Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-10-2017 - 18-10-2017

Distribution of Diwali faral ,sweets and full size tarkish towels to orphan student at AnterBharti bal gram Bhushi villege and Bal anand gram at Valvan villege ,Lonavala.This was a joint project with Rotary club lonavala and innerwheel club khopoli on 18/10/2017.

Project Details

Start Date 18-10-2017
End Date 18-10-2017
Project Cost 13650
Rotary Volunteer Hours 160
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs Rotary club of KHOPOLI ,Rotract club lonavala,Innerwheel club khopoli.
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others