Rotary 3131 - Project Details

11-09-2017 - 27-04-2018

1.) We visited 4 schools and 1 katkari pada from chaaskaman dam and bhimashankar area to assess the needs of the schools in that ares. All schools were primary ZP schools. Needs were discussed by the teachers and sarpanch. At the time of visit we distributed notebooks, pencils & rubbers to the students. 2.) We visited ZP School, Sadumbre. We visited the school to assess the need. They gave the list of following items. 1. Library 2. RDEP 3.) We distributed question paper sets to the students from the schools in Chaskaman Dam & Bhimashankar area. No. of students 250. 4.) We distributed educational material - pencil, rubber & sharpener to the children from ZP school Godumbre. There were 250 students in the school from Std. 1st to 7th 5.) We have done a Happy School Project at ZP School Kuranvasti Village Nighoje. We constructed 2 classrooms and painted them. Provided Benches, E-learning Kits and Library Provided Pure Drinking Water facility One Teachers Room was provided. 6.) We supported Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram at Bhalivli near Palghar by providing them 10 sets of Std.10 academic books. These will be distributed to adivasi students who are now in std.10.

Project Details

Start Date 11-09-2017
End Date 27-04-2018
Project Cost 300000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2500
No of direct Beneficiaries 1500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy