Rotary 3131 - Project Details

02-07-2017 - 02-07-2017

TREE PLANTATION DRIVE IN ASSOCIATION WITH STUDENTS OF VIIT , VILLAGERS OF GUJARWADI & FOREST DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA . RCPNIBM ‘S 1st project involving youth , villagers and Government of Maharashtra . We planted 3000 + trees in the remote foot hills of katarj gujarwadi , it was a wonderful walk in mountains with rains slashing us and green cover of mountains . Our New members also joined for this . Most important part of this project is after the completion of tree plantation the villagers along with students of VIIT are protecting the trees with watering , they have constructed a pipeline from water source with overhead tank , this takes care of trees after raining season. I thank our member Rtn Manoj Bhate for completing this project , he was instrumental in delivery of trees from Forest Department Government of Maharashtra .

Project Details

Start Date 02-07-2017
End Date 02-07-2017
Project Cost 64000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 860
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others