Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Sevasadan Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic The Story of 14 Trees
Meeting Agenda 1. Meeting called to Order. Request all to rise for the National Anthem. 2. Offer condolences to the father of Ann Varsha Puranik Shri Dwarakanath Muley and the mother of Ann Manjiri Annachhatre. 3. Invite Guest Speaker Dr. Praveen Bhagwat on stage. 4. ⁠Invite Rtn Suneel Ghatpande to introduce today’s speaker Dr. Praveen Bhagwat 5. Main Program 6. Vote of thanks by Rtn Chittaranjan Patwardhan 7. ⁠Welcome &felicitate the guest, if any. 8. Announcements a. RYLA बद्दल थोडक्यात माहिती व रोस्वातीचे अभिनंदनand appreciation b. कलभांडे यांचे सकाळमधे आलेल्या लेखांसाठी अभिनंदन c. Any other announcements 9. Over to Secretary Devdatta for Secretarial Announcements a. Next week's Programs i. 29th August – “Half to Better Half program”चीपुन्हाआठवण. ii. 5th Sept: Dr. Varsha Todmalविषयः सुद्रुढ मनासाठी प्रसन्नतेचा मंत्र b. Birthdays i. 9 th Aug – Rtn Sanjeev Kulkarni ii. 11th August – Rtn Vijay Deshpande iii. 15th Aug – Ann Chitra Bhave iv. 17th Aug – Anna Sunil Sawaikar v. 21st Aug – Rtn Prakash Bandal vi. 22nd Aug – Ann Dr Aruna Atre c. Anniversary i. 12th Aug – IPP Rtn Girish and Radhika Brahme 10. Prez. Parag to adjourn the meeting.
Chief Guest Dr. Praveen Bhagwat
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 34
Minutes of Meeting 1. Meeting called to Order. Request all to rise for the National Anthem. 2. All the club members then Offered condolences to the father of Ann Varsha Puranik Shri Dwarakanath Muley and the mother of Ann Manjiri Annachhatre. 3. The president invited the guest Speaker Dr. Praveen Bhagwat on stage and invited Rtn Suneel Ghatpande to introduce today’s speaker. 4. Dr Praveen Bhagwat then presented the vast work he carried out on a plantation in the Bhimashankar area, and various techniques and promotional schemes he used to grow and reclaim the forests via plantation. 5. Rtn Chittaranjan Patwardhan thanked the guest and Prez Parag felicitated him. 6. ⁠Prez welcomed today's guest Mr Prasad Sanga invited by RtnSawaikar. 7. Announcements a. Prez invited New Generation Director Rtn Swati Patil to report about the 2 days RYLA conducted in Synergy with RCP Katraj and RCP Kothrud. Prez then appreciated Rtn Swati for planning and conducting the event effectively. b. Prez congratulated Ann Anjali Kalbhande on her writeup published in Daily Sakal. c. Prez invited Rtn Makarand to brief the members about the PI project of advertising and education on Rickshaw hood. 8. Secretarial Announcements by Rtn Devdatta a. Next week Programs i. 29th August –“Half to Better Half program”.Ann Manjiri Hambardikar reminded with the details of this rescheduled program. ii. 5th Sept: Dr. Varsha Todmalविषयः सुद्रुढ मनासाठी प्रसन्नतेचा मंत्र b. Birthdays i. 9th Aug – Rtn Sanjeev Kulkarni ii. 11th August – Rtn Vijay Deshpande iii. 15th Aug – Ann Chitra Bhave iv. 17th Aug – Anna Sunil Sawaikar v. 21st Aug – Rtn Prakash Bandal vi. 22nd Aug – Ann Dr Aruna Atre c. Anniversary i. 12th Aug – IPP Rtn Girish and Radhika Brahme 9. Prez. Parag adjourned the meeting.

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD plans discussions
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Discussions on all avenues by all directors

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Location Poona Club Ltd
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Let's hear more about Tatya Tope
Meeting Agenda 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm - Dinner 9.00 pm to 10.00 pm - Speaker
Chief Guest Sanjivani Tope
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting null

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Damle Hall, Damle Path, Off Law College Road, Erandwane, Pune-411004.
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Mangalagauri
Meeting Agenda Mangalagauri Celebration
Chief Guest AG Sneha Subhedar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 16
Minutes of Meeting Mangalagauri Celebration

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Sahawas Society Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Snkashti Chaturthi - Atharwashirsha Pathan
Meeting Agenda To recite Ganapati Atharwashirsha together with all members and spouces, have aarati and prasad and to have dinner togther.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Ganapati athrwashirsh was recited and chanted on 22.08.24 at sahawas hall along with all members and spouse. Rtn. Mahesh Saptarshi was the host this time. Everybody enjoyed the mahaprasad for dinner.

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 09:30:00
Meeting Type BOD
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 9

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Dyanada prashala Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Team Building Activities
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting team building games with rotaractors

Meeting Date 22 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Online
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic 2nd BOD
Meeting Agenda Avenue wise reporting of activities and projects by avenue directors and chairpersons and approvals for expenditure for projects
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 16
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the Second meeting of Board of Directors, Chairpersons, invitees. Date: Thursday, 22nd August, 2024, 7.00 pm via zoom call. Following business was transacted in the meeting. 1. President Bharati Dole welcomed all the attendees. President briefed & appreciated Tree Plantation at Army Institute of Physical Training, Birthdays & Anniversary celebration & online programs. 2. Minutes of First BOD were proposed for approval by Secretary Sachin Joglekar & approved by BOD. 3. Hosted BOD format was discussed in detail. Everybody expressed their views. It was decided that Rtn Sachin will check with every member of BOD + Invitees if they wish to be part of hosted BOD or opt out. 4. Rtn Ujwal mentioned that, for people opting out, they are expected to attend BOD meeting but they can opt out of dinner. 5. Rtn Ujwal suggested that we can plan programs in every month aligned with monthly theme. 6. President Bharati strongly emphasized the need for sending avenue reports for Push on time as well as timely update/photos on WhatsApp Official group. 7. Director Club Admin: Rtn Rujuta Desai ➢ Attendance has been around 40%. A gift was given to Rotarians/Anns who showed good attendance in 5 programs so far. ➢ Vendors for fellowship are requesting cash instead of cheque payment due to reduced number of face-to-face meetings. It was suggested that member can pay the vendor & get it reimbursed from club. ➢ Programs for September have been finalised except 9th September. ➢ It was decided to have online program on 9th September due to possibility of low attendance on the occasion of Ganpati festival. ➢ Events Committee: 36 have confirmed participation in Club picnic. 24 have paid. All other arrangements are on track. More details will be announced closer to picnic day. ➢ Ann’s committee: Good work done by Ann’s committee & Ann Anjali Gadgil was appreciated by President. She mentioned Mehendi program, Makhar project in Apte Muk Badhir school. ➢ Club Ekankika: Hall for club ekankika practice is required. It was decided to accommodate practice hall charges in the overall ekankika budget of 75 k. 8. Director Membership: Rtn Sandeep Tapaswi ➢ PDG Mohan Palesha would address club members on 26th August on importance & ways to add new members ➢ A get together of prospective members can be organised after Ganpati festival. 9. Director Foundation: Rtn Nitin Naik ➢ Rtn Ujwal’s donation to foundation of $1000 was appreciated by all members. He fulfilled his Paul Harris commitment for the year. ➢ Our commitment to district is $ 6700. We have commitment from members of $ 5000. Actual received is $ 3500 . Follow up is on. ➢ Global Grant project for solar system & school van for Apanga Kalyan Kendra is in pipe line. Concept note has been shared with respective teams. 10. Director Community Service Medical: Rtn Shobha Rao ➢ 5 BP monitor & oximeter to Khanapur Asha workers will be given on 27th August. RCC to be held for Asha workers at Khanapur. ➢ Cherry Blossom Project: Vidya Wardhini (6th September, 200 to 250 students) Madhyamik School (500 students. 2nd to 4th September, Haemoglobin & Eye checkup). Pamphlets & flex printing is in process. ➢ Budget of Rs. 37000 was approved for Cherry Blossom project. 11. Director Community Service Non-Medical: Rtn Vrinda Walimbe ➢ Sarthak Seva Sangh project is ongoing. Funding is on track. ➢ Delavadi Aai cha Ban: Rs. 10000 have been given for piping work which has been completed. ➢ Section has been given for us to plant trees with medical properties. Tree plantation has been planned. Budget of Rs. 10000 was approved by the board. ➢ Board appreciated efforts put in by Dr. V.S.Rao for this project. ➢ Budget of Rs. 9500 was approved for donating water purifier at Apte Muk Badhir School. ➢ Counselling session by Mr. Datta Shrikhande is being planned in Madhyamik school. 12. Director Vocational Service: Rtn Aniruddha Inamdar ➢ Teacher’s day felicitation: 2nd September: 2 renowned teachers Kisan Gore & Gauri Jadhav will be felicitated. Preparation is on track. ➢ Budget of Rs. 10000 was approved for this project. 13 Director Youth Service: Rtn Alka Kamble ➢ Installations of PVG’s Muktangan English School is planned on 30th August followed by installation in Blind School. ➢ Modern College Rotaract installation is being planned. ➢ Internship for Modern college students is being planned. ➢ Medical check up for Modern college students to be explored. 14 Director IT: Rtn Sanjeev Choudhary ➢ & domains have been renewed. ➢ It is suggested to encourage members to download district app. 15 Literacy Chairperson: Rtn Anjali Ravetkar (Briefed by President) ➢ Budget for Rs.13000 (65* Rs.200) for 10th standard app was approved. 16 Chief Trustee: Rtn Guru Palekar ➢ Trust Corpus dues have been paid by 45 rotarians. 21 are yet to be received. 17 Treasurer: Rtn Ashok Gadgil ➢ RI dues, district dues & Rotary News subscription has been paid. ➢ Club dues are pending for 20 rotarians. Follow up is on. 18 Other points discussed/approved ➢ Letter sent by Rtn Ajay Godbole regarding leave of absence was discussed. It was decided that President Bharati will speak to Rtn Ajay Godbole & brief the board. 19 Attendance: Board of Directors 22-08-2024 Rtn Bharati Dole P Rtn Alka Kamble P Rtn Sachin Joglekar P Rtn Ashok Gadgil P Rtn Anand Nawathe A Rtn Smita Jog A Rtn Sanjeev Chaudhary P Rtn Rujuta Desai P Rtn Sandeep Tapaswi P Rtn Sharad Dole P Rtn Shobha Rao P Rtn Vrinda Walimbe P Rtn Aniruddha Inamdar P Rtn Pradeep Wagh A Rtn Nitin Naik P Rtn Mrinal Nerlekar A Invitees Rtn Abhishek Jadhav A Rtn Sneha Bhave P Rtn Achyut Gokhale A Ann Anjali Gadgil P Rtn Anjali Ravetkar A Spouse Ashok Kamble A Rtn V S Rao P Rtn Shilpa Naik A Rtn Gurunath Palekar P Rtn Madhuri Gokhale A Ann Pratima Durugkar A Ann Rashmi Joglekar P Rtn Shirish Kshirsagar A Ann Shobhana Date A Rtn Shrikant Bhave A Rtn Ujjwal Marathe P Regards, Dr. Bharati Dole President Sachin Joglekar Secretary