Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-11-2017 - 25-11-2017

1) Agenda: Illuminating lives- documentary by Prasanna Autism center Autism- a challenge, not a problem: Mrs Sadhana Godbole, MD Prasanna Autism center 2) Success stories of Autistic kids' parents (3 parents of successful autistic children shared their experiences). 3) Facilitator: DGE Dr. Shailesh Palekar, Participants: Parents, Mrs Sunita Vasudev, MD Dawn Autism Center, Dr Archana Kadam, Renowned Pediatrician for Autistic children. 4) Presentation of Avaz Tab By Mr Ajit Narayanan, inventor of Visual Grammar engine, co founder of Invention labs. 5) Presentation on portal Utthan to be developed by participant Rotary clubs. 6) Vocational excellence award was given to Dawn Foundation by the hands of DGE Dr. Shailesh Palekar. 7. Our club contribution was Rs 5000

Project Details

Start Date 25-11-2017
End Date 25-11-2017
Project Cost 21000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 16
No of direct Beneficiaries 60
Partner Clubs 1:- RCP Paud Road. 2:- RCP Sahawas. 3:- RCP Ganeshkhind. 4:- RCP Sinhagad Road. 5:- RCP Lokmanya Nagar. 6:- RCP Magarpatta Elite. 7:- RCP Elite.
Non Rotary Partners Mrs Sunita Vasudev, MD Dawn Autism Center, Dr Archana Kadam, Renowned Pediatrician for Autistic children.
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment, Maternal and child health