Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-08-2017 - 10-08-2017

Dr. Mahesh Mohite gave a enlightening talk on importance of Breast Feeding and the statistics on Child Mortality. Dr. Jay Bhandarkar gave insightful talk on need of Human Milk Bank and the importance of the same & also shared world statistics. And also appealed to setup a Human Milk Bank in Panvel region. It was attended by 85 members of surrounding Rotary Members. It was a Synergy meeting with different clubs. Rotarty Club of Panvel Industrial Town Rotary Club of Panvel Rotary Club of New Panvel Rotary Club of Panvel Central Rotary Club of Panvel Midtown Rotary Club of Panvel Elite Rotary Club of Panvel Khandeshwar Rotary Club of Panvel Swayamsid Rotary Club of Panvel Horizon Inner Club of Panvel Industrial Town

Project Details

Start Date 10-08-2017
End Date 10-08-2017
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 280
No of direct Beneficiaries 2000
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of New Panvel Rotary Club of Panvel Midtown Rotary Club of Panvel Central Rotary Club of Khandeshwar Rotary Club of Panvel Elite Rotary Club of Swamsid Innerwheel Club of Panvel Industrial Town
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Maternal and child health