Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-07-2012 - 08-07-2012

Rotary club of Daund has taken the project of cleaning of the Vaikunthbhumi road from Mahadev mandir to Bhima River Patra. The road & the area nearby is dirty & unhygienic, many people coming for the funeral of the relatives use this road &area. The road & area is now cleaned by the members of Rotary Club & interact club of Daund. Rtn. Bhaskar Gadakh. Rtn Manoj Agrawal, Rtn. Anil Hajare, Youth Director Prashant Bamb, interactor Snehal, Pratiksha, Gaurav, Rohit, Pradnya, Murali & Mr. Haresh Rambhiya took major participation. Daund Municipal Corporation helps the club by providing Dumper & sweepers

Project Details

Start Date 08-07-2012
End Date 08-07-2012
Project Cost 1500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs Interact Club Of Daund
Non Rotary Partners Daund Minicipal Council
Project Category Cleaning of Vaikunthbhumi Road