Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Secretary Shashank Tilak's Office
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic 2nd BOD + BOT
Meeting Agenda Review of August and plans for September
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 20:00:00
Location Poona Club Ltd.
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Agenda 20.00 to 21.00 - DINNER 21.00 to 22.00 - SPEAKER SESSION
Chief Guest Shailaja Deshpande
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting null

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Punyaai Sabhagruha
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Kirtan by Corporate Kirtankaar Sameer Limaye
Meeting Agenda Kirtan by Corporate Kirtankaar Sameer Limaye
Chief Guest Dg Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting A synergy meeting by 11 clubs was held on 30th August 2024. A Corporate Kirtan by Mr. Sameer Limaye was arranged during this meeting. The host club was RCP Sahwas. The other particpating clubs were RCP Heritage, RCP Diamond, RCP Sarasbaug, RCP Bavdhan Elite, RCP Karvenagar, RCP Sinhagad Road, RCP University, RCP Lokmanyanagar, RCP Wisdom and RCP Yuva. The program was a grand success and it was attended by about 180 rotarions. The chief guest for the program was Rtn. DG Shital Shah. During the speech, Mr. Sameer Limaye presented various thoughts of Samarth Ramdas which can be used by everyone to improve networking, have good relationship with others. His presentation contents were quite inline with Rotary views in general and was well appreciated by all attendees. A vocation excellence award was conferred upon to Mr. Sameer Limaye during this program.

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location 'Punyai 'Hall, Proud road, Pune.
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic प्रसिद्ध कॉर्पोरेट कीर्तनकार* *निरूपणकार श्री. समर्थ भक्त* *श्री. समीर लिमये* यांचा कार्यक्रम
Meeting Agenda 7 PM to 9PM Corporate Kirtan.
Chief Guest DG Sheetal Shaha & Sameer Limaye.
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 32
Minutes of Meeting आजकाल networking हा शब्द सगळीकडे ऐकायला मिळतो.. आणि याच शब्दाचा मनाचे श्लोक आणि दासबोध यासारख्या महान ग्रंथाशी संबंध लावुन श्री समीर लिमये यांनी काल समर्थांचे नेटवर्किंग हा कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत केला,.काल अकरा क्लब ची सिनर्जी मीटिंग होती त्यात रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे सहवास रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे सिंहगड रोड रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे विजडम रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे हेरिटेज रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे युनिव्हर्सिटी रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे लोकमान्य नगर रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे युवा रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे कर्वेनगर रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे सारसबाग रोटरी इ क्लब ऑफ पुणे डायमंड रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे बावधन एलाईट हे क्लब involve होते आपल्या महाराष्ट्राला संतांची महान परंपरा लाभली आहे.. हे आपल्या सर्वांना महिती आहे.. यामधील श्री समर्थ रामदास यांनी माणसाच्या मनाचा आणि स्वभावाचा विचार करून मनाचे श्लोक आणि दासबोध असे ग्रंथ लिहिले ज्यातील अनेक श्लोक आजही आपल्या रोजच्या जीवनात मार्गदर्शक ठरतात.. श्री समीर लिमये यांनी आपल्या ओघवात्या आणि शुध्द वाणीने सर्वांना मंत्रमुग्ध करुन समर्थांचे networking कशा प्रकारे योग्य आहे याचा विचार करायला प्रवृत्त केले .. अशा महान व्यक्तीचा सर्वांनी उभे राहून टाळ्या वाजवून बहुमान केला.. कालच्या कार्यक्रमाला डिस्ट्रिक्ट 3131 चे प्रांतपाल रो. शीतल शहा त्याच्रमाणें District Vocational Director रो. मधुमिता बर्वे उपस्थित होते.. कालच्या कार्यक्रमाचे रो. कविता अभ्यंकर यांनी अगदी नेटकेपणाने सूत्रसंचालन केलें.. काल श्री समीर लिमये यांना रो. श्री शीतल शहा यांच्या शुभहस्ते मानपत्र देवून सन्मानित केले गेले.. ज्याचे शब्दांकन रो आरती हिने केले होतें.. समीर यांची ओळख आपली सेक्रेटरी रो. अनुराधा हिने अत्यंत वेचक शब्दात केले.. आभार प्रदर्शनाची जबाबदारी कर्वेनगर क्लबचे प्रेसिडेंट रो. दीपक थिटे यांनी उत्तमपणे पार पडली.. कालचा कार्यक्रम पुण्याई च्या रुचकर जेवणाने उत्कृष्ट रीतीने पार पडला.

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location perugate bhave school
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Shravan Mahotstav
Meeting Agenda ,☘☘☘☘☘☘☘☘ रोटरी क्लब पुणे ईस्ट घेऊन येत आहे खास श्रावणातला ****श्रावण महोत्सव**** Dress code : बायकांसाठी मराठमोळी नऊवारी साडी/ pachavari साडी(*काठपदर साडी). पुरुषांसाठी कुर्ता धोतर/पायजमा, टोपी/pagadi/ फेटा Attractive prizes ??? धमाल मस्ती, गाणी, नाच आणि अनेक काही Please enroll your name otherwise you miss the fun??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀ Project Chairman Rtn.Neha Upasani Ann.Aruna Desai . Ann.Suvarna Dangat
Chief Guest all club members
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 50
Minutes of Meeting Everyone enjoyed program.Very nicely project chairman arranged dfferent mangauri khel. Everyone participated .RYE student Jasmin also attended program. Project Chairman.Rtn.Neha Upasani,Ann.Aruna Desai,Ann.Suvarna Dangat RYE student Jasmin attended the program.

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Puniyaee Sabha Gruh
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Shukragan Meeting with 10 Clubs & Vovational Excellence Award
Meeting Agenda Agenda for 30 th Programme. Programme will start 7.00 p.m. 1. Meeting call to order - Host Club - 1 min 2. National Anthem - 2 min 3. Welcome address - Host Club - 2 min 4. Vocational Director's speech - 2 5. DG Speech - 10 6. Announcement of Vocational Award - 1 7. Introduction of Mr. Sameer Limaye - 2 8. Recitation of Citation - 2 9. Handing Over of Award by DG - 3 10. Sameer Limaye's Speech - 1.30 hr 11. Vote of Thanks - 2 min 12. Meeting Adjourn. - 1 min Comparing - 10 min Total - 140 min
Chief Guest Corporate Kirtankar Sameer Limayee & DG Sheetal Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 200
Minutes of Meeting समर्थांचे नेटवर्किंग ? First Shukrangan Meeting of 11 Clubs RCP सहवास ने आयोजित केलेल्या शुक्रांगण मध्ये 10 Clubs ना बरोबर घेऊन केलेला कालचा श्री. समीर लिमये यांचा समर्थांचे नेटवर्किंग हा कार्यक्रम अतिशय सुंदर, दिमाखदार झाला. 11 Clubs नी एकत्र येऊन हा कार्यक्रम आयोजित केला होता. प्रत्येक छोट्या गोष्टीचे केलेले उत्तम नियोजन, 11 Club Presidents मधील उत्तम Coordination म्हणजे कालचा कार्यक्रम होता. रेकॉर्ड ब्रेक 220 सभासदांची उपस्थिती होती DG रो. शीतल शहा व डिस्ट्रिक्ट Vocational Director रो. मधुमीता बर्वे देखील उपस्थित होते. त्यांच्या हस्ते आपण श्री. समीर लिमये यांनी Vocational Excellence Award देखील प्रदान केले. श्री समर्थांचे त्या काळातील विचार आजही कसे तंतोतंत लागू होतात हे समीर लिमये यांनी अतिशय प्रभावीपणे सांगितले. त्या काळातील समर्थांचे नेटवर्किंग कौशल्य आजही जसेच्या तसे लागू होते. समर्थांच्या 205 मनाच्या श्लोकांपैकी रोज एका श्लोकाचा जरी आपण विचार केला तरी आपले जीवन अधिक आनंदी होईल. समर्थांनी दासबोध, मनाचे श्लोक यात उत्तम संघटन कौशल्य , नेतृत्व गुण, Strategic planning, Dress code, Branding, Team work ....याबद्दल खूप छान सांगितले आहे. 350 वर्षांपूर्वी समर्थांनी ह्या सगळ्या गोष्टींचा विचार केला होता हे बघून खरोखरच समर्थांपुढे नतमस्तक व्हायला होते. ते विचार आपल्या रोटरी संस्थेला ही तंतोतंत लागू होतात. शुक्रांगण चा पहिला कार्यक्रम खूप सुंदर झाला. सहभागी क्लब RCP Wisdom RCP Sinhgad Road RCP Heritage RCP Karvenagar RCP Bawdhan Elite RCP Lokmanyanagar RCP Sarasbaug RCP University RCP Yuva RC E - Club Pune Diamond सर्व सहभागी Club Presidents ना मनःपूर्वक धन्यवाद? रो. निवेदिता मुळे प्रेसिडेंट RCP सहवास

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 06:30:00
Location Punyayi Hall , Paud Road
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Samrthanche Networking
Meeting Agenda This meeting was planned with 10 other clubs from district 3131. Total 250 people were present
Chief Guest Corporate Kirtankar Sammer Limaye
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Rambag Hall,Bhor
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Bara Maval and Daivat Shastra
Meeting Agenda 1.Lecture on Bara Maval and Daivat Shasta. 2.Discussion on completed and ongoing project 3.Distribution of Membership Card
Chief Guest Sachin Khopade
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 45
Minutes of Meeting 1.Very interesting and knowledgeable lecture on Bara Maval and Daivat Shastra. 2.Club projects discussion

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Campolian Club Resort - Khopoli
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Meeting - Aug
Meeting Agenda Business meeting/membership plans 9/4/2024 9/11/2024 9/18/2024 9/25/2024 Installation of Interact clubs Tree Plantation through interactors Membership development drive Admin a/c balance Charity a/c Balance Verma Memorial a/c balance
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 9
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the meeting of BOD of the club held on 30-08-24 at Campolian Resort at 8:30 PM 1. No. of Rotarians present: 09 2. No. of Guests Present : 0 3. Meeting was presided by President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar. Following Rotarians were present: a. Rtn. Milind Bodhankar b. Rtn. Anil Khalapurkar c. Rtn. Rohit Bhalla d. Rtn. Sanjay Bondarde e. Rtn. Sunita Chavan f. Rtn. Kavita Khopkar g. Rtn. Nailesh Majethia h. Rtn. Rajendra Jagtap i. Rtn. Hozefa Timbatawala 4. President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar read the minutes of the meeting held on 26-07-24, and it was approved by the members. 5. Club meeting for the month of September were planned as under:- 04-09-2024 Business meeting 11-09-2024 Skip for Ganpati Festival 18-09-2024 DG Visit 25-09-2024 Guest Lecture (World Tourism Day – Guest by Sunita Chavan) 6. Projects planned for the month of September 24 1. Installation of interact club – Only one is pending. 2. Tree Plantation – With Interactors (this shall be planned and launched this month) 3. Membership drive to be taken up – Members who’s bio data submitted to be circulated and new members to be introduced. 4. Medical check-up of interact teachers and staff (After Ganpati Festival – Project In charge – Rtn. Rajendra Jagtap) 7. President informed about the request from Hindi Vidyalaya for CCTV requirement, board was informed that formal letter from school is expected. Board agreed to consider the request on receipt of formal letter. 8. President informed about Ganpati Visarjan fund request received from Rotract Club of Khopoli. Rotract Clubs budget for the project was presented by President. Board discussed internally and concluded that budget is not relevant and needs to be corrected. Board also agreed that considering poor co-operation and negligence from Rotract Club, financial support should limited to Rs. 5000/- only, that too on the condition that Rotract should participate and contribute in future Rotary projects as partner. 9. It was suggested by Rtn. Anil Khalapurkar to check if Rotary can paint the Wall of Vitthal Mandir. However because of budget constrain, this idea was dropped. 10. Rtn. Sanjay Bondarde informed board that hearing for charity commission is scheduled on 20th Sept’24. 11. Following other medical project were discussed: a. Cherry Blossom : Information from District is awaited, President informed that same shall be updated as and when information is passed from District, and Board agreed to have this project for Khopoli. b. Cervical Cancer : The details needs to be collected and presented to board for approval. Board shall decided based on the proposal. 12. Treasurer informed that RI dues were sent as per invoice. He gave the position of bank balance as under:- Admin Account Rs. 132311.69 Trust account Rs. 2,79,702.76 (including Alta money of Rs. 1,44,850/- and deposit of Rs, 50,000/); Roof shed work payment is also pending for Neeraj Jadhav for the want of Invoice. 13. Rtn. Nailesh proposed vote of thanks 14. Meeting was adjourned by president and members had contributory dinner at Campolian Resort

Meeting Date 30 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 03:00:00
Location RCC Nigdi.
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Rekha night
Meeting Agenda Club members performed dance & singing on Rekha’s film songs
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 55
Minutes of Meeting Family night. Fun , dance and masti on Rekha’s film songs.