Minutes of Meeting |
DAY, DATE & TIME: 2024, Friday , 25th October 7:00 PM
VENUE : PYC Hindu Gymkhana , Bhandarkar Road , Pune - 411004
Host of the Meeting: Rtn. Rahul Khandekar
CHAIRPERSON: President Rtn. Manish Didmishe
Name Designation Attendance
Rtn. Manish Didmishe President Present
Rtn. Rahul Khandekar Hon. Secretary Present
Rtn. Pradeep Kulkarni Hon. Treasurer Leave of Absence
Rtn. Gayatri Ladkat Director Club admin & Services. Present
Rtn. Vandana Dandekar Director Membership Leave of Absence
Rtn. Sushma Kulkarni Director Service Projects Leave of Absence
Rtn. Rajesh Bhate Director Youth Services Present
Rtn. Praveen More Director Foundation Present
Rtn. Hemchandra Date Director Public relation & club affairs. Present
PP Rtn. Prashant Siddha Director w/o Portfolio Present
Rtn. Indraneel Mujgule Immediate Past President Leave of Absence
Rtn. Praveen More IT Officer Present
Rtn Ratnakar Nalgirkar Sergeant-At-Arms Leave of Absence
PP. Rtn Satyajit Chitale Club Trainer Present
PP Rtn Dr Sanjay Runwal Rotarian Present
Rtn Mithilesh Jatar Rotarian Present
PRESIDENT: President Rtn Manish took a review of the activities happened during the month of October 2024 and was satisfied with the way the Board was functioning & following timelines.
Hon. Secretary Rtn. Rahul Khandekar:
1. Cumulative attendance for the Month of October is 52% percent.
2. No other Activities to Report
Hon Treasurer Rtn. Pradeep Kulkarni :
Rtn Pradeep Kulkarni has undergone Cataract Surgery hence he has not been able to send the Treasurers Report. He had informed the same to the President & the Board.
Director Club Administration : Rtn. Gayatri Ladkat :
Programs & Fellowship Committee have already planned weekly programs & the same are been conducted as per timelines. The Variety in programs & Fellowship has been highly appreciated by the members. The Entire Board appreciated the efforts taken by Partner Shobha Raikar , Partner Bhakti Siddha & Commiittee Member.
Director Membership : Rtn. Vandana Dandekar :
Rtn Vandana Dandekar has informed that she in touch with a few Prospective Members who are interested to join the club, she has received 3 Applications which are in follow up , Rtn Vandana will update regarding the same.
Director Service Projects : Rtn. Sushma Kulkarni :
Rtn Sushma has briefed on all the Projects that have been completed so far and projects which are in pipeline, The details of the same were shared & discussed in BOD :-
Completed projects
• Tree Plantation 01.07.2024
• Teacher’s Training in the month of July & August
Study Skill workshop in the month of July & August
Chhatra chhaya project 16.08.2024
On 02.09.2024 inaugurated 3 adult literacy centers at borghar ambegaon remote inside for adiwasi vasti.
On 03.09.2024 our club as formed RCC of teachers at Nanda deep education Society Pune. President Manish Didmise, PP.Prashant Siddha, Rtn. Sushma Kulkarni, Partner Umesh Kulkarni, Partner Jyotsna Date, Rtn. Urmila Haldankar, Rtn. Ujwal Tawde
Participated in literacy seminar 21.09.2024
our club was one of host club. PDG.Rtn. Pramod Jejurikar, President Manish Didmise, Rtn. Sushma Kulkarni, Rtn. Suhas Patwardhan, Rtn. Hemchandra Date, Partner Umesh Kulkarni.
Congrats and special thanks to Rtn. Ujwal Tawde, Rtn. Urmila Haldankar, Rtn. Vishal Sardeshpande, Partner Umesh Kulkarni and entire team of RCPK.
Had- Meeting with Infracloud CSR team
Today we (Manish Myself Poornima and and Myself met them in Aundh office. Following points discussed:
1. Briefed them about last year's Hearing Aid project impact and feedback from school.
2. Shared details on Rotary, RCPK and the projects which they can look at basis the CSR projects PDF and the funding requirements.
3. Also shared Happy School concept (Rotary model with 9 components)
Their team is happy with the information that we have shared. They would meet internally and let us know how to proceed. They are interested for a long term association with us. Multiple options have been discussed:
1. Repeat Hearing Aid project like last year
2. Look at Happy School project by focussing on 1 or 2 schools for all their requirements over a period of 2-3 years
Had a Concall With vaishali vandre madam (Shinde Highschool Sahakarnagar) regarding our Cherry Blossom Project we can get more than 350 beneficiaries from school
Shared Nadadeep Schools Contact details with Herambh Sir for our GG project.
PDG’s Proposal/ request on 22.10.24 to include 5 PCs for Junnar YMCA skill development centre along with sewing machines. This will help them to impart women and children basic training of computers and provide them greater opportunities.
TB Erradicstion project. Amol presented update and progress relating purchase of portable X-Ray machine suitable for TN detection with high accuracy. Four major decisions were made as follows; Amol and his team has been empowered to make final machine selection, including price negotiation.
Our fund availability is expected to be around Rs 28-30 lacs. Enough to purchase two machines + extra.
We will plan to donate nutrition food to at least 50 patients at the cost of Rs 600/ person/ month. 600x6x50 = 1.8 lacs.
A). Hearing aid - Poornima Deo
B). Sewing machine distribution - Neena Pangarkar.
C). Cherry Blosom. Rajesh/Swati
D). Wheels of Progress - Poornima Deo
E). Happy family kit. - Chandana Chitale
Provide TAABS along with software of RDEP; Spokan English and english proficiancy analytics -8th and 12th
Sr.No. Area of Focus Projects Description Project Lead By
1 Health TB Erradication from by PMC 2030 superior TB indeitification system and enhancing awareness about TB in the community, leading to elimination of TB by 2030 Ravi Pandit & Amol Gautam
2 Education Youth employability through better English Provide TAABS along with software of RDEP; Spokan English and english proficiancy analytics -8th and 12th Heramb
3 Environment Ram Nadi Restoration Intigrated project between Vasundhara, RCPK and Elkay Chemicals to rebalance local ecosystem while creating a vibrant biodiversity Kshirsagar Girish and Anupama
4 Community Hearing aids Extension of the last year project Purnima/Vishakha Wagh
5 Community Sewing machine distribution Junnar YMCA and 40 Addi Vasi ladies??? Fast track Neena Pangarkar
6 Community Wheels of progress Donation of Cycles to Needy & Deserving students, Minimum 10 Cycles to be donated by the Club Neena/ Purnima/Nitin
7 Health Cherry Blossom To check HB Level, provide Iron Tablets, Repeat Checking after 3 months. Actual cost is more than Rs 200/- per Nitin/Umesh
8 Community Happy Family Kit Proven Project in the District since 3 years, More than 10 most useful items for Needy & Deserving,Containing Biomass Stove, Solar Lamp, Travel Bag, Tadpatri, 2 Dust Bins, Steel Water Bottle, Steel Lunch Tiffin, Soaps etc.Scope for Value addition and Enhancement. Ujwal Tawde
In Pipe-Line
Sr.No. Area of Focus Projects Description Project Lead By
1 Community Project Asmita Daughter Empowerment of 500 daughters in one Program. Can be done with your club or jointly 4 to 5 clubs under one AG Manisha
2 Community My city my promise Playing My City My Promise song at least once in Club meeting On School Public address system twice in a week.Students voluntary action at home or in society to be noted.Same point in view of Collective voluntary action in Schools.Identify one Who's who of Pune City and make pledge with MCMP banner also make him or her your honorary member.Club level group action - to promote and appreciate discipline in traffic by giving merchandise to citizen.For this point Club can form a joint action team with Rotaractors for this and distribute Stickers to disciplined Citizens. ( will be made available at minimum cost ) we can involve our intract school (Swati/Vijja Sir)
Director Foundation and International Service Rtn. Praveen More:-
Rtn Praveen updated the Board regarding each avenue Annual Giving , Global Grants & Fund Raising & CSR , Pulse Polio.
RCPK : Directors Report
BOD MEETING – 4 (25th Oct 2024)
Avenue : Rotary Foundation
Director - Rtn Praveen More
Committee : Annual Giving
Chairperson : PP Rtn Ravi Pandit
No of committee meetings in Oct - 0
Highlights – Commitments received for 5700 USD till date
Special contribution - Nil
Plans for Nov – approach more prospective donors through one to one contact
Any approvals -NIL
Special points to be discussed – NIL
Committee : Global Grants
Chairperson – Rtn. Heramb Rasal
No of committee meetings in Oct - 1
Highlights of Oct – Rotary Club of Salt Lake City (SLC) GG funds received
Special contribution : PP Rtn Ravi Kulkarni / PP Ravi Pandit / Rtn Pradeep / Rtn Heramb for efforts
Plans for Nov - Nil
Any approvals - Nil
Special points to be discussed – Future actions
Committee Fund Raising & CSR
Chairperson – PP Rtn Ravi Kulkarni
No of committee meetings in Oct - 1
Highlights of Oct – Meeting done with potential donor I-Cloud through IPP Rtn Indraneeel. Leads received for another new potential donor through Rtn Poornima Deo – Senses Electronics Pvt Ltd. Will initiate email and plan meeting. CSR project pdf created by Pres. Rtn Manish
Special contribution – Rtn Poornima Deo for involvement in meetings and giving leads
Plans for Nov - Identify potential companies for CSR
Any approvals - Nil
Special points to be discussed – meeting participation with potential companies for CSR
Committee - Pulse Polio
Chairperson – PP Rtn Prashant Siddha
No of committee meetings in Oct - 0
Highlights of Oct - Nil
Special contribution - Nil
Plans for Oct - Nil
Any approvals - Nil
Special points to be discussed – Nil
Director Public Relations and Club Affairs Rtn. Hemchandra Date:
Director’s Report
BOD MEETING -1 (25th Oct., 2024)
Director – Rtn.Hemchandra Date
Committee Name: 1) Reporting 2) Attendance 3) Public Relations 4) Print Media
Chairperson – 1) Ann Chandana Chitale 2) Ann Anita Khandekar 3) PP Rtn.Santosh Gupta
4) Anna Umesh Kulkarni
No. of committee meetings in Sept.24: Nil ( Meeting conducted in June for qrtly planning
Highlights of October, 2024
No specific PR activity. However, A seminar was arranged by the District on Public Image and Extra cover Service on 20th October, 2024 which was attended by PI Director Rtn.Hemchandra Date, PP Rtn.Santosh Gupta and Rtn.Suhas Patwardhan.
Plans for Nov. 24:
Will convene meeting for quarterly planning
Any approvals required: No
Special points to be discussed in BOD if any: Not at present
Director Youth Services Rtn. Rajesh Bhate :
• Interact Clubs
• Youth and Rotaract Clubs
Committee Name: RYLA
Chairperson – Partner Umesh Kulkarni
No. of committee meetings in Oct’24:
Highlights of Oct’24:
Synergy RYLA with RC Narayangaon (overnight RYLA) in association with College of Agri Business Management, Narayangaon was conducted on 4th and 5th Oct’24. The RYLA was focussed on SWOT Analysis and Leadership Skills. The objective was to state importance of SWOT analysis for youth before starting their career and to state importance of SWOT analysis for Leaders. Rtn. Sarang Matade, Jc Harjitsing Walia, Rtn. Hemant Mahajan and Prof. Rahul Ghadge were the faculties.
51 nos of 1st year students of a degree course at College of Agri Business Management attended the RYLA.
Another unique RYLA, ‘Sixth Sense’ was conducted on 18th and 19th Oct at C.S. Rangnathan College for Deaf and Dumb in association with RCP Katraj.
Mr. Deepak Kadam, Rtn. Sarang Matade, Mr. Tejanshu Rane were the faculties other than our own PP Rtn. Ujwal Tawde and Partner Umesh Kulkarni. The topics were Positive Thinking, Artificial Intelligence for deaf and mute and ‘Be Better by Improvisation’. There was also a session on Self Defence by Mr. Raghuvir and Mr. Tarun of Shourya Academy of Martial Arts.
More than 100 students attended the RYLA. The students were very excited to learn these new topics and their feedback was very enthusiastic and touching. The grasping capacity of all students was stunning.
Special contribution by Members in Oct’24:
PP Rtn. Ujwal Tawde and PP Rtn. Satyajit Chitale participated in RYLA as faculties for RYLA on 4th and 5th Oct.
Plans for Nov’24:
2/3 RYLAs are planned in next 1-2 months at Velhe, Osade and Belavade.
Any approvals required:
Special points to be discussed in BOD if any:
Committee Name: Geet Gayan Spardha
Chairperson – Rtn. Urmila Haldankar
No. of committee meetings in Oct’24:
Highlights of Oct’24:
Special contribution by Members in Oct’24:
Plans for Jan’24: Geet Gayan Spardha will be held on 12th Jan’25 and the rehearsal will happen on 5th Jan’25.
Any approvals required:
Special points to be discussed in BOD if any:
IT Officer Rtn. Praveen More:
Nothing to report for the Month of October 24.
IPP Rtn. Indraneel Mujgule : Leave of Absense
Sergeant At Arms : PP Rtn Ratnakar Nalgirkar : Leave of Absence
PP Rtn Ratnakar has mentioned everything has been followed as per timelines , conducting meetings on time etc.
Director without Portfolio and Events PP Rtn. Prashant Siddha:
a) PP Rtn Prashant has assisted the President and the Board of Directors wherever and whenever required
b) He has done his best to enhance image of Rotary Club of Pune Kothrud wherever possible.
c) He is always available for any kind of assistance.
Club Trainer : PP Rtn Satyajit Chitale :
He was satisfied with the way things are happening in general. No other points for discussion, He has been guiding the Boards whenever required.
Observers’ Remarks:-
Rtn PP Dr Sanjay Runwal :
He was very happy with the way the Board was functioning. He was very happy the way the activities under the Head Community Service was planned & functioning and specific projects are planned & executed as per need of the Hour.
Rtn Mithilesh Jatar :
Rtn Mithilesh Jatar being a new member was very happy with the way he is being encouraged by the Members to participate & take part and involving him in various activities, projects etc.
Closing remarks by President:
Rtn Manish thanked all the committees members for giving their best for the Club. He also discussed the plans what he has in mind for the quarter October – December 2024. He also mentioned that for doing Projects / Activities there is enough help available within the club. President Manish thanked all the BOD members for their active participation.
Rotary Club of Pune Kothrud |