Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-11-2017 - 19-11-2017

Healthy Teeth enables one to chew, look pleasant, keep a consistent jaw, retain bone and smile big. Great oral and dental cleanliness can help anticipate awful breath, tooth rot and gum ailment. With that being said, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite organized a free mega dental check-up camp for students and adults of 11 villages at Virani School located at Virani village at Pen, Maharashtra on 19th November, 2017. Rtn. Dr. Anand Shah from Rotary Club of Panvel Central and Dr. Abhishek Koli (Guest Doctor) examined teeth of villagers that came from rural and tribal villages like Borgaon, Virani, Dhangarmal, Kasmal A, Kasmal B, Yeloshi, Kotbi, Ketkavne, Kolhachiwadi, Khokraiwade and Bangalwadi. Teeth of over 160 villagers right from teen to aged people were screened and were duly communicated of any teeth conditions. The villagers were also made aware by the doctors about oral care and correct brushing practice to prevent cavities and to ensure that oral germs do not enter their digestive system which in turn would prevent them from various ailment arising out of it. Villagers were pleased upon receiving the screening of their teeth by doctors who in turn had suggestions to take this examination to next level in future projects. We are in the process of planning to take this dental check-up forward with the invaluable information we received from this project. We, at Rotary Club of Panvel Elite, hope that when villagers smile, they have healthy teeth to show off. Afterall, “A happy village is also a smiling village”

Project Details

Start Date 19-11-2017
End Date 19-11-2017
Project Cost 38000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 190
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Disease prevention and treatment, Maternal and child health, Others