Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-10-2017 - 24-10-2017

On the World Polio Day, Eradication Awareness Programme was inaugurated at City Pride Kothrud Pune by DG Rtn Abhay Gadgil. RCP Sahawas had designed the standies for the Programmes. Polio Awareness clip was prepared by RCP Sahawas. It was displayed on 60" screen. The clubs participated in the awareness programme were RCP Elite, RCP Metro, RCP Sarasbaug, RCP Prestine, RCP Shivajinagar. We had displayed standies in the lobby and had got good viewing. the clip was shown in the movie theatre, we have got good viewing in the theater. Somewhere we have got sense of satisfaction as we tried to create good image through this activity. i am sure society will acknowledge Rotary's Immense contribution in Polio Eradication.

Project Details

Start Date 24-10-2017
End Date 24-10-2017
Project Cost 18000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 47
No of direct Beneficiaries 10000
Partner Clubs RCP Elite, RCP Metro, RCP Sarasbaug, RCP Prestine, RCP Shivajinagar
Non Rotary Partners Kiran Ingale, Shraddha Palaskar, Supriya Vaidya, Shweta Baraskar
Project Category Club Thrust Area, District Thrust Area