Rotary 3131 - Meeting Details

Club Meeting Details

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Rtn Viraj Dravid's home
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Meeting 3
Meeting Agenda • Quorum check: Secretary Milind • Meeting called to order and welcome - President Sameer. • To approve Minutes of Last Meeting - President Sameer. • Taking note of RI &District communications and events, if any: President & Secretary. • Planning for the upcoming activities statement - President Sameer. • Projects Review by Directors for September 24 and plans for October 24 with tentative budget: Avenue Director Service Projects Rtn Vivek Kulkarni Club Administration RtnPradeep Sindekar Youth Service Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar Membership and IT Rtn Asmita Patil Public Image Director RtnGanesh Hadke The Rotary Foundation PP Abhhey Bhise Vocational Director Rtn Hemant Watwe Event Director Rtn Nukul Dinkar Treasurer RtnViraj Dravid • Counsellor’s Remarks: PP Pushkaraj Mulay • Any other point with the permission of chair. • Vote of Thanks:
Chief Guest NA
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 9
Minutes of Meeting 1. Confirmation of Quorum After ascertaining that the requisite directors were present to form quorum, the President welcomed all the directors. 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Board Meeting Minutes of the previous Board Meeting held on 18th August, 2024 were placed before the meeting and the same was read, confirmed. Proposed by Rtn. Asmita Patil Seconded by Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar The President then transacted business of the Board Meeting as per the agenda laid before the meeting on the following items. 4. Review of Service Projects: Though service project Director was unable to attend the Meeting, the present members proposed some projects. President informed that expenses on the projects conducted so far, have been less than budget kept. All appreciated. He then informed that though it is not mandatory to conduct 11 projects suggested by the District, we should try to attempt as many as possible. He further introduced a project to supply 8 water filters under Happy School Project with the help of CSR Funds of Wilo Company. All unanimously agreed. The Counsellor Rtn Pushkaraj then introduced a synergy project with RC Rajgurunagar of providing Bore well with R.O. Water filter + Tank to Z.P. School. It was unanimously decided that let there be a visit to school to assess the situation and then we will decide. Rtn Asmita Patil then informed that new member Rtn Bhore wants to donate books worth Rs. 4.5 thousand to the school children with the name of our club, as service project. All approved. 5. Review of Admin Director: The President informed that yearly Deep Sandhya musical event will be held on 25/10/2024 in Ganesh Hall in Tilak Road New English School premises. The Rtn Asmita Patil proposed that a new movie produced by our Honorary Member Miss. Prajakta Mali will be released on 13th October. We can attend a matinee show as premier under the banner of our club. Rtn. Pushkaraj suggested that it be done, if Miss. Mali makes appeal to viewers on behalf of the club. All agreed. 6. Review by Youth Director The Youth Director Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar informed that installation of Interact club of Muktangan English School was completed. He requested that Pins are needed for future installations as early as possible. President agreed to provide. He further informed that a lecture of Dr. Vijaya Puranik, Director at Sinhagad Institute of management, Narhe, has been arranged in that interact club and all should attend. He then informed that installation of Rotaract Club will be held on 13th October. He further informed that under Students Exchange programme, 8 Rotaractors from Guvahati, Assam had been to Pune. Out of them Rtn. Kalesh hosted 4 Rotaractors at his home. He stated, our Rotaractors were hosted by club in Gujrath. He submitted Bills of expenses for installation, which were approved and handed over to treasurer for payment. 7. Review by Membership Director The Membership & IT director Rtn Asmita Patil informed that formality of new member Shri. Rajaram Bhore has been completed. She told that she will be introducing two new ladies members and details will be shared later. 8. Review by IT Director: The Membership & IT director Rtn Asmita Patil informed that all the pages of social media sites hosting our club information, have been duly updated with the recent projects and events and requested all the Directors to share, like and comment on these pages. 9. Review of Public Image Portfolio: There was no development in the past month in this Portfolio. 10. Review by the Rotary Foundation Director: (TRF) The TRF Director Rtn Abbhey Bhise was out of India. So review will be taken in next meeting. 11. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Rtn Viraj Dravid informed the balance in the accounts as on 20/09/2024 are as follows: i) Trust A/c: Rs. 8,24,572.89/- ii) Club A/c: Rs. 4,83,767.9/- It was suggested by President that amount of Rs. 2.5 lakh be invested in Fixed Deposit. All approved. IPP Milind Kulkarni enquired whether district dues have been paid? Treasurer informed that it will be paid in coming days. The Secretary informed that he had received a message from Rotary Magazine that membership details be updated. Rtn. Asmita provided the updated list of members and Treasurer assured to provide it to Rotary Magazine. 10. Event Director: Rtn. Nukul Dinkar informed that he is planning following events: i) Hum Apke hai Koun program for weekly meeting. ii) Photography event and exhibition of collected photos. iii) Aaj ki sham gazal ke naam, a program on Gazals. 11. IPP: Rtn Milind Kulkarni informed that Trust information/Account submission is completed. He reminded that Trust meetings are to be held in every 3 months and suggested that like other club related groups, a WhatsApp group be formed for Trust management. 12. Secretary: The Secretary informed that next BOD Meeting will be hosted by him at his residence on 20th October, 2024. 10. Vote of Thanks There being no other business, PE Rtn Ajay Kale then proposed Vote of Thanks and meeting was declared as over. The Meeting ended at 9.30 P.M., which was then followed by Diner Fellowship from the Host.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location Saraff Automotives1/116 Near Jaihind BazarMIDC RoadBaramati
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Green Society Seminar
Meeting Agenda Execution of the Program
Chief Guest DG Shital Shah
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location SevaSadan Highschool, Near Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Erandwane, PUNE-411004.
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic 1) Recipe competition. 2) Know your Rotarian.
Meeting Agenda 18.15 to 19.15 Pak Kala Spardha.20.00 to 21.15 Know your Rotarian.
Chief Guest President Abhay Devare.
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 15
Minutes of Meeting वेगवेगळ्या उपक्रमाव्दारे आपण क्लबच्या माध्यमातून सामाजिक कार्य तर करतोच.. पण त्याचबरोबर आपल्या क्लबमधील मंडळींच्या सुप्त गुणांना वाव देण्यासाठी सुद्धा आपण काही उपक्रम करत असतो.. असाच एक उपक्रम म्हणजे पाककला स्पर्धा.. वेगवेगळे मिलेट्स वापरून गोड आणि तिखट पदार्थ असावा ही या स्पर्धेची खासियत होती... नुसते पदार्थ बनविणे नाही तर त्याची आकर्षक मांडणी, चव व त्यांच्यामधील पोषणमूल्य जपणे यांचाही त्यात समावेश असावा अशा अटी ठेवून काल आपल्या क्लब मधे पाककला स्पर्धा घेतली होती.. परीक्षक म्हणुन आपलीच मैत्रीण Ann नीला दारव्हेकर हिला आपण बोलावले होते.. त्यामुळे स्पर्धा एकदम खेळीेमेळीच्या वातावरणात पार पडली. खरोखर मिलेट्स वापरून इतके छान आणि चविष्ट पदार्थ बनू शकतात हे आपल्याला काल समजले.. यामध्ये पहिले तीन नंबर आणि दोन उत्तेजनार्थ बक्षिसे दिली गेली.. रो. आरतीने बनवलेले मुग, सोयाबीन व पालक युक्त oil-free दहीवडे आणि पोहे व मुगडाळ वापरून केलेली खीर यास पहिले बक्षीस.. दुसरे बक्षीस रो. सुनिल पिंपळीकर यांनी बनवलेल्या पाच रव्यांनी युक्त असलेला असा प्रसादाचा शिरा आणि खुसखुशीत थालिपीठ या पदार्थांना मिळाले.. तिसरा क्रमांक स्वाती रांजेकरने मिलेटस वापरून बनवलेले कटलेट आणि पौष्टिक केक ला मिळाला.. उत्तेजनार्थ बक्षिसे शरद लागू यांच्या विविध सॅलड्स वापरून केलेली भेळ आणि ओट्स खजूर ब्राऊनी, आणि सुमेधाने बनवलेला मिलेट्स उपमा आणि नाचणीचे आंबिल याला देण्यात आले.. अलका, सतिश, नेहा यांचे पदार्थ पण छान होते.. कालच्या स्पर्धेत पुरुष पण पाक कौशल्यात कमी नसतात हे त्यांनी दाखवून दिले ?.. आपलीं परीक्षक नीला हिची ओळख सेक्रेटरी अनुराधाने करुन दिली.. त्यानंतर Know Your Rotarian या कार्यक्रमांतर्गत रो. आरतीने रो. विजय आणि स्मिता पुराणिक यांची मुलाखत घेतली आणि त्यामुळे त्या दोघांची नव्याने ओळख झाली... काल प्रेसिडेंट अभयच्या अनुपस्थितीमध्ये रो. रवी रांजेकर यांनी त्यांच्या नेहमीच्या खुमासदार शैलीने कामकाज पाहिले... आणि चविष्ट मिसळीने कार्यक्रमाचा शेवट झाला

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location perugate bhave school
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Lagna Pahave Durun
Meeting Agenda Funny marriage incidents. Appreciations.
Chief Guest Dr.Rajendra Bhavalkar
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 36
Minutes of Meeting Ekpatri - Lagna Phave Durun. Dr.Bhavalkar has briefed about his experience about various marriage proposals in humurous way. Everyone enjoyed.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location Patrakar bhavan
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic importancw of Will
Meeting Agenda discussion on will
Chief Guest Adv Akanksha Pyranil
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting Discussion on Importance of Will Engineers day celebration

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location Matoshri Vrudhdhashram Near Rajaram Bridge Karvenagar Pune
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Nritya Damini
Meeting Agenda Nritya Koumudi
Chief Guest Amita Godbole
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting Nritya Kaumudi very beautiful program was performed in our club. Katthakali dance was performed by six dancers. Amazing facial expressions and dance was observed during program. Members and spouses participated enthusiastically.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Deccan Gymkhana Club
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Charter Night Celebration
Meeting Agenda Felicitation of past presidents, felicitation of donors, revisiting club history
Chief Guest PDG Mohan Palesha
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Virangula Kendra
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic speaker-2Healthy tyres and charity commissioner
Meeting Agenda In house speakerShrikant sonar will speak on the importance of health of tyres and Retired charity commissioner will guide about the by laws of trust
Chief Guest none
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Meeting Type Regular
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present
Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 18:30:00
Location Pragati Industrial Estate meeting hall
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Know your member
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting A new member Shailesh Pataskar was inducted into RCP Karvenagar during this meeting. he and his wife Bhakti were present for the meeting. They introduced themselves to members present. An RYE student Santiago from Argentina, hosted by Asha Amonkar also attended the meeting. He briefly introduced himself and talked about his experiences in Pune and about recently celebrated Ganesh Festival.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 05:00:00
Location Pebble Beach Hall, Towe C
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic DG Visit - as per agenda
Meeting Agenda Time 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm 01 Meeting with Strategic Planning Committee (President, PE, PN and IPP, AG, ALF) 30 minutes 02 Meeting with BOD (DG/AG/ALF) 30 minutes 03 Break Time - Tea/Biscuits 30 minutes Time 6.30 pm to 7.45 pm 01 Meeting called to order (President) & National Anthem 02 minutes 02 Welcoming Guest (President & Rtn Nipun) 05 minutes 03 Presidents Report 15 minutes 04 Bulletin Release 03 minutes 05 New Member Induction 06 minutes 06 TRF donations 06 minutes 07 AG Club Impression & ALF 05 minutes 08 DG Introduction (AG) 03 minutes 09 DG speech 25 minutes 10 Secretarial Announcements 03 minutes 11 Vote of Thanks (PE) 02 minutes 12 Adjournment of Meeting (President) 13 Fellowship (Dinner – From 8 pm to 9 pm) 60 minutes
Chief Guest DG, AG, ALF, District Team (Membership and Foundation)
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 15
Minutes of Meeting Meeting called to order by President, followed by National Anthem. President welcome the Gursts (DG/AG/ALF and District Team) Inauguration of the board done in the hands of DG Shital President went through the club report from 1st july till date. Bulletin for the month of Sept 2024, was released by DG Rtn Shital Today we have inducted 3 new members (out of 3 members, 1 member's done GHAR VAPASI) and now our club count is 19. Growth of around 80% since July 2024. Club decided to contribute USD 3000 to Rotary Foundation. (President has already contributed USD 1000 to APF and USD 120 to Polio Plus Fund) AG Rtn Ravindra spoke about out club's impression. AG Rtn Ravindra introduce DG Rtn Shital. Then we had nice speech by DG Rtn Shital. Secretarial announcements were made by Rtn Snehal, followed by vote of thanks. Meeting was adjourned by President. They we all enjoyed the dinner.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Agenda जन्मापासून स्पायनल मस्क्युलरने पीडित असलेला प्रसाद अवघे २१ वर्षे जगला. पण मनाने तो कधीच विकलांग झाला नाही. त्याने संगीत, चित्रकला, वक्तृत्व, शिक्षण या विविध क्षेत्रांमध्ये त्याने अनेक पुरस्कार मिळविले. राष्ट्रपती श्री.अब्दुल पी.जे.कलाम यांच्या हस्ते 'बाल श्री पुरस्कार' या पुरस्कारानेही त्याला सन्मानित करण्यात आले . त्याचा हा प्रेरणादायी प्रवास आपल्यासमोर मुलाखतपर रूपात सादर करणार आहे त्याचीच आई, सौ.शरयु घाडी. त्याही गेले कित्येक वर्षे विशेष मुलांच्या प्रगतीसाठी रात्रंदिवस कार्यरत आहेत.
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 48
Minutes of Meeting जन्मापासून स्पायनल मस्क्युलरने पीडित असलेला प्रसाद अवघे २१ वर्षे जगला. पण मनाने तो कधीच विकलांग झाला नाही. त्याने संगीत, चित्रकला, वक्तृत्व, शिक्षण या विविध क्षेत्रांमध्ये त्याने अनेक पुरस्कार मिळविले. राष्ट्रपती श्री.अब्दुल पी.जे.कलाम यांच्या हस्ते 'बाल श्री पुरस्कार' या पुरस्कारानेही त्याला सन्मानित करण्यात आले . त्याचा हा प्रेरणादायी प्रवास आपल्यासमोर मुलाखतपर रूपात सादर करणार आहे त्याचीच आई, सौ.शरयु घाडी. त्याही गेले कित्येक वर्षे विशेष मुलांच्या प्रगतीसाठी रात्रंदिवस कार्यरत आहेत.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location Rtn Yogesh Tipre Office Pimpri
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Planning for Upcoming Events in October
Meeting Agenda Planning for upcoming events
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting 1. Fees Due Reminder to members 2. Diwali Pahat finalisation 3. Sponsorship fees

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 08:30:00
Location Electronic Estate Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Preventive Nutrition & Lifestyle Management.
Meeting Agenda The agenda for the session on Preventive Nutrition and Lifestyle Management focused on raising awareness about the impact of lifestyle choices on health. Organized by the Rotary Club of Pune Synergy in collaboration with Soup Culture, the event featured guest speaker Dietician Suvarna Bhandare. Attendees learned about the importance of monitoring dietary habits and managing stress to prevent lifestyle-related disorders. The session encouraged participation from a large audience to maximize the benefits. Overall, it emphasized that health always matters and the need for proactive approaches to well-being.
Chief Guest Dietician Suvarna Bhandare
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 8
Minutes of Meeting The minutes of the session on Preventive Nutrition and Lifestyle Management highlighted the importance of addressing lifestyle-related health issues. Organized by the Rotary Club of Pune Synergy in collaboration with Soup Culture, the event featured Dietician Suvarna Bhandare as the guest speaker. Attendees gained valuable insights on monitoring dietary habits and managing stress effectively. The session successfully encouraged a large audience to participate and engage with the topic. Overall, it reinforced the message that proactive health management is essential for well-being.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Damle Hall
Meeting Type Club Assembly
Meeting Topic Club Assembly
Meeting Agenda Meeting Called to order, National Anthem and Opening remarks P Radha 5 8.00 – 8.05 Secretarial Announcements Sec - Harsh 3 8.05 – 8.08 Photography Competition Results PE Anil 4 8.08 – 8.12 PHF Felicitation IPP Sudhir 3 8.12 – 8.15 Presidents Overview P Radha 6 8.15 – 8.21 Club Admin Service PE Anil 4 8.21 – 8.25 Service Avenue – Service Projects PN Vaishali 3 8.25 – 8.28 Service Avenue – Vocational Rtn. Atulya 3 8.28 – 8.31 Membership Rtn. Shekhar 3 8.31 – 8.34 Youth Rtn. Medha 3 8.34 – 8.37 Foundation Rtn. Ravi M. 3 8.37 – 8.40 Public Image Rtn. Shailesh 2 8.40 – 8.42 IT Rtn. Shweta 1 8.42 – 8.43 Fund Raising Rtn. Deepak 2 8.43– 8.45 Secretary Sec. Harsh 2 8.45 – 8.47 Treasurer Rtn. Vineet 2 8.47 – 8.49 Observations - AG Rtn. Vinayak 8 8.49 – 8.57 Concluding Remarks P Radha 2 8.57 – 8.59 Vote of Thanks PE Anil 1 8.59 – 09.00
Chief Guest AG Pethe
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 0
Minutes of Meeting Meeting Called to order, National Anthem and Opening remarks P Radha 5 8.00 – 8.05 Secretarial Announcements Sec - Harsh 3 8.05 – 8.08 Photography Competition Results PE Anil 4 8.08 – 8.12 PHF Felicitation IPP Sudhir 3 8.12 – 8.15 Presidents Overview P Radha 6 8.15 – 8.21 Club Admin Service PE Anil 4 8.21 – 8.25 Service Avenue – Service Projects PN Vaishali 3 8.25 – 8.28 Service Avenue – Vocational Rtn. Atulya 3 8.28 – 8.31 Membership Rtn. Shekhar 3 8.31 – 8.34 Youth Rtn. Medha 3 8.34 – 8.37 Foundation Rtn. Ravi M. 3 8.37 – 8.40 Public Image Rtn. Shailesh 2 8.40 – 8.42 IT Rtn. Shweta 1 8.42 – 8.43 Fund Raising Rtn. Deepak 2 8.43– 8.45 Secretary Sec. Harsh 2 8.45 – 8.47 Treasurer Rtn. Vineet 2 8.47 – 8.49 Observations - AG Rtn. Vinayak 8 8.49 – 8.57 Concluding Remarks P Radha 2 8.57 – 8.59 Vote of Thanks PE Anil 1 8.59 – 09.00

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 07:00:00
Location RCNigdi
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Runathon discussion
Meeting Agenda We all members discussed about Runathon program. How to make it grand success.
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 45
Minutes of Meeting We RCN members & volunteers discussed about preparations for Runathon.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Sonali Garden
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic General meeting
Meeting Agenda 1.Celebration of Engineers Day 2.Planning for Trip of club 3.Downloading of District 3131 app 4.Planning for attending District Literacy Seminar
Chief Guest
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 15
Minutes of Meeting 1.Felicitation of Engineers of Bhor Taluka on the occasion of National Engineers Day 2.Trip planning 3.District 3131 app download by club members 4.Maximum attendance for District Literacy Seminar

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Hotel St. Laurn's, Koregaon Park
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Rainbow fellowship
Meeting Agenda Fellowship and bonding and coming to know new proposed members.
Chief Guest all rotarian members family
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 23
Minutes of Meeting Rainbow Fellowship: A Colorful Affair The Rainbow Fellowship was a vibrant celebration of color and camaraderie. The balloons adorning the walls were a riot of color, far surpassing the hues in attendees' attire. However, the lively chatter and laughter, fueled by refreshing drinks and delectable starters, more than made up for the lack of colorful clothing. The two games provided ample entertainment. In the first, the participants had to jump left or right of a line based on a "yes" or "no" call from the conductor. After a few drinks, the men's ability to listen seemed to have vanished, leading to their swift disqualification. As for women, perhaps unaccustomed to hearing 'no’, responded only to 'yes’, never returning to the other side of the line .. � � . The second game, involving balancing a paper cup on the head and pushing a ring forward, proved to be more challenging. A few enterprising members even took advantage of the chaos, selling cello tape and Fevicol at exorbitant prices to struggling participants .. � � . Relive the joyous moments of the Rainbow Fellowship through these photos.

Meeting Date 20 Sep 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location K A Banthiya School, New Panvel,
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Regular Meeting, Project Planning and Fund Raising Event
Meeting Agenda The meeting agenda for the upcoming Regular Meeting, Project Planning, and Fundraising Event will include the following: Call to order and welcome by the President Recitation of the Four-Way Test Review of past meeting minutes Updates on ongoing and completed projects Discussion and planning for upcoming community service projects Brainstorming ideas and setting objectives for future fundraising events Review of the club's financial status and project funding needs Membership updates and engagement strategies Open forum for new suggestions and member feedback Vote of thanks and adjournment.
Chief Guest President
Joint Meeting With
Club Members Present 10
Minutes of Meeting In the recent Board of Directors meeting of the Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar, the agenda covered project updates, expense approvals, and future planning upcoming district seminar were reviewed, alongside an update on Zonal RYLA. Additional discussions included addressing other agenda items with the chair's permission, celebrating member birthdays. The meeting focused on strategic management, financial oversight, and member engagement.