Rotary 3131 - Project Details

28-07-2017 - 28-07-2017

HEALTH CHECK UP CAMP FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS OF ROTARY CLUB OF PANVEL ELITE. Gautam Buddha once said, “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” As the Rotary year begins to get into its shape, it is important to make sure the Rotarians are fit and healthy to serve the society. To ensure that the Rotarians and their families are healthy, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite, as a part of its club service, organized a health checkup camp for the members of Rotary Club of Panvel Elite and their family members at Likhite Hospital, Panvel on 28th August, 2017. The project was ably led by Rtn. Dr. Swati Likhite with utmost dexterity who also offered to conduct this camp at her hospital premises. With the gracious support of Thyrocare, the camp offered blood test such as CBC, Lipid Profile, HBA1c, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, Liver Function, Kidney Function, Thyroid Test at price of Rs. 1300 per person which normally costs no less than Rs. 5000. Furthermore, Rotarians and their family members also got vaccinated for Hepatitis B, got their heart functioning evaluated through ECG and blood pressure examined for free of charge – Thanks to Likhite Hospital. We believe that team comes first and through this project we tried to put the team before everybody else. Only when our team is fit and healthy, will they be able deliver extra-ordinary humanitarian service which would make our society a better place to live in!

Project Details

Start Date 28-07-2017
End Date 28-07-2017
Project Cost 148000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 37
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Mr. Manohar Sachdev
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment