Club Meeting Details
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 19:00:00 |
Location | Poona Club,Camp |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Maratha History and its Impact |
Meeting Agenda | 1)Rotary Business 2) Secretary Announcement 3) Talk by the Guest speaker 4) Vote of Thanks |
Chief Guest | Vikramsinha Mohite |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 47 |
Minutes of Meeting | The Rotary business was announced by the president.The Guest speaker ,Mr. Vikram Sinha Mohite opened up a veritable treasure trove of information about life and times of Shivaji Maharaj.A vote of thanks was given by Rtn Farida. |
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 07:00:00 |
Location | Preeti Maske's Residence in Bibwewadi |
Meeting Type | BOD |
Meeting Topic | Monthly BOD |
Meeting Agenda | All BOD members except Surendra, Prema & Srinivasan attended this meeting. It was very well participated and minutes of the meeting were documented and shared with BOD. Open points from last BOD were also taken up |
Chief Guest | President Shanthi Sridhar |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 10 |
Minutes of Meeting | Open Points from Previous Months • Shanthi to take up with President RC Sports City for adding RCPN name on display board at Bal Kalyan alongside Rotary Clubs of Aundh, Baner, & Sports City • Vivek & Shradha to follow up pending dues from members. • Vivek & Shradha to work with Satellite club with the help of Sridhar o Pending RI dues o Collecting membership due for who has quit Rajendra Gandhi’s company • Preeti, Mohan Suyesh & Deepak to work on active social media presence of RCPN Discussion Points 1. President Shanthi proposed that we become part of cherry Blossom project for Anemia. It was agreed by BOD 2. Sridhar to organize meeting at family planning Institute Shivaji Nagar for installing Health ATM 3. President Shanthi requested Neelam to individually remind members to attend meeting, as part of attendance committee 4. Neelam to finalize Diwali Dhamaka program 5. Treasurer shared his report on dues from members. Accordingly follow up collect dues has started 6. Oct 22nd has been finalized as a date for formal launch of micro credit project. Our team will visit Koregaon Bhima for this 7. Aya Nursing home project is on a pause mode for now 8. We had great Science, Tinkering and Innovation session facilitated by Mr. Jahangir Sheikh on Oct 7th 8th 2024. 9. This was done in Synergy of total 6 clubs, RCPN as Host and Cohost- RC Pradhikaran, Akurdi, Maval, Thergaon, Pimpri Elite. 10. Total fund raised Rs. 65000/-. RCPN contributed Rs 15,000/- from our club account, Rs 50,000/- from our Trust account. RC Maval paid Rs 100,00/- to Mohan's personal account, which Mohan will transfer to Trust account. So by just raising Rs 15,000, RCPN did project almost 4 times this amount. 11. Zero waste Model project: 4 Compost pits installed till date. First Policy company sponsored Rs 1lakh, of this, they have deducted Rs. 10,000 as TDS & Rs 90,000/- is transferred to RCPN Trust account. Rtn Maneesha suggested to record ITI college, Rtn Neelam suggested to explore University school 12. Innovision 2025 Project Update: Despite continuous follow up with District Human Resource Development team, there isn't any update regarding fund availability nor the breakup of Rs.2.1Cr shared to RCPN team. Also, no meeting set nor any updates provided to RCPN team. 13. Looking into the delay being caused it's decided in the BOD that RCPN will drive this project independently, similar to last year without now depending on any District team. RCPN will take support whenever necessary from other Rotary Clubs or District youth team as per need. So Innovision 2025 will be driven independently by RCPN. 14. PDG Ravee have asked to get the Pandharpur project approved by BOD. RC Pashan will be the Host Club and will file for GG. RCPN will be the Synergy club. BOD have approved this project with Rtn Dr Sridhar and Rtn Cdr Girish sharing overview & background of the projects. Rtn Preeti Maske has shown interest to be associated with this project 15. One Interact club can be established in Pune if the schools associated with Zero waste model project. Rtn Preeti will actively support the Interact initiatives. 16. Rtn Deepti updated about club's visit to Pisavare village, Bhor. She suggested that we should explore and take up this project in future to establish this place as 'Bird's Village'. Already, during 2017-18, lot of work have been done by company Skysciq in support with Pisavare school & Rotary. This will need better level of discussion further. 17. Looking into the skills and expertise of the girls of Pisavare school, Rtn Bhatia suggested to invite the girls of these Pisavare during our club meeting for more interactions. (I missed out to mention this point during the meeting but referring in this note here). Girish proposed vote of thanks to Preeti for hosting this meeting at her residence • Next BOD on Nov 11th at Neelam’s residence Complied by Deepak Takkar |
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 10:00:00 |
Location | PMPML SWargate |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Launch of PMPML health project |
Meeting Agenda | Sports city team launched their project for mamography and Pap smear test for PMPML women employees along with Emcure. PMPML management inaugrated and attended thsi meeting amd project along with various government officials at Swargate Pune |
Chief Guest | PMPML MD |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 35 |
Minutes of Meeting | Free Mammography and Pap Smear Screening Camp for PMPML Women Employees The inauguration ceremony was led by PMPML Chairperson and Managing Director, Mrs Deepa Mudhol-Munde, who cut the ribbon of the mobile van dedicated to the mammography and Pap smear screenings A free mammography and Pap smear screening camp for women employees of the Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Ltd (PMPML) was inaugurated today, Monday, 14th October 2024, at the PMPML administrative headquarters. The camp is being organised jointly by the Rotary Club of Pune Sports City, M-Cure Pharmaceuticals, Samarth Yuva Foundation, and Dada Gujar Hospital. The inauguration ceremony was led by PMPML Chairperson and Managing Director, Mrs Deepa Mudhol-Munde, who cut the ribbon of the mobile van dedicated to the mammography and Pap smear screenings. These tests, crucial for detecting breast cancer and cervical cancer respectively, will be provided free of charge to PMPML's women employees as part of this initiative. Notable attendees at the event included Deputy Commissioner of Pune Municipal Corporation, Mr Madhav Jagtap; Joint Managing Director of PMPML, Mr Nitin Narvekar; Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Pragya Potdar-Pawar; Rotary International District 3131 Governor, Mr Sheetal Shah; Senior Manager at M-Cure Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mr Girish Ghanwat; CSR Coordinator, Mr Kaustubh Kenzale; President of the Rotary Club of Pune Sports City, Mrs Sadhana Joshi; PMPML Chief Transport Manager (Operations), Mr Satish Gavhane; Chief Transport Manager (Commercial), Mr Dattatray Zhende; and Samarth Yuva Foundation's Mr Vaibhav Bedarkar. This camp will also extend to PMPML depots, ensuring that a larger number of women employees benefit from these essential health screenings. Mrs Alka Rode from the Rotary Club of Pune Sports City compered the event, and PMPML's Labour and Public Relations Officer, Mr Satish Gate, offered the vote of thanks. Mrs Deepa Mudhol-Munde highlighted the importance of regular health checks, saying: “Whether a working woman or a homemaker, women often neglect their own health while taking care of their families. It is crucial that they undergo regular check-ups to maintain good health. I sincerely thank the Rotary Club of Pune Sports City, M-Cure Pharmaceuticals, Samarth Yuva Foundation, and Dada Gujar Hospital for making these important tests free and accessible at the workplace for PMPML women employees. I encourage all our female staff to take full advantage of this camp.” This initiative serves as a vital step towards ensuring the health and well-being of women employees at PMPML, promoting the early detection and prevention of critical health conditions such as breast and cervical cancer. |
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 16:00:00 |
Location | Bharat Natya Mandir |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | AutoPuram - District Ekankika Competition participation |
Meeting Agenda | RCP Metro performed ekankika AUTOPURAM in the district Ekankika Competition. RCP Metro won 6 awards for its performance. |
Chief Guest | |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 16 |
Minutes of Meeting | RCPM's Ekankika performance followed by Pav Bhaji fellowship on 14th Oct. RCPM won 6 awards. Ekankika Trophies received.... 1. जास्तीत जास्त वर्ष भाग घेतलेला क्लब .... RCPM 2. सर्वोत्कृष्ट लेखक....प्रथम क्रमांक .... विश्वास सहस्त्रबुद्धे 3. सर्वोत्कृष्ट दिग्दर्शक.... द्वितीय क्रमांक .....विश्वास सहस्त्रबुद्धे 4. उत्कृष्ट नेपथ्य ....द्वितीय क्रमांक.... राहुल जोशी 5. उत्कृष्ट अभिनय.. पुरुष ....प्रथम क्रमांक .... भालचंद्र जोशी 6. विशेष प्रायोगिक एकांकिका...प्रथम क्रमांक.... ऑटोपुरम Ekankika Spardha.... RCPM rocked it!! Today's Ekankika Awards Ceremony was the ultimate culmination of the relentless dedication of the entire Team Ekankika.... Your exceptional team work has won us so many accolades... We have now geared up for many many more years of creating winning performances!!! 3 cheers to Team RCPM!!! ????❤️❤️❤️ |
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 17:30:00 |
Location | Bharat Natya Mandir |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Inauguration of Ekankika Spardha by President Dr. Bharati Dole |
Meeting Agenda | Inauguration of Ekankika Spardha by President Dr. Bharati Dole |
Chief Guest | President Dr. Bharati Dole |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 50 |
Minutes of Meeting | 25th edition of Ekankika Spardha was inaugurated by President Dr. Bharati Dole. She also introduced judges of the spardha to the audience. District Ekankika Spardha Convenor and Co Convenor PP Achyut Gokhale and PP Shirish Kshirsagar also addressed the meeting. |
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 19:00:00 |
Location | Ruiya Mukabadhir Vidhyalaya Hall |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Showcasing Talents of INTERACTORS,ANNS, ANNETTS & ROTERIANS |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 0 |
Minutes of Meeting | आलो पाहिले आणि खुश होऊन बाहेर पडलो असे आगळे वेगळे प्रदर्शन* ? रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पुणे पर्वती क्लबने आयोजित केलेल्या प्रदर्शनात विविध मोलाच्या वस्तू आणि सजावटीच्या वस्तूंसोबतच, खाद्यपदार्थांचे स्टॉल्स आणि विद्यार्थ्यांनी तसेच विशेष विद्यार्थ्यांनी तयार केलेली कलाकृतींनी खास आकर्षण वाढवले होते. खाद्यपदार्थांच्या स्टॉल्सनी प्रदर्शनात आलेल्या लोकांना विविध चविष्ट आणि पौष्टिक खाद्यपदार्थांचा आस्वाद घेण्याची संधी दिली. याशिवाय, रोटरी क्लब ऑफ पर्वतीच्या दोन इंटरॅक्ट क्लबच्या विद्यार्थ्यांनी तयार केलेल्या पणत्या आणि हस्तकलावस्तू प्रदर्शनाचा एक खास भाग बनल्या होत्या. विद्यार्थ्यांनी केलेली मेहनत आणि कलात्मक कौशल्य दिसून येत होते. विशेषतः विशेष विद्यार्थ्यांनी तयार केलेल्या कलाकृतींनी सर्वांचे लक्ष वेधून घेतले. तसेच सॅटेलाईट क्लबच्या सदस्यांनी तयार केलेल्या कलात्मक स्टोनवरच्या आणि बाटल्यांवरच्या कलाकृती. हे तर अप्रतिमच होते. हे प्रदर्शन केवळ शॉपिंगपुरते मर्यादित न राहता, विविध क्षेत्रातील कलात्मकतेचा आणि सृजनशीलतेचा उत्सव बनला. होता. या प्रदर्शनामध्ये रोटरी क्लबच्याच उत्साही anns नी स्वतःची कला सादर केली अतिशय सुंदर तयार केलेली पेंटिंग, स्वेटर्स, पौष्टिक पीठे आयुर्वेदिक अनेक उपयुक्त कॉस्मेटिक्स, बचत गटाच्या महिलांनी तयार केलेले पौष्टिक पदार्थ व कलात्मक वस्तू, पर्यावरण पूरक उदबत्त्या धूप, विविध सुंदर ऑक्साईडचे अलंकार,साड्या आदी अशा विविध वस्तूंचे प्रदर्शन एक सोहळा ठरला. सर्वात छान म्हणजे आपल्याच अन्सने तयार केलेले अनेक पौष्टिक खाद्यपदार्थाची जत्रा हे खास आकर्षण ठरले. रोटरी क्लबने समाजातील विविध घटकांना एकत्र आणत, या प्रदर्शनातून विद्यार्थ्यांना, कलात्मक दृष्टिकोन असलेल्या कलाकारांना, बाहेरच्या विविध कलाकारांना गटाला एक मंच उपलब्ध करून दिला, ज्यातून त्यांनी आपले कौशल्य आणि सृजनशीलता सादर केली. या प्रदर्शनाची सुरुवात नेहमीच्या रोटरी क्लबच्या पद्धतीने झाले प्रथम राष्ट्रगीत त्यानंतर ज्यांचे वाढदिवस होते त्यांचे अनाउन्समेंट कौतुक व रोटरी एकांकिका स्पर्धेत बक्षीस मिळालेल्या अँन संगीता पुरंदरे हिचे कौतुक प्रेसिडेंट द्वारे केले गेले. सगळ्या सदस्यांनी व बाहेरच्या आलेल्या नी खाद्य पदार्थांचा आनंद लुटला व भरपूर खरेदी केली. रोटरी क्लब पुणे पर्वती द्वारे पहिल्यांदाच भरवलेल्या या प्रदर्शनाचे खूप कौतुक झाले. फोटो हा सगळ्यांचा वीक पॉईंट असतो. त्यामुळे सगळ्यांनी पी. पी हेमंत खिरे यांनी तयार केलेल्या सेल्फी पॉईंट मध्ये आपले मनसोक्त फोटो काढून घेतले. सौ. भाग्यश्री सुपनेकर |
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 19:30:00 |
Location | Sevasadan Hall, Pune |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Musical Program |
Meeting Agenda | Musical Program "Kadar Jane Na" based on famous songs of Great Musician Madan Mohan |
Chief Guest | Rtn. Sudhir Waghmare |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 43 |
Minutes of Meeting | कोजागिरी पौर्णिमेनिमित्त सुप्रसिद्ध संगीतकार मदन मोहन यांच्या गाण्यांवर आधारित "कदर जाने ना" हा दृकश्राव्य कार्यक्रम सादर करण्यात आला. आपल्या क्लबचे पीपी सुधीर वाघमारे यांनी हा सुरेल कार्यक्रम सादर केला. सुधीर चे संगीत प्रेम आपल्या सर्वांनाच ठाऊक आहे. त्यातही मदन मोहन म्हणजे त्याचा वीक पॉईंट! मदन मोहन यांची निवडक क्लासिक गाणी आणि त्याच्या संबंधित असलेले अनोखे किस्से सांगत सांगत, ती ती गाणी ऐकवत अतिशय सुंदर असा सांगितीक कार्यक्रम सुधीर ने सादर केला. स्वागतलाच चविष्ट आणि भरपूर चारोळे घातलेले मसाला दूध घेऊन कार्यक्रमाची सुरुवात झाली. मदन मोहन यांचा जीवन प्रवास आणि त्यांनी संगीतबद्ध केलेली एक से एक सुरेख आणि संस्मरणीय रसिकप्रिय गाणी ऐकताना उपस्थित मंडळी अरे व्वा! मस्त! असे म्हणत माना डोलवत होती. जोडीला सुधीरची खुसखुशीत कॉमेंट्री कार्यक्रमाची रंगत वाढवत होती. पौर्णिमेच्या चांदण्याचा संग आणि मसाला दुधाचा आनंद घेत रसिक मंडळी गाण्यात दंग झाली होती. कार्यक्रमानंतर सर्वांच्या आवडीच्या मस्त फेलोशिपने कार्यक्रमाची सांगता झाली. इतका सुंदर कार्यक्रम आमच्यासाठी सादर केल्याबद्दल सुधीर तुझे खूप खूप धन्यवाद! |
Meeting Date | 14 Oct 2024 |
Meeting Time | 07:00:00 |
Location | Hotel Kokkita |
Meeting Type | Regular |
Meeting Topic | Club B Day & Standup Comedy |
Meeting Agenda | it was clubs foundation day |
Chief Guest | Mr Shyam |
Joint Meeting With | |
Club Members Present | 20 |
Minutes of Meeting | it was clubs foundation day |