Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-11-2017 - 16-11-2017

ITM hostel Arranged mud and other hardware required for mixing the manure and the mud Had to arrange old unused banners and cardboards for covering crates. Segregated the waste from mess of the ITM HOSTEL . . The waste like plastics and cardboards etc. were not to be taken as they are not decomposable. Had taken all the vegetables wastes and had arranged for the soil to be needed according to measurement specified . Had prepared the crates which were to be used to produce manure. Had made 2 crates for the manure to be prepared. The rotaract member Mr. Shyam Phandis helped us in the process as to how it has to be taken out.

Project Details

Start Date 14-11-2017
End Date 16-11-2017
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 600
Partner Clubs ITM Hostel
Non Rotary Partners Hitesh Bhagat Gauarv Ghanshani Pradeep Pal Maulik Chowdhury Riya Sisodia
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment