities for the months of August and September. 5/1) Basic Education and Literacy Project: A discussion was held about distributing an app developed by Rotary District 3131 for 10th-grade students to schools. It was unanimously decided to first obtain detailed information from the district and then conduct an initial discussion with the principal of a school in New Panvel to gauge interest before proceeding further with the project. 5/2) August 15th Health Camp: The Secretary informed the club about a low-cost 2D Echo and cancer screening camp for women organized by Ashtavinayak Hospital on August 15, 2024. After discussion, it was decided that the club would participate in this project by bearing a small portion of the expenses. 5/3) One-Day Monsoon Picnic: The club discussed organizing a one-day monsoon picnic for members, Anns, and Annets. It was unanimously decided to organize this picnic on September 1, 2024, at Chhota Bandhara near Shantivan or a nearby farmhouse. 5/4) New Membership Recruitment: Various options for recruiting new club members were discussed, including reaching out to former members and contacting interested women for membership. If needed, the President, IPP, and Secretary will hold a joint meeting to provide more information about Rotary. 5/5) RCC Charter Application: It was decided to submit the charter application for the proposed RCC in the prescribed format as per Rotary guidelines. 5/6) Monthly Meeting with Family: The club had previously decided to hold one meeting each month with family members at the residence of each member. Accordingly, the meeting for August 2024 will be held at President Rtn. Vijay Goregaonkar's residence on 18th August at New Panvel. After the secretarial announcements, the President declared the meeting adjourned.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Rotarian Ravi Moholkar House
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD meeting 2
Meeting Agenda Updates from ever director and board member about Previous work done Planning for next activities Meetings Projects b everyone present
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting AVENUE REPORT FOR PUBLIC IMAGE 2ND BOD AT RAVI MOHOLKAR’s HOUSE ON THE 4TH OF AUGUST 2024 1. WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED a. Chhatrachhaya project b. Submitted article to GML about the club c. Yashoda – drafted news brief on HMB which is published in IE dt 2/08/24 2. WHATS BEING DONE CURRENTLY a. Tell your Rotary story b. Questionnaire for prospective members c. Facebook live streaming of programs of general interest 3. WHATS PLANNED FOR COMING MONTHS a. Follow up / search for partner club for GG project ONGOING 1. Birthdays and Anniversaries are scheduled and are working on auto-pilot / on track 2. Social media: All projects uploaded on PI FB page, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter 3. Share your Rotary Story – started. Some stories will be posted on WA groups, some on FB page and some will be published in our Pride Express magazine.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Gathagram, Dehu
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Mega Tree Plantation Program
Meeting Agenda As per agenda provided by host club / district
Chief Guest DG Rtn Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 2
Minutes of Meeting Rtn Vaaibhav and Rtn Vivek [President] visited the tree plantation program at Gathagram, Pune. This program was hosted by RC Pune Baner and there were around 9 Co-host clubs. It was raining heavy on that day but in spite of heavy rains, Rotarians from host club, co-host club, our club, school/college students etc were present for the event. The event started with national anthem. DG Rtn Shital addressed the rotarians/students who were present for the event. Certificates/Trophy provided to host club/co-host clubs/schools etc. All rotarians who were present, planted the trees before leaving Dehu.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location online (ZOOM)
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic 2nd BOD
Meeting Agenda August BOD meeting
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting The meeting was held over Zoom.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location Shakam Restaurant
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Friendship Day
Meeting Agenda On 4th August, Friendship Day, despite the heavy rainfall, all the friends from RCP Wisdom family arrived at Shakam Restaurant right on time. What followed was pure fun and enjoyment—we played games with music, exchanged friendship bands with close buddies, and sang melodious songs about friendship. The celebration concluded with a delicious breakfast. The credit for this wonderful program goes to Admin Director Rtn Dipti Naik, Club Secretary Rtn Pooja Wadekar, and Club Trainer Rtn Rajani Swamy.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 40
Minutes of Meeting On 4th August, Friendship Day, despite the heavy rainfall, all the friends from RCP Wisdom family arrived at Shakam Restaurant right on time. What followed was pure fun and enjoyment—we played games with music, exchanged friendship bands with close buddies, and sang melodious songs about friendship. The celebration concluded with a delicious breakfast. The credit for this wonderful program goes to Admin Director Rtn Dipti Naik, Club Secretary Rtn Pooja Wadekar, and Club Trainer Rtn Rajani Swamy.

Meeting Date 04 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 12:30:00
Location Atithi Pure Veg Restaurant
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Club Regular Meeting
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting Discussed about our next social activities planned and fellowships in coming months