Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Deccan Gymkhana Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic First Fireside
Meeting Agenda we arranged this years First fire side at Deccan Gymkhana Club Terrace hall. all Club members and spouses were participated and enjoyed Fellowship and friendship. newly inducted members were also present with their spouses.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Electronic Industrial Estate Hall, Satara Road, Pune-37
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Business Meeting 2 & Birthday Celebration
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Sameer & Secretarial announcements/Rotary Information on history of motto of Rotary by Secretary Milind. Condolence was followed for Rtn Uday Thatte's mother who expired on 25th August. President Sameer presented review of completed projects in August & plans for September month for Service Project, Public Image, Vocational Service & Events. He also updated about SAR & District + Magazine Dues payment. Club Admin Director Rtn Pradeep reviewed about his avenue & appealed for sponsoring weekly club fellowship, Membership & IT Director Rtn Asmita informed about Club Awards in District Membership Seminar & appealed all present members to like & share club news on social media, Youth Director Rtn Kalesh updated about our club's first RYLA at Talegaon & Installation of Interact Club of Muktangan English School, Foundation Director PP Abhhey updated about Foundation donations recently received. PP Raut & PP Vidya suggested solutions regarding one year club fees in advance & fellowship requests respectively. Then traditional aukshan of Birthday Boys & Girls (PP Dr Mahajan & PP Vidya, Rtn Asmita) was done by Ann Chhaya Raut. After this, Rtn Pradeep conducted a short interview of all three of those with some interesting questions. Vote of thanks was proposed by PE Ajay. All members enjoyed tasty fellowship by Rtn Pradnya Gujar.

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 10:00:00
Location Fern Club, Amanora
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Installation Ceremony and DG Visit
Meeting Agenda Installation of President, Secretary and BOD for RY 24-25. DG Visit
Chief Guest DG Shital Shah, AG Pushkaraj Mulay and Past AG Phiroze Masters
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 10:30:00
Location Aspire Towers, Amanora Park Town
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Interact club installation
Meeting Agenda Installation of interact club at Aspire tower.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting The installation ceremony went well. The ceremony was hosted well. The guests members were welcomed with handmade cards made by the youth. The youth were enthusiastic through out the ceremony. The members liked the ceremony.

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Mayur retreat, Lonavala
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Agenda Club Picnic - members assimlation
Chief Guest President Abhay Devare
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 35
Minutes of Meeting आपली ट्रिप तुमच्या सगळयांच्या उत्साही सहभागामुळे खूप छान झाली. लता बरे नसतानाही सहभागी झाली. रंजना मुलाची परीक्षा संपवून उशिरा पण श्रेयाला घेऊन आली. मनीषाही मुलांना घेऊन आली. रेणू पण आनंदाने आली. तिने interesting quiz तयार केले.देवाने Housi game उत्साहाने घेतला. क्षमाने एक छोटासा पण गंमतशीर game घेतला. वय विसरून अनेकांनी चमचा लिंबू चा खेळ खेळून आनंद घेतला. नंतर सर्व उत्साही गायकांनी मस्त मस्त गाणी म्हणून सगळ्यांचे मनोरंजन केले.नंतर सगळ्यांनी जेवण केले. बायकांच्या रात्रभर गप्पा आणि पुरुषांचे पत्ते. सकाळी sumptuous ब्रेकफास्ट करून भरपूर photos काढून सर्व मंडळी आपापल्या घरी सुखरूप आणि relax होऊन परतले. अशी झाली monsoon picnic.सगळ्यांचे खूप खूप आभार to make this trip successful.? नितीनचे विशेष आभार.? त्याच्या continuous follow up मुळे आपला no बराच वाढला.

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Clover Hotel Chinchwad
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Aug BOD Meeting #3
Meeting Agenda Last Minutes of Meeting Discussions on projects District Events
Chief Guest President
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 23
Minutes of Meeting Read last minutes of meeting discussed projects done and incoming projects for approval detailed minutes of meeting available with Hon. Secretary

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Punyayi Hall, Paud Road
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Shukrangan synergy Meeting
Meeting Agenda Corporate Kirtan
Chief Guest Sameer Limaye
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 02:00:00
Location Mauli Agro Resort
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Monsoon Picnic -overnight trip to Mauli Agro Resort
Meeting Agenda One team comprising of Ujwal, Vineet & Aniruddha will go little early to manage readiness of rooms / keys etc. Members are expected to arrive from 15.00 onwards. To be Served in the main restaurant on the first floor. Members can choose to enjoy resort activities such as paddle boating, swimming, games, horse / camel riding etc. Meeting and all subsequent planned events are going to be held in an exclusive hall which is slightly away from the main residential area & needs a 5-minute walk. Members to present their poetic prowess Anchor – Vineet Joshi Members present their funny bone thru jokes, narrating a hilarious incident or even presenting a short skit. Anchor – Harshvardhan Bhave A surprise event Anchor – Mrs. Sanjota Malpani Those who have opted for Liquor can avail the bar facility. It will also include soft drinks and snacks open for all. Members present can hit the dance floor to jive to the beats of the peppy music being played. A separate counter for non-veg will be arranged. This is the time available to the members to indulge in singing, gappa & having a good time. Members can use this time to get ready, have a morning stroll in the resort or indulge in other resort activities. Vegetarian breakfast in the main restaurant first floor. Members can choose from various activities such as paddle boating, swimming, rain dance, indoor and outdoor games. There is a Wellness center which is available on paid basis and the same can be booked the earlier evening. Vegetarian lunch in the main restaurant first floor. Load the bags in cars & bid adieu.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 43
Minutes of Meeting One team comprising of Ujwal, Vineet & Aniruddha will go little early to manage readiness of rooms / keys etc. Members are expected to arrive from 15.00 onwards. To be Served in the main restaurant on the first floor. Members can choose to enjoy resort activities such as paddle boating, swimming, games, horse / camel riding etc. Meeting and all subsequent planned events are going to be held in an exclusive hall which is slightly away from the main residential area & needs a 5-minute walk. Members to present their poetic prowess Anchor – Vineet Joshi Members present their funny bone thru jokes, narrating a hilarious incident or even presenting a short skit. Anchor – Harshvardhan Bhave A surprise event Anchor – Mrs. Sanjota Malpani Those who have opted for Liquor can avail the bar facility. It will also include soft drinks and snacks open for all. Members present can hit the dance floor to jive to the beats of the peppy music being played. A separate counter for non-veg will be arranged. This is the time available to the members to indulge in singing, gappa & having a good time. Members can use this time to get ready, have a morning stroll in the resort or indulge in other resort activities. Vegetarian breakfast in the main restaurant first floor. Members can choose from various activities such as paddle boating, swimming, rain dance, indoor and outdoor games. There is a Wellness center which is available on paid basis and the same can be booked the earlier evening. Vegetarian lunch in the main restaurant first floor. Load the bags in cars & bid adieu.

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 18:00:00
Location Gujrati Bhavan, Daund
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Anns' Meeting
Meeting Agenda Anns Meeting Fellowship: Rtn. Pallavi Kulkarni.
Chief Guest President
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Prospect Hotel, Panchgani
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Annual monsoon picnic
Meeting Agenda Assimilation and Singing
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 18
Minutes of Meeting Monsson picninc with weekly meeting at Panchgani

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 04:30:00
Location Rtn Prasanna Deshpande residence
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Review & Planning September Month
Meeting Agenda Review & Planning September Month
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 7
Minutes of Meeting Review & Planning September Month