Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-11-2017 - 19-11-2017

It is said that, “Cleanliness is not next to Godliness, it is godliness. One who maintains cleanliness, keeps away diseases”. On that note, On the occasion of World Toilet Day, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite constructed and implemented a toilet on 19th November 2017 in financial partnership with Rotary Club of Panvel and 5 other Rotary International clubs from Rotary International District 6650 namely, Rotary Club of Plain Township, Rotary Club of Jackson Township, Rotary Club of Salem, Rotary Club of Dover and Rotary Club of Boardman under Rotary International global grant program for girls and boys studying at Borgaon School located at Borgaon Village, Pen. The Toilet block was inaugurated by Past District Governor of Rotary International District 3131 - Rtn. Subodh Joshi. During our Happy Village research, we realized that students of this Borgaon School and other surrounding schools are willing to keep the area clean but unfortunately do not have access to the toilet like many of us do. Hence, this Toilet block is believed by the villagers, teachers and students studying at the school to have a major impact in keeping the village clean as the school did not have a toilet. The villagers and students expressed happiness upon having the toilet built and inaugurated and also ensured to use it and keep it clean. Since school is the place where students groom their attitude and develop themselves, this toilet is said to inculcate the values of maintaining personal hygiene and also contribute to clean India. This also marks the beginning of our series of toilet block construction in tribal and rural areas. “A Clean India is a Green India”.

Project Details

Start Date 19-11-2017
End Date 19-11-2017
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Panvel
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment, District Thrust Area, Water and sanitation