Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-07-2017 - 08-03-2018

With help of Manilal Nanavati vocational training institute (MNVTI), we identified 35 destitute women from financially & socially week background who were in desperate need of earning their own livelihood. These women were from slum area in Dapodi. We surveyed various areas to identify the right beneficiaries. We designed the course for these women in Ladies garment design & making. Three months vocational training was provided by expert from MNVTI. Local cooperator Smt. Kate supported us by providing the place for conducting the training. During training, we provided with sewing machines, free cloths & accessories. Our volunteers visited this from time to time to review and motivate the beneficiaries. Participants learnt to make ladies garments like blouses, Salwar-kurta, gowns, party dresses etc. At the end of training, we organized exhibition of these garments prepared during the training. All participants were felicitated with certificates. DGND Rtn. Rashmi Kulkarni was chief guest for this graduation ceremony. With the help of MNVTI, we are providing them opportunities to utilize their learning by providing them with orders of garments. All participants were delighted with the training provided and expressed it as major milestone in their life as it will help them in earning their own livelihood.

Project Details

Start Date 15-07-2017
End Date 08-03-2018
Project Cost 115000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 35
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Manilal Nanavati Vocational Training Institute
Project Category Basic education and literacy