Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-09-2017 - 10-10-2017

An “Organ Donation Awareness Program” was held on 10 Sept ’17 for the benefit of the members of 1 Modi Baug Society at Shivajinagar. The audience was an enlightened one and assimilated every word of the presentation made by our Pradeep bhai, Jitu, Rajesh, and Rtn. Vishal Jain (a dynamic Rotarian from RC Udgir with whom we have had a LN-4 camp). The Q&A session was deep, relevant and highly interactive.

Project Details

Start Date 10-09-2017
End Date 10-10-2017
Project Cost 2000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Inspira
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -