Rotary 3131 - Project Details

09-07-2017 - 09-07-2017

According to India Spend analysis of government data, “India has a shortage of 35 tanker-trucks of blood required for medical procedures. This reveals that blood donation regardless of as common as it may come across is still a significant requirement in the country. If you think deeply it could at any time be required by a father, a mother, a son or a daughter, a baby, a person battling cancer, a disease or may be anyone involved in a fatal accident. Blood donation is still a life-saving donation. Having this in mind, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite along with Rotary Club of Panvel and Rotaract Club of Panvel conducted a blood donation camp on 9th July, 2017 at Panvel. The camp witnessed 51 bottles of blood being donated. Three things stood out in this particular blood donation project. First, besides the generous willful individual donors, about 6 Rotarians donated blood which inspired a young annete at a tender age of 18 to donate blood for the first time. (Annete Kajal Jain D/o Rtn. PP. Hastimal Jain) Secondly, the blood was donated to Rotary Blood Bank in Panvel which boasts of Component blood bank whereby each unit of blood is segregated into multiple components, such as plasma, red blood cells and platelets. Each component is then used to transfuse to different individual, each with different needs. Third, the synergy with Rotary Club of Panvel and Rotaract Club of Panvel helped attract and reach wider audience which compounded the impact of a project for a young club like ours. While the donation of 51 bottles and a synergy project with Rotary Club of Panvel and Rotaract Club of Panvel is certainly impactful, however, the impact it can have on young minds and develop the want to donate blood by being a part of Rotary family is significant and it could well help not just attract more blood donors in future but groom future Rotarians to carry Rotary’s legacy further.

Project Details

Start Date 09-07-2017
End Date 09-07-2017
Project Cost 12200
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 51
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Panvel Rotaract Club of Panvel
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others