Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-05-2017 - 24-06-2017

This project of construction of RCC BANDHARA on the ओढा Near Akulvadi Village will be a joint community service project with the help of our club & LONA INDUSTRIES LTD. Ladivali, manufacturing pigments. They have accepted our proposal of constructing the Bandhara & provide part of their CSR Funds. The main objective of the project is to store the water of ओढा after the rainy season which otherwise flown away afterwards. The store water will be useful for the farming community & the villagers staying around. At present they never gate water after February onwards. The village panchayat has given permission to the project as it will be beneficial to the community. The size of the bandhara will be :- 26 Mtr. X 3 Mtr.

Project Details

Start Date 15-05-2017
End Date 24-06-2017
Project Cost 1058322
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners LONA INDUSTRIES LTD. Ladivali, manufacturing pigments, Gram Panchayat Sadsya & Akulwadi Villagers.
Project Category Others