Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-10-2017 - 08-10-2017

Heart disease prevention programme for Healthy Heart on the occasion of world Heart Day was jointly organised by all 14 club's of zone 1RID 3131 on 8th October 2017 at senior citizen Hall panvel from 10 am to 1pm more than 350 senior citizens, Rotarians, Innerwheel members attended seminar which was addressed by famous cardiologist Dr Rahul Bhate who spoke on Prevention of Heart Disease. Dr Pritish Bagul spoke on How Heart diseases happen and prevention methods .Dr Varsha Gore delivered lecture on diet with Do's and Dont's on eating habits. Dr Anvay Mule famous Heart Transplant surgeon from fortis Hospital mulund addressed the gathering about importance of Heart transplant stressing on cadaveric transplant, meeting was attended by DGND Rtn Rashmi kulkarni , AG Ashok Gowarikar, Hemant Athwale, to make this programme successful huge efforts were taken by District service Director (Medical ) Rtn Dr Anil parmar, President Rtn Suryakant kulle, Rtn Dr Pramod gandhi , Rtn Vilas Kawanpure, Rtn Pushparaj Mendon , Rtn Dr laxman Awate, Rtn Shailendra Warey, Rtn Neeraj Kothari, Rtn Vasudha Pitale, Rtn Vrunda Dhamnaskar Rtn Sopan Jachak , Rtn Madan Badgujar, Rtn Dr Ganesh Hande, Rtn Vijay Singhadiya, Rtn Deepak Chaudhary. Rtn Harmesh Tanna took care of digital presentation

Project Details

Start Date 08-10-2017
End Date 08-10-2017
Project Cost 60000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 600
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Panvel, Rotary Club of New Panvel, Rotary Club of Panvel Central, Rotary Club of Panvel Midtown, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite, Rotary Club of Kahndeshwar, Rotary Club of Panvel Horizon, Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar, Rotary Club of Panvel Swavamsiddha, Rotary Club of Kalamboli, Rotary Club of Panvel Sunrise, Rotary Club of Patalganga & Rotary Club of Kharghar Midtown
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment