Rotary 3131 - Project Details

22-08-2017 - 22-08-2017

RCPD organised an Eye Camp for the children of two schools at Junnar District. This Camp was organised as a synergy venture with Rotary Club of Junnar, Shivneri. A total of 907 students ranging from Classes 5 to 10 were examined. We would be providing spectacles to a total of 33 children. 13 referral cases were informed to the Principals of both the schools so that they brief the parents to get their wards examined at our recommended center at Pune. These students need a detailed examination. The schools where the camps were organised on 22nd Aug'2017 were: 1) Bhramanath Vidhyalay - Village Parunde. 2) Sri Chattrapati High School - Village Yenere. It was a long day starting from Pune at 7.30 am & returning at 9 pm. From RCPD President Rajesh, Ann. Pritee & me were present.

Project Details

Start Date 22-08-2017
End Date 22-08-2017
Project Cost 14000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
No of direct Beneficiaries 907
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment