Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-04-2017 - 21-08-2017

Construction of Toilet Blocks for school children & also Sanitary Napkins Vending Machine & Disposable Machine at Chatrapati Shivaji School, Palaspa, City - Panvel. The project was undertaken under CSR with the help of Balmer Lawrie & Co. Project impact 550 members of School Students & Staff would benefit from the project.We constructed 10 Blocks for each Male & Female Students. Special focus was given for requirements Menstrual Hygiene. And also a promise from the School Staff to maintain the Toilet Building & to encourage students for better Hygiene for a brighter future. We are also making sure to have surprise visits to see if Toilet Building is maintained properly.

Project Details

Start Date 03-04-2017
End Date 21-08-2017
Project Cost 1881750
Rotary Volunteer Hours 800
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners M/s Barmer Lawrie Co. Ltd. under CSR
Project Category District Thrust Area